@@ -0,0 +1,6822 @@
+yarn run v1.22.22
+$ eslint
+ 795:27 error Redundant Boolean call no-extra-boolean-cast
+ 910:43 error Redundant Boolean call no-extra-boolean-cast
+ 13:18 error `role` is deprecated. use orgRole @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 168:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 176:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:15 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:31 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:63 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 237:37 error `_browserPerformanceTimeOriginMode` is deprecated. This variable will be removed in the next major version @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:11 error `initEvent` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Event/initEvent) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:19 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 68:19 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 123:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 90:34 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 65:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:61 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:34 error `pageYOffset` is deprecated. This is a legacy alias of `scrollY`.
+[MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollY) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:19 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 204:19 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 139:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 140:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 143:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 152:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 153:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 163:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 166:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 184:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 187:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 197:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 200:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 204:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 207:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 215:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 219:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 232:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 236:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 239:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 243:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 256:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 260:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 263:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 266:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 269:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 272:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 275:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 278:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 286:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 291:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 297:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 304:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 307:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 311:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 325:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 328:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 331:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 360:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 371:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 372:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 384:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 408:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 412:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 422:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 439:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 442:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 446:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 463:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 466:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 469:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 472:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 475:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 478:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 481:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 494:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 500:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 507:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 510:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 514:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 531:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 534:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 542:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 545:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 548:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 568:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 571:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 578:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 581:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 587:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 590:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 596:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 602:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 616:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 622:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 623:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 624:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 627:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 641:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 642:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 647:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 648:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 660:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 661:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 666:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 667:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 680:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 683:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 687:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 693:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 697:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 71:36 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 496:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:7 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 210:3 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 212:3 error `href` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 294:7 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 295:7 error `href` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 481:9 error `external` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 482:9 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 483:9 error `href` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 81:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 402:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 319:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 144:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:42 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 151:74 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:28 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:20 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:11 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:74 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:74 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:77 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 349:21 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 147:28 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:20 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:11 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 217:20 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 223:38 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 232:16 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 298:20 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 306:18 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 448:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 454:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 456:43 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 463:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 469:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 527:10 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:7 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 131:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 181:7 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 130:10 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 147:15 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 154:15 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 169:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 175:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 207:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 236:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 258:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 290:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 302:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 333:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 366:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 404:13 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 139:8 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelectorDropdown` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 175:16 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 368:20 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelectorDropdown` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 369:20 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelectorDropdown` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 6:36 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:32 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:46 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:34 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:34 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:13 error `SentryPropTypeValidators` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 70:5 error `super` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 448:16 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:42 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 89:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 124:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 152:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 459:16 error `DropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 8:13 error `BooleanField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 14:10 error `BooleanField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 21:13 error `BooleanField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 6:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 8:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:43 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 19:19 error `super` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 3:44 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:15 error `EmailField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 13:15 error `EmailField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 19:12 error `EmailField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 8:41 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:5 error `super` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:5 error `super` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:15 error `BooleanField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 94:15 error `EmailField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 99:17 error `SelectCreatableField` is deprecated. Do not use this
+This is a <SelectField> that allows the user to create new options if one does't exist.
+This is used in some integrations @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:15 error `TextField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 103:15 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 105:15 error `TextareaField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:9 error `onKeyPress` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:16 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:15 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 13:15 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:15 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:12 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:12 error `NumberField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 6:5 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 13:42 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 5:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 11:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:44 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 19:8 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:5 error `super` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:14 error `super` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:17 error `super` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:8 error `SelectCreatableField` is deprecated. Do not use this
+This is a <SelectField> that allows the user to create new options if one does't exist.
+This is used in some integrations @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:13 error `SelectCreatableField` is deprecated. Do not use this
+This is a <SelectField> that allows the user to create new options if one does't exist.
+This is used in some integrations @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:13 error `SelectCreatableField` is deprecated. Do not use this
+This is a <SelectField> that allows the user to create new options if one does't exist.
+This is used in some integrations @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:10 error `SelectCreatableField` is deprecated. Do not use this
+This is a <SelectField> that allows the user to create new options if one does't exist.
