@@ -3,16 +3,15 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import logging
import uuid
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from os import path
-from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple
+from typing import IO, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
import sentry_sdk
from django.db import IntegrityError, router
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils import timezone
-from symbolic.debuginfo import normalize_debug_id
-from symbolic.exceptions import SymbolicError
from sentry import analytics, features, options
from sentry.api.serializers import serialize
@@ -23,11 +22,11 @@ from sentry.models.artifactbundle import (
+ ArtifactBundleArchive,
- SourceFileType,
from sentry.models.releasefile import ReleaseArchive, update_artifact_index
from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
@@ -53,6 +52,86 @@ class AssembleTask:
ARTIFACT_BUNDLE = "organization.artifact_bundle" # Artifact bundle upload
+class AssembleResult(NamedTuple):
+ # File object stored in the database.
+ bundle: File
+ # Temporary in-memory object representing the file used for efficiency.
+ bundle_temp_file: IO
+ def delete_bundle(self):
+ self.bundle.delete()
+def assemble_file(
+ task, org_or_project, name, checksum, chunks, file_type
+) -> Optional[AssembleResult]:
+ """
+ Verifies and assembles a file model from chunks.
+ This downloads all chunks from blob store to verify their integrity and
+ associates them with a created file model. Additionally, it assembles the
+ full file in a temporary location and verifies the complete content hash.
+ Returns a tuple ``(File, TempFile)`` on success, or ``None`` on error.
+ """
+ from sentry.models import AssembleChecksumMismatch, File, FileBlob, Project
+ if isinstance(org_or_project, Project):
+ organization = org_or_project.organization
+ else:
+ organization = org_or_project
+ # Load all FileBlobs from db since we can be sure here we already own all chunks need to build the file.
+ file_blobs = FileBlob.objects.filter(checksum__in=chunks).values_list("id", "checksum", "size")
+ # Reject all files that exceed the maximum allowed size for this organization.
+ file_size = sum(x[2] for x in file_blobs)
+ if file_size > get_max_file_size(organization):
+ set_assemble_status(
+ task,
+ org_or_project.id,
+ checksum,
+ ChunkFileState.ERROR,
+ detail="File exceeds maximum size",
+ )
+ return None
+ # Sanity check. In case not all blobs exist at this point we have a race condition.
+ if {x[1] for x in file_blobs} != set(chunks):
+ set_assemble_status(
+ task,
+ org_or_project.id,
+ checksum,
+ ChunkFileState.ERROR,
+ detail="Not all chunks available for assembling",
+ )
+ return None
+ # Ensure blobs are in the order and duplication in which they were
+ # transmitted. Otherwise, we would assemble the file in the wrong order.
+ ids_by_checksum = {chks: id for id, chks, _ in file_blobs}
+ file_blob_ids = [ids_by_checksum[c] for c in chunks]
+ file = File.objects.create(name=name, checksum=checksum, type=file_type)
+ try:
+ temp_file = file.assemble_from_file_blob_ids(file_blob_ids, checksum)
+ except AssembleChecksumMismatch:
+ file.delete()
+ set_assemble_status(
+ task,
+ org_or_project.id,
+ checksum,
+ ChunkFileState.ERROR,
+ detail="Reported checksum mismatch",
+ )
+ else:
+ file.save()
+ return AssembleResult(bundle=file, bundle_temp_file=temp_file)
def _get_cache_key(task, scope, checksum):
"""Computes the cache key for assemble status.
@@ -181,420 +260,449 @@ class AssembleArtifactsError(Exception):
-def _simple_update(
- release_file: ReleaseFile, new_file: File, new_archive: ReleaseArchive, additional_fields: dict
-) -> bool:
- """Update function used in _upsert_release_file"""
- old_file = release_file.file
- release_file.update(file=new_file, **additional_fields)
- old_file.delete()
+class PostAssembler(ABC):
+ def __init__(self, assemble_result: AssembleResult):
+ self.assemble_result = assemble_result
+ self._validate_bundle_guarded()
- return True
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ # In case any exception happens in the `with` block, we will capture it, and we want to delete the actual `File`
+ # object created in the database, to avoid orphan entries.
+ if exc_type is not None:
+ self._delete_bundle_file_object()
-def _upsert_release_file(
- file: File, archive: ReleaseArchive, update_fn, key_fields, additional_fields
-) -> bool:
- success = False
- release_file = None
+ self.close()
- # Release files must have unique names within their release
- # and dist. If a matching file already exists, replace its
- # file with the new one; otherwise create it.
