@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {Component} from 'react';
+import {useCallback, useState} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import * as qs from 'query-string';
@@ -13,73 +13,27 @@ import Gravatar from './gravatar';
import type {ImageStyleProps} from './styles';
import {imageStyle} from './styles';
-const ALLOWED_SIZES = [20, 32, 36, 48, 52, 64, 80, 96, 120];
+type AllowedSize = (typeof ALLOWED_SIZES)[number];
-// Note: Avatar will not always be a child of a flex layout, but this seems like a
-// sensible default.
-const StyledBaseAvatar = styled('span')<{
- loaded: boolean;
- round: boolean;
- suggested: boolean;
- flex-shrink: 0;
- border-radius: ${p => (p.round ? '50%' : '3px')};
- border: ${p => (p.suggested ? `1px dashed ${p.theme.subText}` : 'none')};
- background-color: ${p => (p.suggested ? p.theme.background : 'none')};
-const defaultProps: DefaultProps = {
- // No default size to ease transition from CSS defined sizes
- // size: 64,
- style: {},
- /**
- * Enable to display tooltips.
- */
- hasTooltip: false,
- /**
- * The type of avatar being rendered.
- */
- type: 'letter_avatar',
- /**
- * Should avatar be round instead of a square
- */
- round: false,
+const ALLOWED_SIZES = [20, 32, 36, 48, 52, 64, 80, 96, 120] as const;
+const DEFAULT_REMOTE_SIZE = 120 satisfies AllowedSize;
-type DefaultProps = {
+interface BaseAvatarProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement> {
+ backupAvatar?: React.ReactNode;
+ className?: string;
+ forwardedRef?: React.Ref<HTMLSpanElement>;
+ gravatarId?: string;
* Enable to display tooltips.
hasTooltip?: boolean;
+ letterId?: string;
* Should avatar be round instead of a square
round?: boolean;
- style?: React.CSSProperties;
- suggested?: boolean;
- /**
- * The type of avatar being rendered.
- */
- type?: Avatar['avatarType'];
-type BaseProps = DefaultProps & {
- backupAvatar?: React.ReactNode;
- className?: string;
- /**
- * Default gravatar to display
- */
- default?: string;
- forwardedRef?: React.Ref<HTMLSpanElement>;
- gravatarId?: string;
- letterId?: string;
- /**
- * This is the size of the remote image to request.
- */
- remoteImageSize?: (typeof ALLOWED_SIZES)[number];
size?: number;
+ suggested?: boolean;
title?: string;
* The content for the tooltip. Requires hasTooltip to display
@@ -89,177 +43,117 @@ type BaseProps = DefaultProps & {
* Additional props for the tooltip
tooltipOptions?: Omit<TooltipProps, 'children' | 'title'>;
+ /**
+ * The type of avatar being rendered.
+ */
+ type?: Avatar['avatarType'];
* Full URL to the uploaded avatar's image.
uploadUrl?: string | null | undefined;
-type Props = BaseProps;
-type State = {
- hasLoaded: boolean;
- loadError: boolean;
- showBackupAvatar: boolean;
-class BaseAvatar extends Component<Props, State> {
- static defaultProps = defaultProps;
- constructor(props: Props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = {
- showBackupAvatar: false,
- hasLoaded: props.type !== 'upload',
- loadError: false,
- };
- }
- getRemoteImageSize() {
- const {remoteImageSize, size} = this.props;
- // Try to make sure remote image size is >= requested size
- // If requested size > allowed size then use the largest allowed size
- const allowed =
- size &&
- (ALLOWED_SIZES.find(allowedSize => allowedSize >= size) ||
- return remoteImageSize || allowed || DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_SIZE;
- }
- buildUploadUrl() {
- const {uploadUrl} = this.props;
- if (!uploadUrl) {
- return '';
- }
- return `${uploadUrl}?${qs.stringify({s: DEFAULT_REMOTE_SIZE})}`;
- }
- handleLoad = () => {
- this.setState({showBackupAvatar: false, hasLoaded: true});
- };
- handleError = () => {
- this.setState({showBackupAvatar: true, loadError: true, hasLoaded: true});
- };
- renderImg() {
- if (this.state.loadError) {
- return null;
- }
- const {type, round, gravatarId, suggested} = this.props;
- const eventProps = {
- onError: this.handleError,
- onLoad: this.handleLoad,