+This is used in some integrations @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:15 error `TextField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:12 error `TextField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 3:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:40 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 3:14 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:44 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:55 error `InputField` is deprecated. Do not use this @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 115:26 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 116:30 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 239:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:34 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:26 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:30 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 130:33 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:68 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:35 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:25 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:8 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:16 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:18 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:6 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:21 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:22 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:21 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 121:20 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 215:40 error `childNodes` is deprecated. Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:32 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:35 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:54 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:16 error `EventTagsPill` is deprecated. Legacy design, use EventTagsTreeRow instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:32 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:33 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:22 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:59 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 109:61 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:10 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:50 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 822:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 694:10 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 697:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 295:7 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 675:10 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 678:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 291:7 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 320:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 880:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:25 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:20 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:15 error `external` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 60:16 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 61:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 81:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:50 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 78:48 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 201:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 189:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:22 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:24 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 68:28 error `readable` is deprecated. - Use the frontend to get readable device names @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:30 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:13 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 10:13 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:19 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:26 error `platform` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Navigator/platform) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:21 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 108:21 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 238:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 353:24 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 215:33 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 112:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 502:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:4 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:4 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:4 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:19 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:19 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 115:13 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 80:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:41 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:28 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 286:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 93:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:52 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 70:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 453:14 error `truncate` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 71:52 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:55 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 83:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 252:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 79:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 80:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 65:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 95:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 98:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 143:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 184:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 90:11 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 241:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 212:29 error `pageXOffset` is deprecated. This is a legacy alias of `scrollX`.
+[MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollX) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 213:28 error `pageYOffset` is deprecated. This is a legacy alias of `scrollY`.
+[MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollY) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:50 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 122:50 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 128:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 207:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 537:10 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 279:18 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 361:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 7:65 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 27:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 124:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 335:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 278:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 516:34 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 147:34 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 79:24 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 174:18 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 112:6 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:6 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:6 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:6 error `DeprecatedDropdownMenu` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 155:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 446:39 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 89:5 error `allowedValues` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 284:15 error `isRequired` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 255:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 270:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 283:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 298:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 982:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 993:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 994:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 995:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 998:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1013:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1029:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 667:44 error `execCommand` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 690:21 error `execCommand` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 702:44 error `execCommand` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 718:23 error `execCommand` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 741:44 error `execCommand` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 2206:24 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 560:33 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:68 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:11 error `substr` is deprecated. A legacy feature for browser compatibility @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:59 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 157:39 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 407:6 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 241:36 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 102:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 133:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 134:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 157:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 161:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 170:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:5 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 405:4 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 407:61 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:37 error `wrapCreateBrowserRouter` is deprecated. Use `wrapCreateBrowserRouterV6` or `wrapCreateBrowserRouterV7` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:5 error `super` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 2444:38 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:38 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:16 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:14 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:48 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:35 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 121:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 125:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 100:12 error `DeprecatedAssigneeSelector` is deprecated. use AssigneeSelectorDropdown instead (Coming in future PR) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 275:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 775:35 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1072:37 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 600:12 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 975:19 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 399:5 error `forceAppendRawQueryString` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 110:12 error `getTransactionDetailsUrl` is deprecated. Use generateLinkToEventInTraceView instead, since we are pushing towards events always being displayed in the trace view @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:13 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 80:27 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:44 error `unescape` is deprecated. A legacy feature for browser compatibility @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 38:22 error `sanitize` is deprecated. Warning: This feature is deprecated and it should NOT be used as it cannot be considered secure. Instead use a sanitize library, like DOMPurify (recommended), sanitize-html or insane on the output HTML! @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:10 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 222:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 235:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:25 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:24 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:19 error `timestampInSeconds` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 209:16 error `browserPerformanceTimeOrigin` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 342:8 error `browserPerformanceTimeOrigin` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 647:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 178:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 180:12 error `dropUndefinedKeys` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 255:14 error `dropUndefinedKeys` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 270:14 error `dropUndefinedKeys` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 156:26 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 450:16 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 21:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:20 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:38 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:47 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:12 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:12 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 80:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 18:5 error `replayPlayerTimestampEmitter` is deprecated. This emitter is a singleton that sends some global state around.
