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ref(dev): use sentry-flake8 as a flake8:local-plugins plugin (#33830)

since the plugin is very specific to getsentry/sentry itself and the getsentry/sentry-flake8 repo is currently broken
asottile-sentry 2 years ago

+ 19 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ on:
       - '.envrc'
       - 'Brewfile'
       - 'scripts/*'
+      - 'tools/*'
       - 'src/sentry/runner/commands/'
       - 'src/sentry/runner/commands/'
       - 'bin/load-mocks'
@@ -105,6 +106,24 @@ jobs:
           source .venv/bin/activate
           [[ $(python -V) == "Python $(cat .python-version)" ]]
+  tools-tests:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+    timeout-minutes: 5
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+        with:
+          python-version: 3.8.12
+          cache: 'pip'
+          cache-dependency-path: |
+            requirements-dev.txt
+            requirements-pre-commit.txt
+      - name: install dependencies
+        run: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements-pre-commit.txt
+      - name: run tests
+        run: make test-tools
+      - name: Handle artifacts
+        uses: ./.github/actions/artifacts
   # We don't yet test the bootstrap step

+ 5 - 0

@@ -134,6 +134,11 @@ test-snuba:
 	pytest tests/snuba tests/sentry/eventstream/kafka tests/sentry/snuba/ tests/sentry/search/events -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/snuba.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/snuba.junit.xml"
 	@echo ""
+	@echo "--> Running tools tests"
+	pytest -c /dev/null --confcutdir tests/tools tests/tools -vv --cov=tools --cov=tests/tools --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/tools.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/tools.junit.xml"
+	@echo ""
 	@echo "--> Running Python typing checks"
 	mypy --strict --warn-unreachable --config-file mypy.ini

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@

+ 5 - 0

@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ ignore = F999,E203,E501,E128,E124,E402,W503,W504,E731,C901,B007,B009,B010,B011
 # We already have a lot of E501's - these are lines black didn't wrap.
 # But rather than append # noqa: E501 to all of them, we just ignore E501 for now.
+paths = .
+extension =
+    S=tools.flake8_plugin:SentryCheck
 python-tag = py38

+ 0 - 0

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import ast
+from tools.flake8_plugin import S001, S002, SentryCheck
+def _run(src):
+    lines = src.splitlines(True)
+    tree = ast.parse(src)
+    return list(SentryCheck(filename="", tree=tree, lines=lines).run())
+def _errors(*errors):
+    return [SentryCheck.adapt_error(e) for e in errors]
+def test_S001():
+    S001_py = """\
+class A:
+    def assert_called_once():
+        pass
+    errors = _run(S001_py)
+    assert errors == _errors(S001(6, 0, vars=("assert_called_once",)))
+def test_S002():
+    S002_py = """\
+print("print statements are not allowed")
+    errors = _run(S002_py)
+    assert errors == _errors(S002(1, 0))
+def test_S003():
+    S003_py = """\
+import json
+import simplejson
+from json import loads, load
+from simplejson import JSONDecoder, JSONDecodeError, _default_encoder
+import sentry.utils.json as good_json
+from sentry.utils.json import JSONDecoder, JSONDecodeError
+def bad_code():
+    a = json.loads("''")
+    b = simplejson.loads("''")
+    c = loads("''")
+    d = load()
+    errors = _run(S003_py)
+    assert errors == [
+        (
+            1,
+            0,
+            "S003: Use ``from sentry.utils import json`` instead.",
+            SentryCheck,
+        ),
+        (
+            2,
+            0,
+            "S003: Use ``from sentry.utils import json`` instead.",
+            SentryCheck,
+        ),
+        (
+            3,
+            0,
+            "S003: Use ``from sentry.utils import json`` instead.",
+            SentryCheck,
+        ),
+        (
+            4,
+            0,
+            "S003: Use ``from sentry.utils import json`` instead.",
+            SentryCheck,
+        ),
+    ]

