@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+created: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.455229Z'
+creator: sentry
+source: tests/sentry/backup/test_releases.py
+- fields:
+ key: bar
+ last_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.171Z'
+ last_updated_by: unknown
+ value: '"b"'
+ model: sentry.controloption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.768Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.768Z'
+ external_id: slack:test-org
+ metadata: {}
+ name: Slack for test-org
+ provider: slack
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.integration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: foo
+ last_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.169Z'
+ last_updated_by: unknown
+ value: '"a"'
+ model: sentry.option
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.415Z'
+ default_role: member
+ flags: '1'
+ is_test: false
+ name: test-org
+ slug: test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organization
+ pk: 4552809988227072
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.950Z'
+ default_role: member
+ flags: '1'
+ is_test: false
+ name: Ready Mustang
+ slug: ready-mustang
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organization
+ pk: 4552809988227076
+- fields:
+ config:
+ hello: hello
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.769Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.769Z'
+ default_auth_id: null
+ grace_period_end: null
+ integration: 1
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organizationintegration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:account-rate-limit
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ value: 0
+ model: sentry.organizationoption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.643Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: project-test-org
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: project-test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4552809988227074
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.805Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: other-project-test-org
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: other-project-test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4552809988227075
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.015Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: Natural Moth
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: natural-moth
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4552809988292608
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.119Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: Social Rat
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: social-rat
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4552809988292609
+- fields:
+ config:
+ hello: hello
+ integration_id: 1
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ model: sentry.projectintegration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.664Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ public_key: 0840cf0440433f3e790d1c488b5003d6
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
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+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.823Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4552809988227075
+ public_key: 581cbc89dad2a98956541558f40d97b9
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
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+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.035Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4552809988292608
+ public_key: abfb42f26f51d7cc4dfc7bfc57fd33f7
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
+ secret_key: d91693e882a676d681db195637a9aea8
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.137Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4552809988292609
+ public_key: 460028ce5413393bfc112ccfc18fa6ab
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
+ secret_key: 8ebaabfe8b4c4596c2627ab6243edfab
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988227074
+ value: '"6ab4dd593a2d419fa402dbe6ef102ffd"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988227074
+ value: '"2023-10-16T20:41:56.670398Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:option-epoch
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988227075
+ value: '"aff190eca44a4a789af18fd78483826d"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
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+ value: '"2023-10-16T20:41:56.828874Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988227075
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
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+ value: '"58056fd9b8824c178c8046e24a4cbba3"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 7
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988292608
+ value: '"2023-10-16T20:41:57.039509Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 8
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:option-epoch
+ project: 4552809988292608
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 9
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988292609
+ value: '"9e8246bed16b42dcb054ce815199dea0"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 10
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988292609
+ value: '"2023-10-16T20:41:57.142543Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 11
+- fields:
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+ project: 4552809988292609
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 12
+- fields:
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+ codeowners_auto_sync: true
+ date_created: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.689Z'
+ fallthrough: true
+ is_active: true
+ last_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.689Z'
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ raw: '{"hello":"hello"}'
+ schema:
+ hello: hello
+ suspect_committer_auto_assignment: false
+ model: sentry.projectownership
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.697Z'
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ redirect_slug: project_slug_in_test-org
+ model: sentry.projectredirect
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ first_seen: null
+ is_internal: true
+ last_seen: null
+ public_key: JJ066abhIZ9h2AEeckely9Qr-msDm0Kr1FlZqRapMxg
+ relay_id: f46b246b-9c39-411b-8fb1-88a000b3e3eb
+ model: sentry.relay
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ first_seen: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.168Z'