- try:
- release_file = ReleaseFile.objects.get(**key_fields)
- except ReleaseFile.DoesNotExist:
- try:
- with atomic_transaction(using=router.db_for_write(ReleaseFile)):
- release_file = ReleaseFile.objects.create(
- file=file, **dict(key_fields, **additional_fields)
- )
- except IntegrityError:
- # NB: This indicates a race, where another assemble task or
- # file upload job has just created a conflicting file. Since
- # we're upserting here anyway, yield to the faster actor and
- # do not try again.
- file.delete()
- else:
- success = True
- else:
- success = update_fn(release_file, file, archive, additional_fields)
+ def _delete_bundle_file_object(self):
+ self.assemble_result.delete_bundle()
- return success
+ def _validate_bundle_guarded(self):
+ try:
+ self._validate_bundle()
+ except Exception:
+ metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.invalid_bundle")
+ # In case the bundle is invalid, we want to delete the actual `File` object created in the database, to
+ # avoid orphan entries.
+ self._delete_bundle_file_object()
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError("the bundle is invalid")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _validate_bundle(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def post_assemble(self):
+ pass
+class ReleaseBundlePostAssembler(PostAssembler):
+ def __init__(self, assemble_result: AssembleResult, organization: Organization, version: str):
+ super().__init__(assemble_result)
+ self.organization = organization
+ self.version = version
+ def _validate_bundle(self):
+ self.archive = ReleaseArchive(self.assemble_result.bundle_temp_file)
+ metrics.incr(
+ "tasks.assemble.release_bundle.artifact_count", amount=self.archive.artifact_count
+ )
+ def close(self):
+ self.archive.close()
-def get_artifact_basename(url):
- return url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
+ def post_assemble(self):
+ with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.release_bundle"):
+ self._create_release_file()
+ def _create_release_file(self):
+ manifest = self.archive.manifest
-def _store_single_files(archive: ReleaseArchive, meta: dict, count_as_artifacts: bool):
- try:
- temp_dir = archive.extract()
- except Exception:
- raise AssembleArtifactsError("failed to extract bundle")
+ if manifest.get("org") != self.organization.slug:
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError("organization does not match uploaded bundle")
- with temp_dir:
- artifacts = archive.manifest.get("files", {})
- for rel_path, artifact in artifacts.items():
- artifact_url = artifact.get("url", rel_path)
- artifact_basename = get_artifact_basename(artifact_url)
+ if manifest.get("release") != self.version:
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError("release does not match uploaded bundle")
- file = File.objects.create(
- name=artifact_basename, type="release.file", headers=artifact.get("headers", {})
+ try:
+ release = Release.objects.get(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id, version=self.version
+ except Release.DoesNotExist:
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError("release does not exist")
- full_path = path.join(temp_dir.name, rel_path)
- with open(full_path, "rb") as fp:
- file.putfile(fp, logger=logger)
+ dist_name = manifest.get("dist")
+ dist = release.add_dist(dist_name) if dist_name else None
- kwargs = dict(meta, name=artifact_url)
- extra_fields = {"artifact_count": 1 if count_as_artifacts else 0}
- _upsert_release_file(file, None, _simple_update, kwargs, extra_fields)
+ min_artifact_count = options.get("processing.release-archive-min-files")
+ saved_as_archive = False
+ if self.archive.artifact_count >= min_artifact_count:
+ try:
+ update_artifact_index(release, dist, self.assemble_result.bundle)
+ saved_as_archive = True
+ except Exception as exc:
+ logger.error("Unable to update artifact index", exc_info=exc)
+ if not saved_as_archive:
+ meta = {
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "release_id": release.id,
+ "dist_id": dist.id if dist else dist,
+ }
+ self._store_single_files(meta, True)
+ def _store_single_files(self, meta: dict, count_as_artifacts: bool):
+ try:
+ temp_dir = self.archive.extract()
+ except Exception:
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError("failed to extract bundle")
-def _normalize_headers(headers: dict) -> dict:
- return {k.lower(): v for k, v in headers.items()}
+ with temp_dir:
+ artifacts = self.archive.manifest.get("files", {})
+ for rel_path, artifact in artifacts.items():
+ artifact_url = artifact.get("url", rel_path)
+ artifact_basename = self._get_artifact_basename(artifact_url)
+ file = File.objects.create(
+ name=artifact_basename, type="release.file", headers=artifact.get("headers", {})
+ )
-def _normalize_debug_id(debug_id: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- try:
- return normalize_debug_id(debug_id)
- except SymbolicError:
- return None
+ full_path = path.join(temp_dir.name, rel_path)
+ with open(full_path, "rb") as fp:
+ file.putfile(fp, logger=logger)
+ kwargs = dict(meta, name=artifact_url)
+ extra_fields = {"artifact_count": 1 if count_as_artifacts else 0}
+ self._upsert_release_file(file, self._simple_update, kwargs, extra_fields)
-def _extract_debug_ids_from_manifest(
- manifest: dict,
-) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Set[Tuple[SourceFileType, str]]]:
- # We use a set, since we might have the same debug_id and file_type.
