@@ -1,61 +1,91 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence
import sentry_sdk
+from rest_framework.response import Response
from sentry.integrations.client import ApiClient
from sentry.integrations.github.utils import get_jwt
-from sentry.models import Repository
+from sentry.models import Integration, Repository
from sentry.utils import jwt
+from sentry.utils.json import JSONData
-class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
+class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient): # type: ignore
allow_redirects = True
base_url = "https://api.github.com"
integration_name = "github"
- def get_jwt(self):
+ def get_jwt(self) -> str:
return get_jwt()
- def get_last_commits(self, repo, end_sha):
- # return api request that fetches last ~30 commits
- # see https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#list-commits-on-a-repository
- # using end_sha as parameter
- return self.get_cached(f"/repos/{repo}/commits", params={"sha": end_sha})
- def compare_commits(self, repo, start_sha, end_sha):
- # see https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#compare-two-commits
- # where start sha is oldest and end is most recent
- return self.get_cached(f"/repos/{repo}/compare/{start_sha}...{end_sha}")
- def repo_hooks(self, repo):
- return self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/hooks")
- def get_commits(self, repo):
- return self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/commits")
- def get_commit(self, repo, sha):
- return self.get_cached(f"/repos/{repo}/commits/{sha}")
- def get_repo(self, repo):
- return self.get(f"/repos/{repo}")
+ def get_last_commits(self, repo: str, end_sha: str) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ """
+ Return API request that fetches last ~30 commits
+ see https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#list-commits-on-a-repository
+ using end_sha as parameter.
+ """
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ commits: Sequence[JSONData] = self.get_cached(
+ f"/repos/{repo}/commits", params={"sha": end_sha}
+ )
+ return commits
- def get_repositories(self):
- repositories = self.get("/installation/repositories", params={"per_page": 100})
+ def compare_commits(self, repo: str, start_sha: str, end_sha: str) -> JSONData:
+ """
+ See https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#compare-two-commits
+ where start sha is oldest and end is most recent.
+ """
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ diff: JSONData = self.get_cached(f"/repos/{repo}/compare/{start_sha}...{end_sha}")
+ return diff
+ def repo_hooks(self, repo: str) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ hooks: Sequence[JSONData] = self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/hooks")
+ return hooks
+ def get_commits(self, repo: str) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ commits: Sequence[JSONData] = self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/commits")
+ return commits
+ def get_commit(self, repo: str, sha: str) -> JSONData:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ commit: JSONData = self.get_cached(f"/repos/{repo}/commits/{sha}")
+ return commit
+ def get_repo(self, repo: str) -> JSONData:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ repository: JSONData = self.get(f"/repos/{repo}")
+ return repository
+ def get_repositories(self) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ repositories: JSONData = self.get("/installation/repositories", params={"per_page": 100})
repos = repositories["repositories"]
return [repo for repo in repos if not repo.get("archived")]
- def search_repositories(self, query):
- return self.get("/search/repositories", params={"q": query})
+ def search_repositories(self, query: bytes) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[JSONData]]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ repositories: Mapping[str, Sequence[JSONData]] = self.get(
+ "/search/repositories", params={"q": query}
+ )
+ return repositories
- def get_assignees(self, repo):
- return self.get_with_pagination(f"/repos/{repo}/assignees")
+ def get_assignees(self, repo: str) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ assignees: Sequence[JSONData] = self.get_with_pagination(f"/repos/{repo}/assignees")
+ return assignees
- def get_with_pagination(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ def get_with_pagination(self, path: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
- Github uses the Link header to provide pagination links. Github recommends using the provided link relations and not constructing our own URL.
+ Github uses the Link header to provide pagination links. Github
+ recommends using the provided link relations and not constructing our
+ own URL.
@@ -78,18 +108,21 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
page_number = 1
- def get_next_link(resp):
- link = resp.headers.get("link")
- if link is None:
+ # TODO(mgaeta): Move this to utils.
