@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+created: '2021-07-12T13:55:48.048376Z'
+creator: sentry
+source: tests/sentry/grouping/test_variants.py
+ hash: "534735884d341071762ede7af01c53e8"
+ tree_label: "kill"
+ component:
+ app-depth-1*
+ exception*
+ stacktrace*
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "kill"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "libc.so"
+ type (ignored because exception is synthetic (detected via exception type))
+ value (ignored because stacktrace takes precedence)
+ "Segfault"
+ hash: "5fe18d8a5d2a24744675e650fc46afc6"
+ tree_label: "kill | __kernel_rt_sigreturn"
+ component:
+ app-depth-2*
+ exception*
+ stacktrace*
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "__kernel_rt_sigreturn"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "[vdso]"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "kill"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "libc.so"
+ type (ignored because exception is synthetic (detected via exception type))
+ value (ignored because stacktrace takes precedence)
+ "Segfault"
+ hash: "d9c9b0f9ba46e32fddd7cd1512fad235"
+ tree_label: "kill | __kernel_rt_sigreturn | stripped_application_code"
+ component:
+ app-depth-3*
+ exception*
+ stacktrace*
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "stripped_application_code"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "__kernel_rt_sigreturn"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "[vdso]"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "kill"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "libc.so"
+ type (ignored because exception is synthetic (detected via exception type))
+ value (ignored because stacktrace takes precedence)
+ "Segfault"
+ hash: "d9c9b0f9ba46e32fddd7cd1512fad235"
+ tree_label: "kill | __kernel_rt_sigreturn | stripped_application_code"
+ component:
+ app-depth-max*
+ exception*
+ stacktrace*
+ frame
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:internals -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libc.so"
+ frame (ignored due to recursion)
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libc.so"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "stripped_application_code"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "__kernel_rt_sigreturn"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "[vdso]"
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:internals -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "app_process64"
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:telemetry -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libbugly.so"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "kill"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "libc.so"
+ type (ignored because exception is synthetic (detected via exception type))
+ value (ignored because stacktrace takes precedence)
+ "Segfault"
+ hash: "d9c9b0f9ba46e32fddd7cd1512fad235"
+ tree_label: "kill | __kernel_rt_sigreturn | stripped_application_code"
+ component:
+ system*
+ exception*
+ stacktrace*
+ frame
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:internals -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libc.so"
+ frame (ignored due to recursion)
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libc.so"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "stripped_application_code"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "__kernel_rt_sigreturn"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "[vdso]"
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:internals -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "app_process64"
+ frame (ignored by stack trace rule (category:telemetry -group))
+ package* (used as fallback because function name is not available)
+ "libbugly.so"
+ frame*
+ function*
+ "kill"
+ package (ignored because function takes precedence)
+ "libc.so"
+ type (ignored because exception is synthetic)
+ value (ignored because stacktrace takes precedence)
+ "Segfault"