- debug_ids_with_types = set()
- # We also want to extract the bundle_id which is also known as the bundle debug_id. This id is used to uniquely
- # identify a specific ArtifactBundle in case for example of future deletion.
- #
- # If no id is found, it means that we must have an associated release to this ArtifactBundle, through the
- # ReleaseArtifactBundle table.
- bundle_id = manifest.get("debug_id")
- if bundle_id is not None:
- bundle_id = _normalize_debug_id(bundle_id)
- files = manifest.get("files", {})
- for file_path, info in files.items():
- headers = _normalize_headers(info.get("headers", {}))
- if (debug_id := headers.get("debug-id")) is not None:
- debug_id = _normalize_debug_id(debug_id)
- file_type = info.get("type")
- if (
- debug_id is not None
- and file_type is not None
- and (source_file_type := SourceFileType.from_lowercase_key(file_type)) is not None
- ):
- debug_ids_with_types.add((source_file_type, debug_id))
- return bundle_id, debug_ids_with_types
-def _remove_duplicate_artifact_bundles(org_id: int, ids: List[int]):
- # In case there are no ids to delete, we don't want to run the query, otherwise it will result in a deletion of
- # all ArtifactBundle(s) with the specific bundle_id.
- if not ids:
- return
- # Even though we delete via a QuerySet the associated file is also deleted, because django will still
- # fire the on_delete signal.
- ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(Q(id__in=ids), organization_id=org_id).delete()
-def _bind_or_create_artifact_bundle(
- bundle_id: str | None,
- date_added: datetime,
- org_id: int,
- archive_file: File,
- artifact_count: int,
-) -> Tuple[ArtifactBundle, bool]:
- existing_artifact_bundles = list(
- ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(organization_id=org_id, bundle_id=bundle_id)
- )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_artifact_basename(url):
+ return url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
- if len(existing_artifact_bundles) == 0:
- existing_artifact_bundle = None
- else:
- existing_artifact_bundle = existing_artifact_bundles.pop()
- # We want to remove all the duplicate artifact bundles that have the same bundle_id.
- _remove_duplicate_artifact_bundles(
- org_id=org_id, ids=list(map(lambda value: value.id, existing_artifact_bundles))
- )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _upsert_release_file(file: File, update_fn, key_fields, additional_fields) -> bool:
+ success = False
+ release_file = None
- # In case there is not ArtifactBundle with a specific bundle_id, we just create it and return.
- if existing_artifact_bundle is None:
- artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(
- organization_id=org_id,
- # In case we didn't find the bundle_id in the manifest, we will just generate our own.
- bundle_id=bundle_id or uuid.uuid4().hex,
- file=archive_file,
- artifact_count=artifact_count,
- # By default, a bundle is not indexed.
- indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
- # "date_added" and "date_uploaded" will have the same value, but they will diverge once renewal is performed
- # by other parts of Sentry. Renewal is required since we want to expire unused bundles after ~90 days.
- date_added=date_added,
- date_uploaded=date_added,
- # When creating a new bundle by default its last modified date corresponds to the creation date.
- date_last_modified=date_added,
+ # Release files must have unique names within their release
+ # and dist. If a matching file already exists, replace its
+ # file with the new one; otherwise create it.
+ try:
+ release_file = ReleaseFile.objects.get(**key_fields)
+ except ReleaseFile.DoesNotExist:
+ try:
+ with atomic_transaction(using=router.db_for_write(ReleaseFile)):
+ release_file = ReleaseFile.objects.create(
+ file=file, **dict(key_fields, **additional_fields)
+ )
+ except IntegrityError:
+ # NB: This indicates a race, where another assemble task or
+ # file upload job has just created a conflicting file. Since
+ # we're upserting here anyway, yield to the faster actor and
+ # do not try again.