+If there are multiple replay instances on the page values will be confusing.
+A better implementation would nest the consumer under the same
+<ReplayCurrentTimeContextProvider> ancestor node @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 224:50 error `replayTimestamps` is deprecated. Once the backend returns the corrected timestamps, this is not needed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 5:38 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 7:32 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:23 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 294:17 error `surface500` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 583:29 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:46 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:47 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 62:12 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 19:30 error `keyCode` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:7 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 14:22 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:16 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:33 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 170:34 error `slugs` is deprecated. use `useTeamsById({slugs: []})` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 170:41 error `provideUserTeams` is deprecated. use `useUserTeams()` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:12 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 68:12 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:17 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:43 error `webkitUserSelect` is deprecated. This is a legacy alias of `userSelect`.
+[MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/user-select) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:23 error `webkitUserSelect` is deprecated. This is a legacy alias of `userSelect`.
+[MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/user-select) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:30 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:30 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:20 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:40 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 91:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 22:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:37 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 91:12 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 18:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:40 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 21:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 22:42 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 123:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 125:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:29 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 135:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 146:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:44 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:29 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 241:14 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 254:18 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:39 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 151:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 175:31 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 189:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 193:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 244:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 262:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 599:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 162:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 660:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:34 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 130:7 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 164:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 168:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 174:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 199:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 239:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 277:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:24 error `generateSentryTraceHeader` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:7 error `generateSentryTraceHeader` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 189:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:15 error `to` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:54 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 489:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 538:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 573:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 624:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 869:19 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 909:21 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1254:41 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:30 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 60:22 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 22:54 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:22 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:29 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 132:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 184:12 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 193:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 218:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 218:43 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 578:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 967:29 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1002:29 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1243:29 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1524:31 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1564:31 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 931:33 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 983:33 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 1034:33 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 399:31 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 349:57 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 21:59 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:59 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:59 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 17:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:42 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 199:16 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 362:33 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:27 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 38:32 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 82:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 95:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:3 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:31 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 81:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 165:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 178:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 69:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 371:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 180:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 187:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 207:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 389:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 932:24 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 936:29 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 939:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 942:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 271:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 290:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 303:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 506:15 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 460:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:18 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 116:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 143:52 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 829:9 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 91:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 566:43 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 584:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 611:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 647:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 670:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 826:27 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 179:6 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 116:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 211:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 217:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 162:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 246:37 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 292:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 124:27 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 133:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 13:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:10 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 100:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 91:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 159:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 104:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 186:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 193:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 332:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 339:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 61:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 250:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 222:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 175:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 200:45 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 203:42 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 351:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 219:37 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 223:40 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 82:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 81:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 68:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 127:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:58 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 209:22 error `urlEncode` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 155:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 170:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 179:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 181:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 259:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 224:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 311:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 359:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 368:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 207:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 216:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 104:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 202:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:22 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:14 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 38:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 171:14 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 172:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 250:14 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 251:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 260:30 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:19 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:16 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:44 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 14:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 659:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 932:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 164:68 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 243:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 268:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 319:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 322:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 330:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 89:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:18 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 78:18 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:18 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 79:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 94:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 133:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 147:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 169:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 234:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:12 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 60:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 197:56 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 65:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 166:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 173:14 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 332:20 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 408:16 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:63 error `attachmentId` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 180:51 error `attachmentId` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:17 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:31 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:31 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 61:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 71:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 97:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 103:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 125:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 127:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 137:15 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:19 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 179:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 15:13 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 131:41 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 21:32 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 71:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 81:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 106:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:25 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:34 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 94:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:46 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 65:41 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 181:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 161:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:36 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 143:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 61:31 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 69:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 144:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 4:19 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 5:19 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 6:19 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 11:22 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 12:5 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 251:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 313:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 684:5 error `replayPlayerTimestampEmitter` is deprecated. This emitter is a singleton that sends some global state around.