+ last_seen: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.168Z'
+ public_key: JJ066abhIZ9h2AEeckely9Qr-msDm0Kr1FlZqRapMxg
+ relay_id: f46b246b-9c39-411b-8fb1-88a000b3e3eb
+ version: 0.0.1
+ model: sentry.relayusage
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: {}
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.924Z'
+ external_id: null
+ integration_id: 1
+ languages: '[]'
+ name: getsentry/getsentry
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ provider: integrations:github
+ status: 0
+ url: https://github.com/getsentry/getsentry
+ model: sentry.repository
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.582Z'
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+ name: test_team_in_test-org
+ org_role: null
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ slug: test_team_in_test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.team
+ pk: 4552809988227073
+- fields:
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+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.265Z'
+ email: owner
+ flags: '0'
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+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: true
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.265Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.265Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$ssXfJ6VuZeDwUMJ6hPCV3a$f927f7d4b950b266e26afc694c9ec053
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: owner
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.367Z'
+ email: invitee
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: false
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.367Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.367Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$6CBL1irpEjwkq6KTBtxaR9$bcb102e64fdae6886ab550ba579de87b
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: invitee
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
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+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.863Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: true
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.863Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.863Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$t6gMsw6Sty9t1j6oycGKwx$5146dbbaefd9d1582ea9d2d9601ff30d
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: admin@localhost
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.926Z'
+ email: b8db72bc53164ecfa65474c59cd110ce@example.com
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.926Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.926Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$tY3BiQK9vC3ENWaSIj98lK$546e30f4fbb9de511652b696faec507e
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: b8db72bc53164ecfa65474c59cd110ce@example.com
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
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+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.986Z'
+ email: ''
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
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+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: true
+ is_staff: false
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.986Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: null
+ name: ''
+ password: ''
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: test-app-dfaed824-a5fa-4a41-ad3f-94a537566c54
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
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+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.095Z'
+ email: ee39e4e3d56a487b879531499f954335@example.com
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.095Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.095Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$37I6VfNo1eEbl46V3M47SZ$6267eb70c7305a189255eabc80de35c1
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: ee39e4e3d56a487b879531499f954335@example.com
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
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+ first_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ ip_address:
+ last_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
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+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userip
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ first_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ ip_address:
+ last_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ region_code: null
+ user: 2
+ model: sentry.userip
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ key: timezone
+ organization_id: null
+ project_id: null
+ user: 1
+ value: '"Europe/Vienna"'
+ model: sentry.useroption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ project_id: null
+ user: 2
+ value: '"Europe/Vienna"'
+ model: sentry.useroption
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ permission: users.admin
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userpermission
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.343Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.343Z'
+ name: test-admin-role
+ permissions: '[]'
+ model: sentry.userrole
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.349Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.349Z'
+ role: 1
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userroleuser
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.917Z'
+ is_global: false
+ name: Saved query for test-org
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ owner_id: null
+ query: saved query for test-org
+ sort: date
+ type: 0
+ visibility: organization
+ model: sentry.savedsearch
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.915Z'
+ last_seen: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.915Z'
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ query: some query for test-org
+ query_hash: 7c69362cd42207b83f80087bc15ebccb
+ type: 0
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.recentsearch
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ team: 4552809988227073
+ model: sentry.projectteam
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4552809988227075
+ team: 4552809988227073
+ model: sentry.projectteam
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.687Z'
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.projectbookmark
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ created_by: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.766Z'
+ date_deactivated: null
+ date_last_used: null