+ file.delete()
+ else:
+ success = True
+ else:
+ success = update_fn(release_file, file, additional_fields)
+ return success
+ @staticmethod
+ def _simple_update(release_file: ReleaseFile, new_file: File, additional_fields: dict) -> bool:
+ """Update function used in _upsert_release_file"""
+ old_file = release_file.file
+ release_file.update(file=new_file, **additional_fields)
+ old_file.delete()
+ return True
+class ArtifactBundlePostAssembler(PostAssembler):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ assemble_result: AssembleResult,
+ organization: Organization,
+ release: Optional[str],
+ dist: Optional[str],
+ project_ids: Optional[List[int]],
+ ):
+ super().__init__(assemble_result)
+ self.organization = organization
+ self.release = release
+ self.dist = dist
+ self.projects_ids = project_ids
+ def _validate_bundle(self):
+ self.archive = ArtifactBundleArchive(self.assemble_result.bundle_temp_file)
+ metrics.incr(
+ "tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.artifact_count", amount=self.archive.artifact_count
- return artifact_bundle, True
- else:
- # We store a reference to the previous file to which the bundle was pointing to.
- existing_file = existing_artifact_bundle.file
- # Only if the file objects are different we want to update the database, otherwise we will end up deleting
- # a newly bound file.
- if existing_file != archive_file:
- # In case there is an ArtifactBundle with a specific bundle_id, we want to change its underlying File model
- # with its corresponding artifact count and also update the dates.
- existing_artifact_bundle.update(
- file=archive_file,
- artifact_count=artifact_count,
- date_added=date_added,
- # If you upload a bundle which already exists, we track this as a modification since our goal is to show
- # first all the bundles that have had the most recent activity.
- date_last_modified=date_added,
- )
- # We now delete that file, in order to avoid orphan files in the database.
- existing_file.delete()
- return existing_artifact_bundle, False
-def _index_bundle_if_needed(org_id: int, release: str, dist: str, date_snapshot: datetime):
- # We collect how many times we tried to perform indexing.
- metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.try_indexing")
- # We get the number of associations by upper bounding the query to the "date_snapshot", which is done to prevent
- # the case in which concurrent updates on the database will lead to problems. For example if we have a threshold
- # of 1, and we have two uploads happening concurrently and the database will contain two associations even when
- # the assembling of the first upload is running this query, we will have the first upload task see 2 associations
- # , thus it will trigger the indexing. The same will also happen for the second upload but in reality we just
- # want the second upload to perform indexing.
- #
- # This date implementation might still lead to issues, more specifically in the case in which the
- # "date_last_modified" is the same but the probability of that happening is so low that it's a negligible
- # detail for now, as long as the indexing is idempotent.
- associated_bundles = list(
- ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(
- organization_id=org_id,
- # Since the `date_snapshot` will be the same as `date_last_modified` of the last bundle uploaded in this
- # async job, we want to use the `<=` condition for time, effectively saying give me all the bundles that
- # were created now or in the past.
- date_last_modified__lte=date_snapshot,
- releaseartifactbundle__release_name=release,
- releaseartifactbundle__dist_name=dist,
- )
- )
+ def close(self):
+ self.archive.close()
- # In case we didn't surpass the threshold, indexing will not happen.
- if len(associated_bundles) <= INDEXING_THRESHOLD:
- return
+ def post_assemble(self):
+ with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle"):
+ self._create_artifact_bundle()
- # We collect how many times we run indexing.
- metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.start_indexing")
+ def _create_artifact_bundle(self) -> None:
+ # We want to give precedence to the request fields and only if they are unset fallback to the manifest's
+ # contents.
+ self.release = self.release or self.archive.manifest.get("release")
+ self.dist = self.dist or self.archive.manifest.get("dist")
- # We want to measure how much time it takes to perform indexing.
- with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.index_bundles"):
- # We now call the indexing logic with all the bundles that require indexing. We might need to make this call
- # async if we see a performance degradation of assembling.
- try:
- # We only want to get the bundles that are not indexed. Keep in mind that this query is concurrency unsafe
- # since in the meanwhile the bundles might be modified and the modification will not be reflected in the
- # objects that we are iterating here.
- #
- # In case of concurrency issues, we might do extra work but due to the idempotency of the indexing function
- # no consistency issues should arise.
- bundles_to_index = [
- associated_bundle
- for associated_bundle in associated_bundles
- if associated_bundle.indexing_state == ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value
- ]
- # We want to index only if we have bundles to index.
- if len(bundles_to_index) > 0:
- index_artifact_bundles_for_release(
- organization_id=org_id,
- artifact_bundles=bundles_to_index,
- release=release,
- dist=dist,
- )
- except Exception as e:
- # We want to capture any exception happening during indexing, since it's crucial to understand if
- # the system is behaving well because the database can easily end up in an inconsistent state.
- metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.index_artifact_bundles_error")
- sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-def _create_artifact_bundle(
- release: Optional[str],
- dist: Optional[str],
- org_id: int,
- project_ids: Optional[List[int]],
- archive_file: File,
- artifact_count: int,
-) -> None:
- with ReleaseArchive(archive_file.getfile()) as archive:
# We want to measure how much time it takes to extract debug ids from manifest.
with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.extract_debug_ids"):
- bundle_id, debug_ids_with_types = _extract_debug_ids_from_manifest(archive.manifest)
+ bundle_id, debug_ids_with_types = self.archive.extract_debug_ids_from_manifest()
- organization_id=org_id,
- project_ids=project_ids,
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ project_ids=self.projects_ids,
has_debug_ids=len(debug_ids_with_types) > 0,
- # We want to save an artifact bundle only if we have found debug ids in the manifest or if the user specified
- # a release for the upload.
- if len(debug_ids_with_types) > 0 or release:
- # We take a snapshot in time in order to have consistent values in the database.
- date_snapshot = timezone.now()
- # We have to add this dictionary to both `values` and `defaults` since we want to update the date_added in
- # case of a re-upload because the `date_added` of the ArtifactBundle is also updated.
- new_date_added = {"date_added": date_snapshot}
- # Since dist is non-nullable in the db, but we actually use a sentinel value to represent nullability, here
- # we have to do the conversion in case it is "None".
- dist = dist or NULL_STRING
- release = release or NULL_STRING
- # We want to run everything in a transaction, since we don't want the database to be in an inconsistent
- # state after all of these updates.
- with atomic_transaction(
- using=(
- router.db_for_write(ArtifactBundle),
- router.db_for_write(File),
- router.db_for_write(ReleaseArtifactBundle),
- router.db_for_write(ProjectArtifactBundle),
- router.db_for_write(DebugIdArtifactBundle),
+ # We don't allow the creation of a bundle if no debug ids and release are present, since we are not able to
+ # efficiently index
+ if len(debug_ids_with_types) == 0 and not self.release:
+ raise AssembleArtifactsError(
+ "uploading a bundle without debug ids or release is prohibited"
+ )
+ # We take a snapshot in time in order to have consistent values in the database.
+ date_snapshot = timezone.now()
+ # We have to add this dictionary to both `values` and `defaults` since we want to update the date_added in
+ # case of a re-upload because the `date_added` of the ArtifactBundle is also updated.
+ new_date_added = {"date_added": date_snapshot}
+ # We want to run everything in a transaction, since we don't want the database to be in an inconsistent
+ # state after all of these updates.
+ with atomic_transaction(
+ using=(
+ router.db_for_write(ArtifactBundle),
+ router.db_for_write(File),
+ router.db_for_write(ReleaseArtifactBundle),
+ router.db_for_write(ProjectArtifactBundle),
+ router.db_for_write(DebugIdArtifactBundle),
+ )
+ ):
+ artifact_bundle, created = self._bind_or_create_artifact_bundle(
+ bundle_id=bundle_id, date_added=date_snapshot
+ )
+ # If a release version is passed, we want to create the weak association between a bundle and a release.
+ if self.release:
+ ReleaseArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ release_name=self.release,
+ # In case no dist is provided, we will fall back to "" which is the NULL equivalent for our
+ # tables.
+ dist_name=self.dist or NULL_STRING,
+ artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
+ values=new_date_added,
+ defaults=new_date_added,
- ):
- artifact_bundle, created = _bind_or_create_artifact_bundle(
- bundle_id=bundle_id,
- date_added=date_snapshot,
- org_id=org_id,
- archive_file=archive_file,
- artifact_count=artifact_count,
+ for project_id in self.projects_ids or ():
+ ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
+ values=new_date_added,
+ defaults=new_date_added,
- # If a release version is passed, we want to create the weak association between a bundle and a release.
- if release:
- ReleaseArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
- organization_id=org_id,
- release_name=release,
- # In case no dist is provided, we will fall back to "" which is the NULL equivalent for our
- # tables.
- dist_name=dist,
- artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
- values=new_date_added,
- defaults=new_date_added,
- )
+ for source_file_type, debug_id in debug_ids_with_types:
+ DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ debug_id=debug_id,
+ artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
+ source_file_type=source_file_type.value,
+ values=new_date_added,
+ defaults=new_date_added,
+ )
- for project_id in project_ids or ():
- ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
- organization_id=org_id,
- project_id=project_id,
- artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
- values=new_date_added,
- defaults=new_date_added,
- )
+ try:
+ organization = Organization.objects.get_from_cache(id=self.organization.id)
+ except Organization.DoesNotExist:
+ organization = None
+ # If we don't have a release set, we don't want to run indexing, since we need at least the release for
+ # fast indexing performance. We might though run indexing if a customer has debug ids in the manifest, since
+ # we want to have a fallback mechanism in case they have problems setting them up (e.g., SDK version does
+ # not support them, some files were not injected...).