+If there are multiple replay instances on the page values will be confusing.
+A better implementation would nest the consumer under the same
+<ReplayCurrentTimeContextProvider> ancestor node @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 687:7 error `replayPlayerTimestampEmitter` is deprecated. This emitter is a singleton that sends some global state around.
+If there are multiple replay instances on the page values will be confusing.
+A better implementation would nest the consumer under the same
+<ReplayCurrentTimeContextProvider> ancestor node @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 16:10 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:10 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:43 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:21 error `status` is deprecated. [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/status) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 274:14 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 370:10 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 373:12 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 846:13 error `href` is deprecated. Use LinkButton instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 112:27 error `name` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:35 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 687:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 108:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 194:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 344:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 204:17 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 174:43 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 227:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 468:37 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 526:33 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 531:36 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 13:13 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 89:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 610:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:16 error `EventTagsPill` is deprecated. Legacy design, use EventTagsTreeRow instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 166:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 335:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 98:20 error `getTransactionDetailsUrl` is deprecated. Use generateLinkToEventInTraceView instead, since we are pushing towards events always being displayed in the trace view @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 196:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 213:22 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 218:38 error `getTransactionDetailsUrl` is deprecated. Use generateLinkToEventInTraceView instead, since we are pushing towards events always being displayed in the trace view @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 352:30 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 123:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 80:42 error `JSX` is deprecated. Use `React.JSX` instead of the global `JSX` namespace @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 110:7 error `isString` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 182:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 360:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 90:36 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 197:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 132:43 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 150:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 425:33 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 431:39 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 434:36 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 153:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 93:19 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 102:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 112:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 115:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 132:55 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 133:43 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 138:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 155:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 174:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:15 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 108:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 280:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 291:21 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 304:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 490:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 421:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 434:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 84:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 220:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 139:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 162:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 128:21 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 139:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 105:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 173:39 error `truncate` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:69 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 94:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 128:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 153:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 145:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 327:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 62:3 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:3 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 223:3 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 105:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 84:43 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 98:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 275:37 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 360:39 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 362:36 error `ReactText` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 85:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 123:13 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 232:16 error `provideUserTeams` is deprecated. use `useUserTeams()` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 204:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 26:19 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:45 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:45 error `uuid4` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 79:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 38:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 90:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 212:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 18:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:39 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 62:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 304:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 193:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:37 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:19 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 184:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 116:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 119:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 259:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 71:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 93:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 110:7 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 121:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:12 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 253:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 254:39 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 260:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 274:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 291:7 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 321:12 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:31 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 329:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 827:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 613:26 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 279:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:28 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 126:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 428:8 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 606:19 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 434:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 131:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 137:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 144:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 5:13 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 7:12 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 9:11 error `ReactChild` is deprecated. - This type is not relevant when using React. Inline the type instead to make the intent clear @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:32 error `hover` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:3 error `useEmitTimestampChanges` is deprecated. This emitter sends some global state through a singleton.
+If there are multiple replay instances on the page values will be confusing.
