@@ -85,22 +85,25 @@ def strip_silo_mode_test_suffix(name: str) -> str:
class SiloModeTestDecorator:
"""Decorate a test case that is expected to work in a given silo mode.
- Tests marked to work in monolith mode are always executed.
- Tests marked additionally to work in region or control mode only do so when the test is marked as stable=True
+ A test marked with a single silo mode runs only in that mode by default. An
+ `include_monolith_run=True` will add a secondary run in monolith mode.
- When testing in a silo mode, if the decorator is on a test case class,
+ If a test is marked with both control and region modes, then the primary run will
+ be in monolith mode and a secondary run will be generated in each silo mode.
+ When testing on more than one mode, if the decorator is on a test case class,
an additional class is dynamically generated and added to the module for Pytest
to pick up. For example, if you write
- @control_silo_test
+ @control_silo_test(include_monolith_run=True)
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self): ...
def test_stuff(self): ...
- then your result set should include test runs for both `MyTest` (in monolith
- mode) and `MyTest__InControlMode`.
+ then your result set should include test runs for both `MyTest` (in control mode)
+ and `MyTest__InMonolithMode`.
def __init__(self, *silo_modes: SiloMode) -> None:
@@ -109,14 +112,12 @@ class SiloModeTestDecorator:
def __call__(
decorated_obj: Any = None,
- stable: bool = True,
regions: Sequence[Region] = (),
include_monolith_run: bool = False,
) -> Any:
mod = _SiloModeTestModification(
regions=tuple(regions or _DEFAULT_TEST_REGIONS),
- stable=stable,
@@ -129,7 +130,6 @@ class _SiloModeTestModification:
silo_modes: frozenset[SiloMode]
regions: tuple[Region, ...]
- stable: bool
include_monolith_run: bool
run_original_class_in_silo_mode: bool = True
@@ -234,10 +234,9 @@ class _SiloModeTestModification:
# _silo_modes is used to mark the class as silo decorated in the above validation
decorated_obj._silo_modes = self.silo_modes
- # Only run non monolith tests when they are marked stable or we are explicitly running for
- # that mode.
- if SENTRY_USE_MONOLITH_DBS or not (self.stable or settings.FORCE_SILOED_TESTS):
- # In this case, simply force the current silo mode (monolith)
+ # In this case, skip modifying the object and let it run in the default
+ # silo mode (monolith)
return decorated_obj
if is_test_case_class:
@@ -276,18 +275,12 @@ control_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator(SiloMode.CONTROL)
Apply to test functions/classes to indicate that tests are
expected to pass with the current silo mode set to CONTROL.
-When the stable=True parameter is provided tests will be
-run twice as both CONTROL and MONOLITH modes.
region_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator(SiloMode.REGION)
Apply to test functions/classes to indicate that tests are
expected to pass with the current silo mode set to REGION.
-When the stable=True parameter is provided tests will be
-run twice as both REGION and MONOLITH modes.