@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from exam import fixture
+from sentry.testutils import TestCase, PluginTestCase
+from sentry_plugins.twilio.plugin import TwilioConfigurationForm, TwilioPlugin
+class TwilioConfigurationFormTest(TestCase):
+ def test_valid_form(self):
+ form = TwilioConfigurationForm(
+ data={
+ "sms_from": "3305093095",
+ "sms_to": "330-509-3095, (330)-509-3095, +13305093095, 4045550144",
+ "auth_token": "foo",
+ "account_sid": "bar",
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(form.is_valid())
+ self.assertDictEqual(
+ form.clean(),
+ {
+ "auth_token": u"foo",
+ "sms_to": u"+13305093095,+14045550144",
+ "sms_from": u"+13305093095",
+ "account_sid": u"bar",
+ },
+ )
+ def test_invalid_form(self):
+ form = TwilioConfigurationForm(data={"sms_from": "foobar", "sms_to": "911"})
+ self.assertFalse(form.is_valid())
+ errors = form.errors.as_data()
+ # extracting the message from django.forms.ValidationError
+ # is the easiest and simplest way I've found to assert as_data
+ for e in errors:
+ errors[e] = list(map(lambda x: x.message, errors[e]))
+ self.assertDictEqual(
+ errors,
+ {
+ "auth_token": [u"This field is required."],
+ "account_sid": [u"This field is required."],
+ "sms_from": [u"foobar is not a valid phone number."],
+ "sms_to": [u"911 is not a valid phone number."],
+ },
+ )
+class TwilioPluginTest(PluginTestCase):
+ # TODO: actually test the plugin
+ @fixture
+ def plugin(self):
+ return TwilioPlugin()
+ def test_conf_key(self):
+ assert self.plugin.conf_key == "twilio"
+ def test_entry_point(self):
+ self.assertPluginInstalled("twilio", self.plugin)
+ def test_is_configured(self):
+ assert self.plugin.is_configured(self.project) is False
+ for o in ("account_sid", "auth_token", "sms_from", "sms_to"):
+ self.plugin.set_option(o, "foo", self.project)
+ assert self.plugin.is_configured(self.project) is True