+A better implementation would nest the consumer under the same
+<ReplayCurrentTimeContextProvider> ancestor node @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 121:20 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 196:20 error `legacySize` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 69:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:13 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 158:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 169:7 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 145:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 147:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 158:37 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 166:16 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 177:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 198:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 495:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 82:14 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:18 error `useRouter` is deprecated. Please do not use this. Use a specific hook instead. Including
+react-router 6 does not include this hook @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 62:44 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 100:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 18:39 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 69:5 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:55 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 87:55 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 20:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 25:35 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 26:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 31:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:41 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:12 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 82:15 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 110:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 10:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 14:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 19:32 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 77:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 56:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 140:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:19 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:45 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 65:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 172:23 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:5 error `super` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:42 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 124:41 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 135:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 153:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 154:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 160:40 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 165:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 172:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 212:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:3 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 62:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 204:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 125:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:13 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 27:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:9 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 50:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 55:39 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 58:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 83:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 100:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 64:43 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 73:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 229:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:47 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 49:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 210:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 23:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:47 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 161:16 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 90:47 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 91:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 92:11 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 102:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 166:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 177:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 307:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 339:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 385:9 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 24:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 30:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:32 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 38:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 136:33 error `withSentryRouter` is deprecated. only use in legacy react class components @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 18:3 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 22:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:54 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 129:19 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:17 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 28:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:58 error `role` is deprecated. use orgRole @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:32 error `role` is deprecated. use orgRole @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:32 error `teams` is deprecated. use teamRoles @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 93:29 error `teams` is deprecated. use teamRoles @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 365:14 error `slugs` is deprecated. use `useTeamsById({slugs: []})` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 365:28 error `teams` is deprecated. use teamRoles @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 231:29 error `role` is deprecated. use orgRole @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 232:30 error `teams` is deprecated. use teamRoles @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 269:7 error `role` is deprecated. use orgRole @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 314:68 error `roles` is deprecated. use orgRoleList @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 332:72 error `roles` is deprecated. use orgRoleList @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 343:63 error `roles` is deprecated. use orgRoleList @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 88:11 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 74:17 error `allowedValues` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:29 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:58 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 63:27 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 75:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 111:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 330:26 error `user` is deprecated @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 32:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:40 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 46:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 51:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:27 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 33:3 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:10 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 57:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 59:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 26:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 112:37 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 113:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:9 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:19 error `useTeams` is deprecated. use the alternatives to this hook (except for search and pagination)
+new alternatives:
+- useTeamsById({ids: []}) - get teams by id
+- useTeamsById({slugs: []}) - get teams by slug
+- useTeamsById() - just reading from the teams store
+- useUserTeams() - same as `provideUserTeams: true` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:38 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 54:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 41:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:25 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 44:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 116:56 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 117:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 131:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 66:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 68:35 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 69:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 29:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 43:10 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 35:18 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:35 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 40:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 100:37 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 101:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncComponent` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 356:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 380:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 42:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 48:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 52:38 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 60:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 413:5 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:22 error `metrics` is deprecated. The Sentry metrics beta has ended. This export will be removed in a future release @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 114:14 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 118:34 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 133:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 137:33 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 146:7 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 153:7 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 34:5 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 45:36 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 47:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 53:5 error `super` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 60:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 76:30 error `DeprecatedAsyncView` is deprecated. use useApiQuery instead.
+Read the dev docs page on network requests for more information [1].
+[1]: https://develop.sentry.dev/frontend/network-requests/ @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 96:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 109:9 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 137:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 39:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 36:5 error `trackIntegrationAnalytics` is deprecated. Use trackAnalytics instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 67:7 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 84:9 error `browserHistory` is deprecated. Prefer using useNavigate
+browserHistory is a hold-over from react-router 3 days. In react-router 6
+the useNavigate hook is the native way to trigger navigation events.
+browserHistory.push('/next') -> navigate('/next')
+browserHistory.replace('/next') -> navigate('/next', {replace: true})
+You may also use a LocationDescriptor object
+browserHistory.push({...location, query: {someKey: 1}})
+navigate({...location, query: {someKey: 1}}) @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 171:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 200:7 error `fireEvent` is deprecated. Use userEvent over fireEvent where possible.
+More details: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#not-using-testing-libraryuser-event @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 72:6 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 190:6 error `Projects` is deprecated. consider using useProjects if possible.
+This is a utility component that should be used to fetch an organization's projects (summary).
+It can either fetch explicit projects (e.g. via slug) or a paginated list of projects.
+These will be passed down to the render prop (`children`).
+The legacy way of handling this is that `ProjectSummary[]` is expected to be included in an
+`Organization` as well as being saved to `ProjectsStore` @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 86:8 error `ApiForm` is deprecated. DO NOT USE THIS. Prefer using `Form` instead. Form already supports API
+requests, this is quite old and should be removed @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 5:15 error `loadModule` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 27:3 error `fill` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+ 37:11 error `isThenable` is deprecated. Import from `@sentry/core` instead @typescript-eslint/no-deprecated
+✖ 1256 problems (1256 errors, 0 warnings)
+ 2 errors and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.
+info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.