@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-from unittest import mock
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch
-from uuid import uuid4
-import pytest
-from confluent_kafka import Consumer, Producer
-from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.test import override_settings
-from sentry.sentry_metrics.indexer.indexer_consumer import (
- MetricsIndexerWorker,
- get_metrics_consumer,
-from sentry.sentry_metrics.indexer.postgres import PGStringIndexer
-from sentry.testutils.cases import TestCase
-from sentry.testutils.helpers.task_runner import TaskRunner
-from sentry.utils import json, kafka_config
-from sentry.utils.batching_kafka_consumer import wait_for_topics
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-ts = int(datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).timestamp())
-payload = {
- "name": "session",
- "tags": {
- "environment": "production",
- "release": "sentry-test@1.0.2",
- "session.status": "init",
- },
- "timestamp": ts,
- "type": "c",
- "value": 1.0,
- "org_id": 1,
- "project_id": 3,
-def translate_payload():
- parsed = payload.copy()
- parsed["tags"] = {
- PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=k): PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=str(v))
- for k, v in payload["tags"].items()
- }
- parsed["metric_id"] = PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=payload["name"])
- # hard-coded retention days added in by the consumer
- parsed["retention_days"] = 90
- return parsed
-class MetricsIndexerWorkerTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- def tearDown(self):
- super().tearDown()
- def test_without_exception(self):
- self.assert_metrics_indexer_worker()
- def test_with_exception(self):
- self.assert_metrics_indexer_worker(flush_return_value=1, with_exception=True)
- @pytest.mark.django_db
- @patch("confluent_kafka.Producer")
- def assert_metrics_indexer_worker(
- self, producer, metrics_payload=payload, flush_return_value=0, with_exception=False
- ):
- producer.produce = MagicMock()
- producer.flush = MagicMock(return_value=flush_return_value)
- metrics_worker = MetricsIndexerWorker(producer=producer)
- mock_message = Mock()
- mock_message.value = MagicMock(return_value=json.dumps(metrics_payload))
- parsed = metrics_worker.process_message(mock_message)
- assert parsed["tags"] == {
- PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=k): PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=str(v))
- for k, v in payload["tags"].items()
- }
- assert parsed["metric_id"] == PGStringIndexer().resolve(string=payload["name"])
- if with_exception:
- with pytest.raises(Exception, match="didn't get all the callbacks: 1 left"):
- metrics_worker.flush_batch([parsed])
- else:
- metrics_worker.flush_batch([parsed])
- producer.produce.assert_called_with(
- topic="snuba-metrics",
- key=None,
- value=json.dumps(parsed).encode(),
- on_delivery=metrics_worker.callback,
- )
-class MetricsIndexerConsumerTest(TestCase):
- def _get_producer(self, topic):
- cluster_name = settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[topic]["cluster"]
- conf = {
- "bootstrap.servers": settings.KAFKA_CLUSTERS[cluster_name]["common"][
- "bootstrap.servers"
- ],
- "session.timeout.ms": 6000,
- }
- return Producer(conf)
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.ingest_topic = uuid4().hex
- self.snuba_topic = uuid4().hex
- self.override_settings_cm = override_settings(
- self.ingest_topic: {"cluster": "default", "topic": self.ingest_topic},
- self.snuba_topic: {"cluster": "default", "topic": self.snuba_topic},
- },
- KAFKA_SNUBA_METRICS=self.snuba_topic,
- )
- self.override_settings_cm.__enter__()
- cluster_options = kafka_config.get_kafka_admin_cluster_options(
- "default", {"allow.auto.create.topics": "true"}
- )
- self.admin_client = AdminClient(cluster_options)
- wait_for_topics(self.admin_client, [self.snuba_topic])
- def tearDown(self):
- super().tearDown()
- self.override_settings_cm.__exit__(None, None, None)
- self.admin_client.delete_topics([self.ingest_topic, self.snuba_topic])
- @pytest.mark.django_db
- @mock.patch("sentry.sentry_metrics.indexer.indexer_consumer.process_indexed_metrics")
- def test_metrics_consumer(self, mock_task):
- ingest_producer = self._get_producer(self.ingest_topic)
- message = json.dumps(payload).encode()
- # produce message to the dummy ingest-metrics topic
- ingest_producer.produce(self.ingest_topic, message)
- assert ingest_producer.flush() == 0
- options = {
- "max_batch_size": 1,
- "max_batch_time": 5000,
- "group_id": "test-metrics-indexer-consumer",
- "auto_offset_reset": "earliest",
- }
- batching_consumer = get_metrics_consumer(topic=self.ingest_topic, **options)
- # couldn't use _run_once() here because .poll() is called
- # with a 1 second timeout which seems to not be enough.
- msg = batching_consumer.consumer.poll(5)
- assert msg
- with TaskRunner():
- # _handle_message calls worker's process_message
- # and then we flush() to make sure we call flush_batch
- batching_consumer._handle_message(msg)
- batching_consumer._flush()
- # make sure we produced the message during flush_batch
- snuba_producer = batching_consumer.worker._MetricsIndexerWorker__producer
- assert snuba_producer.flush() == 0
- translated_msg = translate_payload()
- expected_msg = {k: translated_msg[k] for k in ["tags", "name", "org_id"]}
- mock_task.apply_async.assert_called_once_with(kwargs={"messages": [expected_msg]})
- # in order to test that the message we produced to the dummy
- # snuba-metrics topic was the message we expected, we make a
- # dummy consumer to subscribe to the topic
- snuba_metrics_consumer = Consumer(
- {
- "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
- "group.id": "test-snuba-metrics-consumer",
- "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"},
- }
- )
- snuba_metrics_consumer.subscribe([self.snuba_topic])
- # once we have the message, we don't need the consumer anymore
- translated_msg = snuba_metrics_consumer.poll(5)
- snuba_metrics_consumer.close()
- assert translated_msg
- # finally test the payload of the translated message
- parsed = json.loads(translated_msg.value(), use_rapid_json=True)
- expected = translate_payload()
- # loading the json converts the keys to strings e.g. {"tags": {1: 3}} --> {"tags": {"1": 3}}
- assert parsed["tags"] == {str(k): v for k, v in expected["tags"].items()}
- assert parsed["metric_id"] == expected["metric_id"]
- def test_payload_without_tags(self):
- """Assert that process_message does not crash when tags are omitted"""
- payload_without_tags = {
- "name": "session",
- "timestamp": ts,
- "type": "c",
- "value": 1.0,
- "org_id": 1,
- "project_id": 3,
- }
- class MockMessage:
- def value(self):
- return json.dumps(payload_without_tags)
- translated = MetricsIndexerWorker(None).process_message(MockMessage())
- assert translated["tags"] == {}