+ def get_next_link(resp: Response) -> str | None:
+ link_option: str | None = resp.headers.get("link")
+ if link_option is None:
return None
# Should be a comma separated string of links
- links = link.split(",")
+ links = link_option.split(",")
for link in links:
# If there is a 'next' link return the URL between the angle brackets, or None
if 'rel="next"' in link:
- return link[link.find("<") + 1 : link.find(">")]
+ start = link.find("<") + 1
+ end = link.find(">")
+ return link[start:end]
return None
@@ -99,27 +132,39 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
page_number += 1
return output
- def get_issues(self, repo):
- return self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/issues")
+ def get_issues(self, repo: str) -> Sequence[JSONData]:
+ issues: Sequence[JSONData] = self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/issues")
+ return issues
- def search_issues(self, query):
- return self.get("/search/issues", params={"q": query})
+ def search_issues(self, query: str) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]:
+ # Explicitly typing to satisfy mypy.
+ issues: Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]] = self.get(
+ "/search/issues", params={"q": query}
+ )
+ return issues
- def get_issue(self, repo, number):
+ def get_issue(self, repo: str, number: str) -> JSONData:
return self.get(f"/repos/{repo}/issues/{number}")
- def create_issue(self, repo, data):
+ def create_issue(self, repo: str, data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JSONData:
endpoint = f"/repos/{repo}/issues"
return self.post(endpoint, data=data)
- def create_comment(self, repo, issue_id, data):
+ def create_comment(self, repo: str, issue_id: str, data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JSONData:
endpoint = f"/repos/{repo}/issues/{issue_id}/comments"
return self.post(endpoint, data=data)
- def get_user(self, gh_username):
+ def get_user(self, gh_username: str) -> JSONData:
return self.get(f"/users/{gh_username}")
- def request(self, method, path, headers=None, data=None, params=None):
+ def request(
+ self,
+ method: str,
+ path: str,
+ headers: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
+ data: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
+ params: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
+ ) -> JSONData:
if headers is None:
headers = {
"Authorization": f"token {self.get_token()}",
@@ -128,31 +173,31 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
return self._request(method, path, headers=headers, data=data, params=params)
- def get_token(self, force_refresh=False):
+ def get_token(self, force_refresh: bool = False) -> str:
Get token retrieves the active access token from the integration model.
Should the token have expired, a new token will be generated and
automatically persisted into the integration.
- token = self.integration.metadata.get("access_token")
- expires_at = self.integration.metadata.get("expires_at")
- if expires_at is not None:
- expires_at = datetime.strptime(expires_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- if not token or expires_at < datetime.utcnow() or force_refresh:
+ token: str | None = self.integration.metadata.get("access_token")
+ expires_at: str | None = self.integration.metadata.get("expires_at")
+ if (
+ not token
+ or not expires_at
+ or (datetime.strptime(expires_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") < datetime.utcnow())
+ or force_refresh
+ ):
res = self.create_token()
token = res["token"]
- expires_at = datetime.strptime(res["expires_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ expires_at = datetime.strptime(res["expires_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").isoformat()
- self.integration.metadata.update(
- {"access_token": token, "expires_at": expires_at.isoformat()}
- )
+ self.integration.metadata.update({"access_token": token, "expires_at": expires_at})
- return token
+ return token or ""
- def create_token(self):
+ def create_token(self) -> JSONData:
headers = {
# TODO(jess): remove this whenever it's out of preview
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json",
@@ -164,15 +209,19 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
def check_file(self, repo: Repository, path: str, version: str) -> str | None:
- repo_name = repo.name
- return self.head_cached(path=f"/repos/{repo_name}/contents/{path}", params={"ref": version})
+ file: str = self.head_cached(
+ path=f"/repos/{repo.name}/contents/{path}", params={"ref": version}
+ )
+ return file
- def search_file(self, repo, filename):
+ def search_file(
+ self, repo: Repository, filename: str
+ ) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]:
query = f"filename:{filename}+repo:{repo}"
- results = self.get(path="/search/code", params={"q": query})
+ results: Mapping[str, Any] = self.get(path="/search/code", params={"q": query})
return results
- def get_file(self, repo, path):
+ def get_file(self, repo: str, path: str) -> bytes:
from base64 import b64decode
# default ref will be the default_branch
@@ -182,6 +231,6 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient):
class GitHubAppsClient(GitHubClientMixin):
- def __init__(self, integration):
+ def __init__(self, integration: Integration) -> None:
self.integration = integration