@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from sentry.models.group import Group
from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset
from sentry.snuba.events import Columns
from sentry.utils import snuba
-from sentry.utils.snuba import DATASETS, _prepare_start_end, raw_snql_query
+from sentry.utils.snuba import DATASETS, _prepare_start_end, bulk_snuba_queries, raw_snql_query
from sentry.utils.validators import normalize_event_id
EVENT_ID = Columns.EVENT_ID.value.alias
@@ -451,6 +451,114 @@ class SnubaEventStorage(EventStorage):
return Dataset.Discover
+ def get_adjacent_event_ids_snql(
+ self, organization_id, project_id, group_id, environments, event
+ ):
+ """
+ Utility function for grabbing an event's adjascent events,
+ which are the ones with the closest timestamps before and after.
+ This function is only used in project_event_details at the moment,
+ so it's interface is tailored to that. We use SnQL and use the project_id
+ and toStartOfDay(timestamp) to efficently scan our table
+ """
+ dataset = self._get_dataset_for_event(event)
+ app_id = "eventstore"
+ referrer = "eventstore.get_next_or_prev_event_id_snql"
+ tenant_ids = {"organization_id": organization_id}
+ environment_conditions = []
+ if environments:
+ environment_conditions.append(Condition(Column("environment"), Op.IN, environments))
+ def make_constant_conditions():
+ environment_conditions = []
+ if environments:
+ environment_conditions.append(Condition(Column("environment"), Op.IN, environments))
+ group_conditions = []
+ if group_id:
+ group_conditions.append(Condition(Column("group_id"), Op.EQ, group_id))
+ project_conditions = [Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id)]
+ return [
+ *environment_conditions,
+ *group_conditions,
+ *project_conditions,
+ ]
+ def make_prev_timestamp_conditions(event):
+ return [
+ Condition(
+ Column(DATASETS[dataset][Columns.TIMESTAMP.value.alias]),
+ Op.GTE,
+ event.datetime - timedelta(days=100),
+ ),
+ Condition(
+ Column(DATASETS[dataset][Columns.TIMESTAMP.value.alias]),
+ Op.LT,
+ event.datetime + timedelta(seconds=1),
+ ),
+ Condition(Column("event_id"), Op.LT, event.event_id),
+ ]
+ def make_next_timestamp_conditions(event):
+ return [
+ Condition(
+ Column(DATASETS[dataset][Columns.TIMESTAMP.value.alias]),
+ Op.LT,
+ event.datetime + timedelta(days=100),
+ ),
+ Condition(
+ Column(DATASETS[dataset][Columns.TIMESTAMP.value.alias]), Op.GTE, event.datetime
+ ),
+ Condition(Column("event_id"), Op.GT, event.event_id),
+ ]
+ def make_request(is_prev):
+ order_by_direction = Direction.DESC if is_prev else Direction.ASC
+ conditions = make_constant_conditions()
+ conditions.extend(
+ make_prev_timestamp_conditions(event)
+ if is_prev
+ else make_next_timestamp_conditions(event)
+ )
+ return Request(
+ dataset=dataset.value,
+ app_id=app_id,
+ query=Query(
+ match=Entity(dataset.value),
+ select=[Column("event_id"), Column("project_id")],
+ where=conditions,
+ orderby=[
+ OrderBy(
+ Column("project_id"),
+ direction=order_by_direction,
+ ),
+ OrderBy(
+ Function("toStartOfDay", [Column("timestamp")]),
+ direction=order_by_direction,
+ ),
+ OrderBy(
+ Column("timestamp"),
+ direction=order_by_direction,
+ ),
+ OrderBy(
+ Column("event_id"),
+ direction=order_by_direction,
+ ),
+ ],
+ limit=Limit(1),
+ ),
+ tenant_ids=tenant_ids,
+ )
+ snql_request_prev = make_request(is_prev=True)
+ snql_request_next = make_request(is_prev=False)
+ bulk_snql_results = bulk_snuba_queries(
+ [snql_request_prev, snql_request_next], referrer=referrer
+ )
+ event_ids = [self.__get_event_id_from_result(result) for result in bulk_snql_results]
+ return event_ids
def get_adjacent_event_ids(self, event, filter):
Returns (project_id, event_id) of a previous event given a current event