+ name: token 1 for test-org
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ project_last_used_id: 4552809988227074
+ scope_list: '[''org:ci'']'
+ token_hashed: ABCDEFtest-org
+ token_last_characters: xyz1
+ model: sentry.orgauthtoken
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.468Z'
+ email: null
+ flags: '0'
+ has_global_access: true
+ invite_status: 0
+ inviter_id: null
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ role: owner
+ token: null
+ token_expires_at: null
+ type: 50
+ user_email: owner
+ user_id: 1
+ user_is_active: true
+ model: sentry.organizationmember
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.509Z'
+ email: null
+ flags: '0'
+ has_global_access: true
+ invite_status: 0
+ inviter_id: null
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ role: member
+ token: null
+ token_expires_at: null
+ type: 50
+ user_email: invitee
+ user_id: 2
+ user_is_active: true
+ model: sentry.organizationmember
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ member: 2
+ requester_id: null
+ team: 4552809988227073
+ model: sentry.organizationaccessrequest
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config:
+ schedule: '* * * * *'
+ schedule_type: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.800Z'
+ guid: a7ddde4a-4b7c-4573-9379-62b5a5be208e
+ name: ''
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ project_id: 4552809988227074
+ slug: 0c569c62af5d
+ status: 0
+ type: 3
+ model: sentry.monitor
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.795Z'
+ name: promptly brief ibex
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ model: sentry.environment
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.272Z'
+ email: owner
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.371Z'
+ email: invitee
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.867Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.930Z'
+ email: b8db72bc53164ecfa65474c59cd110ce@example.com
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.990Z'
+ email: ''
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.099Z'
+ email: ee39e4e3d56a487b879531499f954335@example.com
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.914Z'
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ slug: test-tombstone-in-test-org
+ model: sentry.dashboardtombstone
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ created_by_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.909Z'
+ filters: null
+ last_visited: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.909Z'
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ title: Dashboard 1 for test-org
+ visits: 1
+ model: sentry.dashboard
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ condition: '{"op":"equals","name":"environment","value":"prod"}'
+ condition_hash: b63bd418800aecf3dbe91c4850f4242be35252f8
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.787Z'
+ end_date: '2023-10-16T21:41:56.784Z'
+ is_active: true
+ is_org_level: false
+ num_samples: 100
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ rule_id: 1
+ sample_rate: 0.5
+ start_date: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.784Z'
+ model: sentry.customdynamicsamplingrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ value: 1
+ model: sentry.counter
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: {}
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.724Z'
+ default_global_access: true
+ default_role: 50
+ flags: '0'
+ last_sync: null
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ provider: sentry
+ sync_time: null
+ model: sentry.authprovider
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ auth_provider: 1
+ data:
+ key1: value1
+ key2: 42
+ key3:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ key4:
+ nested_key: nested_value
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.744Z'
+ ident: 123456789test-org
+ last_synced: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.744Z'
+ last_verified: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.744Z'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.authidentity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: '""'
+ created_at: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.307Z'
+ last_used_at: null
+ type: 1
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.authenticator
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: '""'
+ created_at: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.397Z'
+ last_used_at: null
+ type: 1
+ user: 2
+ model: sentry.authenticator
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ allowed_origins: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.706Z'
+ key: 098156be75bb4ef4bcb2eaaf0e33a0d2
+ label: Default
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.apikey
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ allowed_origins: ''
+ client_id: 4d2e06199dca31da8d7282c7832718ea756fbeedb0db739b04a6672883f9e3a5
+ client_secret: d8a13a0ea6b2cc9d472819edfbec8261189c4dfd0ad286bad758ccb761d886a5
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.995Z'
+ homepage_url: null
+ name: Mighty Dove
+ owner: 5
+ privacy_url: null
+ redirect_uris: ''
+ status: 0
+ terms_url: null
+ model: sentry.apiapplication
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ team: 4552809988227073
+ type: 0
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.actor
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.269Z'
+ email: owner
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 1
+ validation_hash: oUkrTjXbhdfDkdr10Vby9D7UOXroVxhF
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.369Z'
+ email: invitee
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 2
+ validation_hash: Ih4S5dPAC2r9a10AoMsYIjFWzHC8cRl0
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.865Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 3
+ validation_hash: E6sKYC1dlpcGKGAnpaFkHJd2XwvvD6Xt
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.928Z'
+ email: b8db72bc53164ecfa65474c59cd110ce@example.com
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 4
+ validation_hash: 6C5TydLbwqnX34k6DjUn1StNQ3o2LkZu
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.988Z'
+ email: ''
+ is_verified: false
+ user: 5
+ validation_hash: HpJ6xFA8LZSY9adBh2NLsR1l7nt5x6Xg
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.097Z'
+ email: ee39e4e3d56a487b879531499f954335@example.com
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 6
+ validation_hash: 1Fvqy6DOdKusj1BATPcNT6gljS6VD270
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
+ aggregate: count()
+ dataset: events
