@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ from django.core import signing
from django.urls import reverse
from sentry_sdk.api import capture_exception
-from sentry import options
+from sentry import features, options
+from sentry.models.organization import Organization
from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.user.service import user_service
from sentry.types.region import get_local_region
from sentry.utils.numbers import base36_decode, base36_encode
@@ -47,6 +48,42 @@ def generate_signed_link(
return signed_link
+def generate_signed_unsubscribe_link(
+ organization: Organization,
+ user_id: int,
+ resource: str,
+ resource_id: str | int,
+ referrer: str | None = None,
+ """
+ Generate an absolute URL to the react rendered unsubscribe views
+ The URL will include a signature for the API endpoint that does read/writes.
+ The signature encodes the specific API path and userid that the action
+ is valid for.
+ The generated link will honour the customer-domain option for
+ the organization.
+ """
+ html_viewname = f"sentry-organization-unsubscribe-{resource}"
+ api_endpointname = f"sentry-api-0-organization-unsubscribe-{resource}"
+ url_args = [organization.slug, resource_id]
+ if features.has("organizations:customer-domains", organization):
+ url_args = [resource_id]
+ html_viewname = f"sentry-customer-domain-unsubscribe-{resource}"
+ htmlpath = reverse(html_viewname, args=url_args)
+ apipath = reverse(api_endpointname, args=[organization.slug, resource_id])
+ item = "{}|{}|{}".format(options.get("system.url-prefix"), apipath, base36_encode(user_id))
+ signature = ":".join(get_signer().sign(item).rsplit(":", 2)[1:])
+ query = f"_={base36_encode(user_id)}:{signature}"
+ if referrer:
+ query = query + "&" + urlencode({"referrer": referrer})
+ return organization.absolute_url(path=htmlpath, query=query)
def find_signature(request) -> str | None:
return request.GET.get("_")