@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ dependencies such as flake8/pep8.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import json
-from subprocess import Popen
-from click import echo, style
+from subprocess import check_output, Popen
+from click import echo, secho, style
os.environ['PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST'] = '1'
@@ -42,6 +43,11 @@ def get_files(path):
return results
+def get_modified_files(path):
+ return [s for s in check_output(
+ ['git', 'diff-index', '--cached', '--name-only', 'HEAD']).split('\n') if s]
def get_files_for_list(file_list):
if file_list is None:
files_to_check = get_files('.')
@@ -53,36 +59,38 @@ def get_files_for_list(file_list):
- return files_to_check
+ return sorted(set(files_to_check))
-def py_lint(file_list):
- from flake8.engine import get_style_guide
+def get_js_files(file_list=None):
+ if file_list is None:
+ file_list = ['tests/js', 'src/sentry/static/sentry/app']
+ return [
+ x for x in get_files_for_list(file_list)
+ if x.endswith(('.js', '.jsx'))
+ ]
+ return file_list
+def get_python_files(file_list=None):
if file_list is None:
- file_list = ['src/sentry', 'tests']
- file_list = get_files_for_list(file_list)
+ file_list = ['src', 'tests']
+ return [
+ x for x in get_files_for_list(file_list)
+ if x.endswith('.py')
+ ]
- # remove non-py files and files which no longer exist
- file_list = [x for x in file_list if x.endswith('.py')]
+def py_lint(file_list):
+ from flake8.engine import get_style_guide
+ file_list = get_python_files(file_list)
flake8_style = get_style_guide(parse_argv=True)
report = flake8_style.check_files(file_list)
return report.total_errors != 0
-def get_js_files(file_list=None):
- if file_list is None:
- file_list = ['tests/js', 'src/sentry/static/sentry/app']
- file_list = get_files_for_list(file_list)
- file_list = [
- x for x in file_list
- if x.endswith(('.js', '.jsx'))
- ]
- return file_list
def js_lint(file_list=None):
project_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir,
@@ -139,11 +147,13 @@ def js_format(file_list=None):
We only format JavaScript code as part of this pre-commit hook. It is not part
of the lint engine.
- project_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
- prettier_path = os.path.join(project_root, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'prettier')
+ project_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
+ __file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
+ prettier_path = os.path.join(
+ project_root, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'prettier')
if not os.path.exists(prettier_path):
- echo('!! Skipping JavaScript formatting because prettier is not installed.', err=True)
+ echo('[sentry.lint] Skipping JavaScript formatting because prettier is not installed.', err=True)
return False
# Get Prettier version from package.json
@@ -151,50 +161,118 @@ def js_format(file_list=None):
package_json_path = os.path.join(project_root, 'package.json')
with open(package_json_path) as package_json:
- package_version = json.load(package_json)['devDependencies']['prettier']
+ package_version = json.load(package_json)[
+ 'devDependencies']['prettier']
except KeyError:
echo('!! Prettier missing from package.json', err=True)
return False
- prettier_version = subprocess.check_output([prettier_path, '--version']).rstrip()
+ prettier_version = subprocess.check_output(
+ [prettier_path, '--version']).rstrip()
if prettier_version != package_version:
- echo('!! Prettier is out of date: %s (expected %s). Please run `yarn install`.'
- % (prettier_version, package_version), err=True)
+ echo(
+ '[sentry.lint] Prettier is out of date: {} (expected {}). Please run `yarn install`.'.format(
+ prettier_version,
+ package_version),
+ err=True)
return False
js_file_list = get_js_files(file_list)
+ return run_formatter([prettier_path,
+ '--write',
+ '--single-quote',
+ '--bracket-spacing=false',
+ '--print-width=90',
+ '--jsx-bracket-same-line=true'],
+ js_file_list)
+def py_format(file_list=None):
+ try:
+ __import__('autopep8')
+ except ImportError:
+ echo('[sentry.lint] Skipping Python autoformat because autopep8 is not installed.', err=True)
+ return False
+ py_file_list = get_python_files(file_list)
+ return run_formatter(['autopep8', '--in-place'], py_file_list)
+def run_formatter(cmd, file_list, prompt_on_changes=True):
+ if not file_list:
+ return False
has_errors = False
- if js_file_list:
- status = subprocess.Popen([prettier_path, '--write', '--single-quote',
- '--bracket-spacing=false', '--print-width=90', '--jsx-bracket-same-line=true'] +
- js_file_list
- ).wait()
- has_errors = status != 0
- if not has_errors:
- # Stage modifications by Prettier
- status = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'update-index', '--add'] + file_list).wait()
- has_errors = status != 0
+ status = subprocess.Popen(cmd + file_list).wait()
+ has_errors = status != 0
+ if has_errors:
+ return False
+ # this is not quite correct, but it at least represents what would be staged
+ output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff'] + file_list)
+ if output:
+ echo('[sentry.lint] applied changes from autoformatting')
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('-'):
+ secho(line, fg='red')
+ elif line.startswith('+'):
+ secho(line, fg='green')
+ else:
+ echo(line)
+ if prompt_on_changes:
+ with open('/dev/tty') as fp:
+ secho('Stage this patch and continue? [Y/n] ', bold=True)
+ if fp.readline().strip().lower() != 'y':
+ echo(
+ '[sentry.lint] Aborted! Changes have been applied but not staged.', err=True)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ status = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['git', 'update-index', '--add'] + file_list).wait()
+ has_errors = status != 0
return has_errors
-def check_files(file_list=None, js=True, py=True):
+def run(file_list=None, format=True, lint=True, js=True, py=True, yarn=True):
# pep8.py uses sys.argv to find setup.cfg
old_sysargv = sys.argv
- sys.argv = [
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
- ]
- linters = []
- if py:
- linters.append(py_lint(file_list))
- if js:
- linters.append(js_lint(file_list))
+ if file_list is None:
+ file_list = get_files('.')
- if any(linters):
+ sys.argv = [
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
+ ]
+ results = []
+ # packages
+ if yarn:
+ results.append(yarn_check(file_list))
+ # bail early if a deps failed
+ if any(results):
+ return 1
+ if format:
+ if py:
+ results.append(py_format(file_list))
+ if js:
+ results.append(js_format(file_list))
+ # bail early if a formatter failed
+ if any(results):
+ return 1
+ if lint:
+ if py:
+ results.append(py_lint(file_list))
+ if js:
+ results.append(js_lint(file_list))
+ if any(results):
return 1
return 0