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.843Z'
+ environment: null
+ query: level:error
+ resolution: 60
+ time_window: 600
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaquery
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ aggregate: count()
+ dataset: events
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.889Z'
+ environment: null
+ query: test query
+ resolution: 60
+ time_window: 60
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaquery
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ author: A Company
+ creator_label: b8db72bc53164ecfa65474c59cd110ce@example.com
+ creator_user: 4
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.997Z'
+ date_deleted: null
+ date_published: null
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.084Z'
+ events: '[]'
+ is_alertable: false
+ name: test app
+ overview: null
+ owner_id: 4552809988227072
+ popularity: 1
+ proxy_user: 5
+ redirect_url: null
+ schema:
+ elements:
+ - settings:
+ optional_fields:
+ - label: Points
+ name: points
+ options:
+ - - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - - '2'
+ - '2'
+ - - '3'
+ - '3'
+ - - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - - '8'
+ - '8'
+ type: select
+ - label: Assignee
+ name: assignee
+ type: select
+ uri: /sentry/members
+ required_fields:
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ type: text
+ - label: Summary
+ name: summary
+ type: text
+ type: alert-rule-settings
+ uri: /sentry/alert-rule
+ title: Create Task with App
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ slug: test-app
+ status: 0
+ uuid: d4a21260-38eb-48e8-ae54-ced530fd4c02
+ verify_install: true
+ webhook_url: https://example.com/webhook
+ model: sentry.sentryapp
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data: '{"conditions":[{"id":"sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition"},{"id":"sentry.rules.conditions.every_event.EveryEventCondition"}],"action_match":"all","filter_match":"all","actions":[{"id":"sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"},{"id":"sentry.rules.actions.notify_event_service.NotifyEventServiceAction","service":"mail"}]}'
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.777Z'
+ environment_id: null
+ label: ''
+ owner: null
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ source: 0
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.rule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.852Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.852Z'
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.892Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.892Z'
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ snuba_query: 2
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.019Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.019Z'
+ project: 4552809988292608
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.123Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.123Z'
+ project: 4552809988292609
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ is_active: true
+ organizationmember: 1
+ role: null
+ team: 4552809988227073
+ model: sentry.organizationmemberteam
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ integration_id: null
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ sentry_app_id: null
+ target_display: Sentry User
+ target_identifier: '1'
+ target_type: 1
+ trigger_type: 0
+ type: 5
+ model: sentry.notificationaction
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ integration_id: null
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ sentry_app_id: 1
+ target_display: Sentry User
+ target_identifier: '1'
+ target_type: 1
+ trigger_type: 0
+ type: 5
+ model: sentry.notificationaction
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ disable_date: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.783Z'
+ opted_out: false
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ rule: 1
+ sent_final_email_date: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.783Z'
+ sent_initial_email_date: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.783Z'
+ model: sentry.neglectedrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ environment: 1
+ is_hidden: null
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ model: sentry.environmentproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ dashboard: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.911Z'
+ description: null
+ detail: null
+ display_type: 0
+ interval: null
+ limit: null
+ order: 1
+ thresholds: null
+ title: Test Widget for test-org
+ widget_type: 0
+ model: sentry.dashboardwidget
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ custom_dynamic_sampling_rule: 1
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ model: sentry.customdynamicsamplingruleproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.074Z'
+ expires_at: '2023-10-17T04:41:57.074Z'
+ refresh_token: 679433f0effd6e71fb5b5c607f462c95a44fb0b9f1b2e2eba011d270241756d7
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 2fd5b43342d071f1d73a9708d272792778bc6056206648dd9b25dbf14fb841e9
+ user: 5
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.092Z'
+ expires_at: null
+ refresh_token: c2950bf6929d1a295f5f65d5f2d9f4e34f733ff8d1723fac6c8b1c23c4b4adb4
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 6e6c5de74615443492abd84d1bcbdd0b
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.173Z'
+ expires_at: null
+ refresh_token: d59861373fe26f5ecb2769e644401f6474b21bc7660a7a38883329f02b4238e6
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 864b0e8735f94e509c7ec608a9d81cfb
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ code: 6a0081732ce061f3217277b643abc088ec101485c6d00c0aa60ebf505ead1409
+ expires_at: '2022-01-01T11:11:00.000Z'
+ redirect_uri: https://example.com
+ scope_list: '[''openid'', ''profile'', ''email'']'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apigrant
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.090Z'
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apiauthorization
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.172Z'
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apiauthorization
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ comparison_delta: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.847Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.847Z'
+ include_all_projects: true
+ name: Super Honeybee
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ owner: null
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 0
+ threshold_period: 1
+ threshold_type: 0