+ if (
+ organization is not None
+ and self.release
+ and features.has("organizations:sourcemaps-bundle-indexing", organization, actor=None)
+ ):
+ # After we committed the transaction we want to try and run indexing by passing non-null release and
+ # dist. The dist here can be "" since it will be the equivalent of NULL for the db query.
+ self._index_bundle_if_needed(
+ release=self.release,
+ dist=(self.dist or NULL_STRING),
+ date_snapshot=date_snapshot,
+ )
- for source_file_type, debug_id in debug_ids_with_types:
- DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create_or_update(
- organization_id=org_id,
- debug_id=debug_id,
- artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
- source_file_type=source_file_type.value,
- values=new_date_added,
- defaults=new_date_added,
- )
+ def _bind_or_create_artifact_bundle(
+ self, bundle_id: Optional[str], date_added: datetime
+ ) -> Tuple[ArtifactBundle, bool]:
+ existing_artifact_bundles = list(
+ ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(organization_id=self.organization.id, bundle_id=bundle_id)
+ )
- try:
- organization = Organization.objects.get_from_cache(id=org_id)
- except Organization.DoesNotExist:
- organization = None
- # If we don't have a release set, we don't want to run indexing, since we need at least the release for
- # fast indexing performance. We might though run indexing if a customer has debug ids in the manifest, since
- # we want to have a fallback mechanism in case they have problems setting them up (e.g., SDK version does
- # not support them, some files were not injected...).
- if (
- organization is not None
- and release
- and features.has(
- "organizations:sourcemaps-bundle-indexing", organization, actor=None
- )
- ):
- # After we committed the transaction we want to try and run indexing.
- _index_bundle_if_needed(
- org_id=org_id, release=release, dist=dist, date_snapshot=date_snapshot
- )
+ if len(existing_artifact_bundles) == 0:
+ existing_artifact_bundle = None
- raise AssembleArtifactsError(
- "uploading a bundle without debug ids or release is prohibited"
+ existing_artifact_bundle = existing_artifact_bundles.pop()
+ # We want to remove all the duplicate artifact bundles that have the same bundle_id.
+ self._remove_duplicate_artifact_bundles(
+ ids=list(map(lambda value: value.id, existing_artifact_bundles))
+ # In case there is not ArtifactBundle with a specific bundle_id, we just create it and return.
+ if existing_artifact_bundle is None:
+ artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ # In case we didn't find the bundle_id in the manifest, we will just generate our own.
+ bundle_id=bundle_id or uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ file=self.assemble_result.bundle,
+ artifact_count=self.archive.artifact_count,
+ # By default, a bundle is not indexed.
+ indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
+ # "date_added" and "date_uploaded" will have the same value, but they will diverge once renewal is
+ # performed by other parts of Sentry. Renewal is required since we want to expire unused bundles
+ # after ~90 days.
+ date_added=date_added,
+ date_uploaded=date_added,
+ # When creating a new bundle by default its last modified date corresponds to the creation date.
+ date_last_modified=date_added,
+ )
-def handle_assemble_for_release_file(bundle, archive, organization, version):
- manifest = archive.manifest
+ return artifact_bundle, True
+ else:
+ # We store a reference to the previous file to which the bundle was pointing to.
+ existing_file = existing_artifact_bundle.file
+ # Only if the file objects are different we want to update the database, otherwise we will end up deleting
+ # a newly bound file.
+ if existing_file != self.assemble_result.bundle:
+ # In case there is an ArtifactBundle with a specific bundle_id, we want to change its underlying File
+ # model with its corresponding artifact count and also update the dates.
+ existing_artifact_bundle.update(
+ file=self.assemble_result.bundle,
+ artifact_count=self.archive.artifact_count,
+ date_added=date_added,
+ # If you upload a bundle which already exists, we track this as a modification since our goal is
+ # to show first all the bundles that have had the most recent activity.
+ date_last_modified=date_added,
+ )
- if manifest.get("org") != organization.slug:
- raise AssembleArtifactsError("organization does not match uploaded bundle")
+ # We now delete that file, in order to avoid orphan files in the database.
+ existing_file.delete()
- if manifest.get("release") != version:
- raise AssembleArtifactsError("release does not match uploaded bundle")
+ return existing_artifact_bundle, False
- try:
- release = Release.objects.get(organization_id=organization.id, version=version)
- except Release.DoesNotExist:
- raise AssembleArtifactsError("release does not exist")
+ def _remove_duplicate_artifact_bundles(self, ids: List[int]):
+ # In case there are no ids to delete, we don't want to run the query, otherwise it will result in a deletion of
+ # all ArtifactBundle(s) with the specific bundle_id.
