@@ -29,11 +29,19 @@ jobs:
team_name="${team_label:6}" # Strip the first 6 chars, which is the 'Team: ' part
team_slug="${team_name// /-}" # Replace spaces with hyphens for url/slug friendliness
mention_slug=$(gh api "/orgs/getsentry/teams/$team_slug" -q .slug || true)
+ if [ "${mention_slug::1}" = "{" ]; then
+ # Hack around https://github.com/getsentry/.github/issues/77
+ mention_slug=""
+ fi
if [[ -z "$mention_slug" ]]; then
echo "Couldn't find team mention from slug, trying the label description"
team_slug=$(gh api "/repos/$GH_REPO/labels/$team_label" -q '.description')
mention_slug=$(gh api "/orgs/getsentry/teams/$team_slug" -q .slug || true)
+ if [ "${mention_slug::1}" = "{" ]; then
+ # Hack around https://github.com/getsentry/.github/issues/77
+ mention_slug=""
+ fi
if [[ -n "$mention_slug" ]]; then