+ model: sentry.alertrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ comparison_delta: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.891Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.891Z'
+ include_all_projects: false
+ name: Resolved Kid
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ owner: null
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ snuba_query: 2
+ status: 0
+ threshold_period: 1
+ threshold_type: 0
+ model: sentry.alertrule
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ snuba_query: 1
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaqueryeventtype
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ snuba_query: 2
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaqueryeventtype
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ api_grant: null
+ api_token: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.055Z'
+ date_deleted: null
+ date_updated: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.064Z'
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ sentry_app: 1
+ status: 1
+ uuid: bf6ac4cc-2450-415f-a84b-86f8ca9fb015
+ model: sentry.sentryappinstallation
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ schema:
+ settings:
+ optional_fields:
+ - label: Points
+ name: points
+ options:
+ - - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - - '2'
+ - '2'
+ - - '3'
+ - '3'
+ - - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - - '8'
+ - '8'
+ type: select
+ - label: Assignee
+ name: assignee
+ type: select
+ uri: /sentry/members
+ required_fields:
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ type: text
+ - label: Summary
+ name: summary
+ type: text
+ type: alert-rule-settings
+ uri: /sentry/alert-rule
+ title: Create Task with App
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ sentry_app: 1
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ uuid: 078d2c2c-7da5-485f-8555-b5e4eef8e7f7
+ model: sentry.sentryappcomponent
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: null
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.781Z'
+ owner_id: 1
+ rule: 1
+ until: null
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.rulesnooze
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.779Z'
+ rule: 1
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.ruleactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ action: 1
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ model: sentry.notificationactionproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ action: 2
+ project: 4552809988227074
+ model: sentry.notificationactionproject
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 2
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.897Z'
+ date_closed: null
+ date_detected: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.895Z'
+ date_started: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.895Z'
+ detection_uuid: null
+ identifier: 1
+ organization: 4552809988227072
+ status: 1
+ status_method: 3
+ title: Game Jennet
+ type: 2
+ model: sentry.incident
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ aggregates: null
+ columns: null
+ conditions: ''
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.913Z'
+ field_aliases: null
+ fields: '[]'
+ name: Test Query for test-org
+ order: 1
+ orderby: ''
+ widget: 1
+ model: sentry.dashboardwidgetquery
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ alert_threshold: 100.0
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.859Z'
+ label: Adapted Boa
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ threshold_type: null
+ model: sentry.alertruletrigger
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.849Z'
+ project: 4552809988227075
+ model: sentry.alertruleexcludedprojects
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.853Z'
+ previous_alert_rule: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertruleactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 2
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.893Z'
+ previous_alert_rule: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertruleactivity
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.903Z'
+ end: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.903Z'
+ period: 1
+ start: '2023-10-15T20:41:56.903Z'
+ values: '[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]]'
+ model: sentry.timeseriessnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ actor_id: 1
+ application_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.061Z'
+ events: '[]'
+ guid: cd58634b2c684a22b9f6dbc7614966b9
+ installation_id: 1
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ project_id: null
+ secret: b44eda34022d80d4e8e59c9188beeb4ba6184b710b975936cd1a05da065ab5c8
+ status: 0
+ url: https://example.com/webhook
+ version: 0
+ model: sentry.servicehook
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ actor_id: 6
+ application_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:57.153Z'
+ events: '[''event.created'']'
+ guid: 48bf25a42a4840c082c9abca63b1c09d
+ installation_id: 1
+ organization_id: 4552809988227072
+ project_id: 4552809988292609
+ secret: 3ccf42df4668e9c635b177b06332dc19e23576a17dc1718d384da9ae61310a63
+ status: 0
+ url: https://example.com/sentry/webhook
+ version: 0
+ model: sentry.servicehook
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.908Z'
+ incident: 1
+ target_run_date: '2023-10-17T00:41:56.908Z'
+ model: sentry.pendingincidentsnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.907Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.907Z'
+ incident: 1
+ status: 1
+ model: sentry.incidenttrigger
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.905Z'
+ incident: 1
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.incidentsubscription
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.904Z'
+ event_stats_snapshot: 1
+ incident: 1
+ total_events: 1
+ unique_users: 1
+ model: sentry.incidentsnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ comment: hello test-org
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.901Z'
+ incident: 1
+ notification_uuid: null
+ previous_value: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ value: null
+ model: sentry.incidentactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.860Z'
+ query_subscription: 1
+ model: sentry.alertruletriggerexclusion
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-10-16T20:41:56.887Z'
+ integration_id: null
+ sentry_app_config: null
+ sentry_app_id: null
+ target_display: null
+ target_identifier: '3'
+ target_type: 1
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.alertruletriggeraction
+ pk: 1