+ if not ids:
+ return
- dist_name = manifest.get("dist")
- dist = release.add_dist(dist_name) if dist_name else None
+ # Even though we delete via a QuerySet the associated file is also deleted, because django will still
+ # fire the on_delete signal.
+ ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(Q(id__in=ids), organization_id=self.organization.id).delete()
+ def _index_bundle_if_needed(self, release: str, dist: str, date_snapshot: datetime):
+ # We collect how many times we tried to perform indexing.
+ metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.try_indexing")
+ # We get the number of associations by upper bounding the query to the "date_snapshot", which is done to
+ # prevent the case in which concurrent updates on the database will lead to problems. For example if we have
+ # a threshold of 1, and we have two uploads happening concurrently and the database will contain two
+ # associations even when the assembling of the first upload is running this query, we will have the first
+ # upload task see 2 associations , thus it will trigger the indexing. The same will also happen for the
+ # second upload but in reality we just want the second upload to perform indexing.
+ #
+ # This date implementation might still lead to issues, more specifically in the case in which the
+ # "date_last_modified" is the same but the probability of that happening is so low that it's a negligible
+ # detail for now, as long as the indexing is idempotent.
+ associated_bundles = list(
+ ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ # Since the `date_snapshot` will be the same as `date_last_modified` of the last bundle uploaded in this
+ # async job, we want to use the `<=` condition for time, effectively saying give me all the bundles that
+ # were created now or in the past.
+ date_last_modified__lte=date_snapshot,
+ releaseartifactbundle__release_name=release,
+ releaseartifactbundle__dist_name=dist,
+ )
+ )
+ # In case we didn't surpass the threshold, indexing will not happen.
+ if len(associated_bundles) <= INDEXING_THRESHOLD:
+ return
- min_artifact_count = options.get("processing.release-archive-min-files")
- saved_as_archive = False
+ # We collect how many times we run indexing.
+ metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.start_indexing")
- if archive.artifact_count >= min_artifact_count:
- try:
- update_artifact_index(release, dist, bundle)
- saved_as_archive = True
- except Exception as exc:
- logger.error("Unable to update artifact index", exc_info=exc)
- if not saved_as_archive:
- meta = {
- "organization_id": organization.id,
- "release_id": release.id,
- "dist_id": dist.id if dist else dist,
- }
- _store_single_files(archive, meta, True)
-def handle_assemble_for_artifact_bundle(bundle, archive, organization, version, dist, project_ids):
- # We want to give precedence to the request fields and only if they are unset fallback to the manifest's
- # contents.
- version = version or archive.manifest.get("release")
- dist = dist or archive.manifest.get("dist")
- _create_artifact_bundle(
- release=version,
- dist=dist,
- org_id=organization.id,
- project_ids=project_ids,
- archive_file=bundle,
- artifact_count=archive.artifact_count,
- )
+ # We want to measure how much time it takes to perform indexing.
+ with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.index_bundles"):
+ # We now call the indexing logic with all the bundles that require indexing. We might need to make this call
+ # async if we see a performance degradation of assembling.
+ try:
+ # We only want to get the bundles that are not indexed. Keep in mind that this query is concurrency
+ # unsafe since in the meanwhile the bundles might be modified and the modification will not be
+ # reflected in the objects that we are iterating here.
+ #
+ # In case of concurrency issues, we might do extra work but due to the idempotency of the indexing
+ # function no consistency issues should arise.
+ bundles_to_index = [
+ associated_bundle
+ for associated_bundle in associated_bundles
+ if associated_bundle.indexing_state
+ == ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value
+ ]
+ # We want to index only if we have bundles to index.
+ if len(bundles_to_index) > 0:
+ index_artifact_bundles_for_release(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ artifact_bundles=bundles_to_index,
+ release=release,
+ dist=dist,
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ # We want to capture any exception happening during indexing, since it's crucial to understand if
+ # the system is behaving well because the database can easily end up in an inconsistent state.
+ metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle.index_artifact_bundles_error")
+ sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
+def prepare_post_assembler(
+ assemble_result, organization, release, dist, project_ids, upload_as_artifact_bundle
+) -> PostAssembler:
+ if upload_as_artifact_bundle:
+ return ArtifactBundlePostAssembler(
+ assemble_result=assemble_result,
+ organization=organization,
+ release=release,
+ dist=dist,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ )
+ else:
+ return ReleaseBundlePostAssembler(
+ assemble_result=assemble_result, organization=organization, version=release
+ )
@instrumented_task(name="sentry.tasks.assemble.assemble_artifacts", queue="assemble")
@@ -631,43 +739,36 @@ def assemble_artifacts(
file_type = "artifact.bundle" if upload_as_artifact_bundle else "release.bundle"
# Assemble the chunks into a temporary file
- rv = assemble_file(
- assemble_task,
- organization,
- archive_filename,
- checksum,
- chunks,
- file_type,
+ assemble_result = assemble_file(
+ task=assemble_task,
+ org_or_project=organization,
+ name=archive_filename,
+ checksum=checksum,
+ chunks=chunks,
+ file_type=file_type,
- # If not file has been created this means that the file failed to
- # assemble because of bad input data. In this case, assemble_file
- # has set the assemble status already.
- if rv is None:
+ # If not file has been created this means that the file failed to assemble because of bad input data.
+ # In this case, assemble_file has set the assemble status already.
+ if assemble_result is None:
- bundle, temp_file = rv
- try:
- archive = ReleaseArchive(temp_file)
- except Exception:
- raise AssembleArtifactsError("failed to open release manifest")
- with archive:
- if upload_as_artifact_bundle:
- with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.artifact_bundle"):
- handle_assemble_for_artifact_bundle(
- bundle, archive, organization, version, dist, project_ids
- )
- else:
- with metrics.timer("tasks.assemble.release_bundle"):
- handle_assemble_for_release_file(bundle, archive, organization, version)
- metrics.incr("tasks.assemble.extracted_files", amount=archive.artifact_count)
+ # We first want to prepare the post assembler which will take care of validating the archive.
+ with prepare_post_assembler(
+ assemble_result=assemble_result,
+ organization=organization,
+ release=version,
+ dist=dist,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ upload_as_artifact_bundle=upload_as_artifact_bundle,
+ ) as post_assembler:
+ # Once the archive is valid, the post assembler can run the post assembling job.
+ post_assembler.post_assemble()
except AssembleArtifactsError as e:
set_assemble_status(assemble_task, org_id, checksum, ChunkFileState.ERROR, detail=str(e))
- except Exception:
- logger.error("failed to assemble release bundle", exc_info=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("failed to assemble bundle", exc_info=True)
+ sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
@@ -677,71 +778,3 @@ def assemble_artifacts(
set_assemble_status(assemble_task, org_id, checksum, ChunkFileState.OK)
-def assemble_file(task, org_or_project, name, checksum, chunks, file_type):
- """
- Verifies and assembles a file model from chunks.
- This downloads all chunks from blob store to verify their integrity and
- associates them with a created file model. Additionally, it assembles the
- full file in a temporary location and verifies the complete content hash.
- Returns a tuple ``(File, TempFile)`` on success, or ``None`` on error.
- """
- from sentry.models import AssembleChecksumMismatch, File, FileBlob, Project
- if isinstance(org_or_project, Project):
- organization = org_or_project.organization
- else:
- organization = org_or_project
- # Load all FileBlobs from db since we can be sure here we already own all
- # chunks need to build the file
- file_blobs = FileBlob.objects.filter(checksum__in=chunks).values_list("id", "checksum", "size")
- # Reject all files that exceed the maximum allowed size for this
- # organization. This value cannot be
- file_size = sum(x[2] for x in file_blobs)
- if file_size > get_max_file_size(organization):
- set_assemble_status(
- task,
- org_or_project.id,
- checksum,
- ChunkFileState.ERROR,
- detail="File exceeds maximum size",
- )
- return
- # Sanity check. In case not all blobs exist at this point we have a
- # race condition.
- if {x[1] for x in file_blobs} != set(chunks):
- set_assemble_status(
- task,
- org_or_project.id,
- checksum,
- ChunkFileState.ERROR,
- detail="Not all chunks available for assembling",
- )
- return
- # Ensure blobs are in the order and duplication in which they were
- # transmitted. Otherwise, we would assemble the file in the wrong order.
- ids_by_checksum = {chks: id for id, chks, _ in file_blobs}
- file_blob_ids = [ids_by_checksum[c] for c in chunks]
- file = File.objects.create(name=name, checksum=checksum, type=file_type)
- try:
- temp_file = file.assemble_from_file_blob_ids(file_blob_ids, checksum)
- except AssembleChecksumMismatch:
- file.delete()
- set_assemble_status(
- task,
- org_or_project.id,
- checksum,
- ChunkFileState.ERROR,
- detail="Reported checksum mismatch",
- )
- else:
- file.save()
- return file, temp_file