+ 0 - 0

+ 177 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import ast
+from collections import namedtuple
+from functools import partial
+import pycodestyle
+__version__ = "2.0.0"
+# We don't want Python 3 code to have Python 2 compatability futures.
+# Refer to Lib/ in CPython source.
+    "absolute_import",
+    "division",
+    "print_function",
+    "unicode_literals",
+class SentryVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, filename, lines):
+        self.errors = []
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.lines = lines
+        self.node_stack = []
+        self.node_window = []
+    def visit(self, node):
+        self.node_stack.append(node)
+        self.node_window.append(node)
+        self.node_window = self.node_window[-self.NODE_WINDOW_SIZE :]
+        super().visit(node)
+        self.node_stack.pop()
+    def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
+        if node.module == "__future__":
+            for nameproxy in node.names:
+                if in DISALLOWED_FUTURES:
+                    self.errors.append(S005(node.lineno, node.col_offset))
+                    break
+        if node.module in S003.modules:
+            for nameproxy in node.names:
+                if in S003.names:
+                    self.errors.append(S003(node.lineno, node.col_offset))
+                    break
+    def visit_Import(self, node):
+        for alias in node.names:
+            if".", 1)[0] in S003.modules:
+                self.errors.append(S003(node.lineno, node.col_offset))
+    def visit_Call(self, node):
+        if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute):
+            for bug in (S004,):
+                if node.func.attr in bug.methods:
+                    call_path = ".".join(self.compose_call_path(node.func.value))
+                    if call_path in bug.invalid_paths:
+                        self.errors.append(bug(node.lineno, node.col_offset))
+                    break
+        self.generic_visit(node)
+    def visit_Attribute(self, node):
+        if node.attr in S001.methods:
+            self.errors.append(S001(node.lineno, node.col_offset, vars=(node.attr,)))
+    def visit_Name(self, node):
+        if == "print":
+            self.check_print(node)
+    def visit_Print(self, node):
+        self.check_print(node)
+    def check_print(self, node):
+        if not self.filename.startswith("tests/"):
+            self.errors.append(S002(lineno=node.lineno, col=node.col_offset))
+    def compose_call_path(self, node):
+        if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
+            yield from self.compose_call_path(node.value)
+            yield node.attr
+        elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
+            yield
+class SentryCheck:
+    name = "sentry-flake8"
+    version = __version__
+    def __init__(self, tree=None, filename=None, lines=None, visitor=SentryVisitor):
+        self.tree = tree
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.lines = lines
+        self.visitor = visitor
+    def run(self):
+        if not self.tree or not self.lines:
+            self.load_file()
+        visitor = self.visitor(filename=self.filename, lines=self.lines)
+        visitor.visit(self.tree)
+        for e in visitor.errors:
+            try:
+                if pycodestyle.noqa(self.lines[e.lineno - 1]):
+                    continue
+            except IndexError:
+                pass
+            yield self.adapt_error(e)
+    def load_file(self):
+        """
+        Loads the file in a way that auto-detects source encoding and deals
+        with broken terminal encodings for stdin.
+        Stolen from flake8_import_order because it's good.
+        """
+        if self.filename in ("stdin", "-", None):
+            self.filename = "stdin"
+            self.lines = pycodestyle.stdin_get_value().splitlines(True)
+        else:
+            self.lines = pycodestyle.readlines(self.filename)
+        if not self.tree:
+            self.tree = ast.parse("".join(self.lines))
+    @classmethod
+    def adapt_error(cls, e):
+        """Adapts the extended error namedtuple to be compatible with Flake8."""
+        return e._replace(message=e.message.format(*e.vars))[:4]
+error = namedtuple("error", "lineno col message type vars")
+Error = partial(partial, error, message="", type=SentryCheck, vars=())
+S001 = Error(
+    message="S001: Avoid using the {} mock call as it is "
+    "confusing and prone to causing invalid test "
+    "behavior."
+S001.methods = {
+    "assert_calls",
+    "assert_not_called",
+    "assert_called",
+    "assert_called_once",
+    "not_called",
+    "called_once",
+    "called_once_with",
+S002 = Error(message="S002: print functions or statements are not allowed.")
+S003 = Error(message="S003: Use ``from sentry.utils import json`` instead.")
+S003.modules = {"json", "simplejson"}
+S003.names = {
+    "load",
+    "loads",
+    "dump",
+    "dumps",
+    "JSONEncoder",
+    "JSONDecodeError",
+    "_default_encoder",
+S004 = Error(
+    message="S004: ``cgi.escape`` and ``html.escape`` should not be used. Use "
+    "sentry.utils.html.escape instead."
+S004.methods = {"escape"}
+S004.invalid_paths = {"cgi", "html"}
+S005 = Error(
+    message=f"S005: The following __future__ are not allowed: {', '.join(DISALLOWED_FUTURES)}"