- };
- if (type === 'gravatar') {
- return (
- <Gravatar
- placeholder={this.props.default}
- gravatarId={gravatarId}
- round={round}
- suggested={suggested}
- {...eventProps}
- />
- );
- }
- if (type === 'upload') {
- return (
- <Image
- round={round}
- src={this.buildUploadUrl()}
- {...eventProps}
- suggested={suggested}
- />
- );
- }
- if (type === 'background') {
- return this.renderBackgroundAvatar();
- }
- return this.renderLetterAvatar();
- }
- renderLetterAvatar() {
- const {title, letterId, round, suggested} = this.props;
- const modifiedTitle = title === '[Filtered]' ? '?' : title;
- return (
- <LetterAvatar
+function BaseAvatar({
+ backupAvatar,
+ className,
+ forwardedRef,
+ gravatarId,
+ letterId,
+ size,
+ style,
+ suggested,
+ title,
+ tooltip,
+ tooltipOptions,
+ uploadUrl,
+ hasTooltip = false,
+ round = false,
+ type = 'letter_avatar',
+ ...props
+}: BaseAvatarProps) {
+ const [hasError, setError] = useState<boolean | null>(null);
+ const handleError = useCallback(() => setError(true), []);
+ const handleLoad = useCallback(() => setError(false), []);
+ const resolvedUploadUrl = uploadUrl
+ ? `${uploadUrl}?${qs.stringify({s: DEFAULT_REMOTE_SIZE})}`
+ : '';
+ const letterAvatar = (
+ <LetterAvatar
+ round={round}
+ displayName={title === '[Filtered]' ? '?' : title}
+ identifier={letterId}
+ suggested={suggested}
+ />
+ );
+ const imageAvatar =
+ type === 'upload' ? (
+ <ImageAvatar
+ src={resolvedUploadUrl}
+ round={round}
+ suggested={suggested}
+ onLoad={handleLoad}
+ onError={handleError}
+ />
+ ) : type === 'gravatar' ? (
+ <Gravatar
+ gravatarId={gravatarId}
- displayName={modifiedTitle}
- identifier={letterId}
+ onLoad={handleLoad}
+ onError={handleError}
+ ) : type === 'background' ? (
+ <BackgroundAvatar round={round} suggested={suggested} />
+ ) : (
+ letterAvatar
- }
- renderBackgroundAvatar() {
- const {round, suggested} = this.props;
- return <BackgroundAvatar round={round} suggested={suggested} />;
- }
+ const backup = backupAvatar ?? letterAvatar;
- renderBackupAvatar() {
- const {backupAvatar} = this.props;
- return backupAvatar ?? this.renderLetterAvatar();
- }
- render() {
- const {
- className,
- style,
- round,
- hasTooltip,
- size,
- suggested,
- tooltip,
- tooltipOptions,
- forwardedRef,
- type,
- ...props
- } = this.props;
- let sizeStyle = {};
- if (size) {
- sizeStyle = {
- width: `${size}px`,
- height: `${size}px`,
+ const sizeStyle: React.CSSProperties = !size
+ ? {}
+ : {
+ height: size,
+ width: size,
- }
- return (
- <Tooltip title={tooltip} disabled={!hasTooltip} {...tooltipOptions}>
- <StyledBaseAvatar
- data-test-id={`${type}-avatar`}
- ref={forwardedRef}
- loaded={this.state.hasLoaded}
- className={classNames('avatar', className)}
- round={!!round}
- suggested={!!suggested}
- style={{
- ...sizeStyle,
- ...style,
- }}
- {...props}
- >
- {this.state.showBackupAvatar && this.renderBackupAvatar()}
- {this.renderImg()}
- </StyledBaseAvatar>
- </Tooltip>
- );
- }
+ return (
+ <Tooltip title={tooltip} disabled={!hasTooltip} {...tooltipOptions}>
+ <StyledBaseAvatar
+ data-test-id={`${type}-avatar`}
+ ref={forwardedRef}
+ className={classNames('avatar', className)}
+ round={!!round}
+ suggested={!!suggested}
+ style={{...sizeStyle, ...style}}
+ title={title}
+ {...props}
+ >
+ {hasError ? backup : imageAvatar}
+ </StyledBaseAvatar>
+ </Tooltip>
+ );
-export default BaseAvatar;
+export {BaseAvatar, type BaseAvatarProps};
+// Note: Avatar will not always be a child of a flex layout, but this seems like a
+// sensible default.
+const StyledBaseAvatar = styled('span')<{
+ round: boolean;
+ suggested: boolean;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ border-radius: ${p => (p.round ? '50%' : '3px')};
+ border: ${p => (p.suggested ? `1px dashed ${p.theme.subText}` : 'none')};
+ background-color: ${p => (p.suggested ? p.theme.background : 'none')};
-const Image = styled('img')<ImageStyleProps>`
+const ImageAvatar = styled('img')<ImageStyleProps>`