@@ -553,6 +553,74 @@ class BasicResolvingIntegrationTest(RelayStoreHelper, TransactionTestCase):
metrics = event.data["_metrics"]
assert not metrics.get("flag.processing.error")
+ def test_resolving_does_not_fail_when_no_module_or_function(self):
+ self.upload_proguard_mapping(PROGUARD_UUID, PROGUARD_SOURCE)
+ event_data = {
+ "user": {"ip_address": ""},
+ "extra": {},
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "platform": "java",
+ "debug_meta": {"images": [{"type": "proguard", "uuid": PROGUARD_UUID}]},
+ "exception": {
+ "values": [
+ {
+ "stacktrace": {
+ "frames": [
+ {
+ "function": "a",
+ "abs_path": None,
+ "module": "org.a.b.g$a",
+ "filename": None,
+ "lineno": 67,
+ },
+ {
+ "function": "a",
+ "abs_path": None,
+ "module": "org.a.b.g$a",
+ "filename": None,
+ "lineno": 69,
+ },
+ {
+ "function": "__start_thread",
+ "package": "/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so",
+ "lineno": 196,
+ "in_app": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "package": "/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so",
+ "lineno": 214,
+ "in_app": False,
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "module": "org.a.b",
+ "type": "g$a",
+ "value": "Attempt to invoke virtual method 'org.a.b.g$a.a' on a null object reference",
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "timestamp": iso_format(before_now(seconds=1)),
+ }
+ event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(event_data)
+ if not self.use_relay():
+ # We measure the number of queries after an initial post,
+ # because there are many queries polluting the array
+ # before the actual "processing" happens (like, auth_user)
+ with self.assertWriteQueries(
+ {
+ "nodestore_node": 2,
+ "sentry_eventuser": 1,
+ "sentry_groupedmessage": 1,
+ "sentry_userreport": 1,
+ }
+ ):
+ self.post_and_retrieve_event(event_data)
+ metrics = event.data["_metrics"]
+ assert not metrics.get("flag.processing.error")
def test_sets_inapp_after_resolving(self):
self.upload_proguard_mapping(PROGUARD_UUID, PROGUARD_SOURCE)
@@ -722,6 +790,105 @@ class BasicResolvingIntegrationTest(RelayStoreHelper, TransactionTestCase):
assert frames[3].filename == "MainActivity.java"
assert frames[3].module == "io.sentry.sample.MainActivity"
+ def test_resolving_inline_with_native_frames(self):
+ self.upload_proguard_mapping(PROGUARD_INLINE_UUID, PROGUARD_INLINE_SOURCE)
+ event_data = {
+ "user": {"ip_address": ""},
+ "extra": {},
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "platform": "java",
+ "debug_meta": {"images": [{"type": "proguard", "uuid": PROGUARD_INLINE_UUID}]},
+ "exception": {
+ "values": [
+ {
+ "stacktrace": {
+ "frames": [
+ {
+ "function": "onClick",
+ "abs_path": None,
+ "module": "e.a.c.a",
+ "filename": None,
+ "lineno": 2,
+ },
+ {
+ "function": "t",
+ "abs_path": None,
+ "module": "io.sentry.sample.MainActivity",
+ "filename": "MainActivity.java",
+ "lineno": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "abs_path": "Thread.java",
+ "filename": "Thread.java",
+ "function": "sleep",
+ "lineno": 450,
+ "lock": {
+ "address": "0x0ddc1f22",
+ "class_name": "Object",
+ "package_name": "java.lang",
+ "type:": 1,
+ },
+ "module": "java.lang.Thread",
+ },
+ {
+ "function": "__start_thread",
+ "package": "/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so",
+ "lineno": 196,
+ "in_app": False,
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "module": "org.a.b",
+ "type": "g$a",
+ "value": "Oh no",
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "timestamp": iso_format(before_now(seconds=1)),
+ }
+ event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(event_data)
+ if not self.use_relay():
+ # We measure the number of queries after an initial post,
+ # because there are many queries polluting the array
+ # before the actual "processing" happens (like, auth_user)
+ with self.assertWriteQueries(
+ {
+ "nodestore_node": 2,
+ "sentry_eventuser": 1,
+ "sentry_groupedmessage": 1,
+ "sentry_userreport": 1,
+ }
+ ):
+ self.post_and_retrieve_event(event_data)
+ exc = event.interfaces["exception"].values[0]
+ bt = exc.stacktrace
+ frames = bt.frames
+ assert len(frames) == 6
+ assert frames[0].function == "onClick"
+ assert frames[0].module == "io.sentry.sample.-$$Lambda$r3Avcbztes2hicEObh02jjhQqd4"
+ assert frames[1].filename == "MainActivity.java"
+ assert frames[1].module == "io.sentry.sample.MainActivity"
+ assert frames[1].function == "onClickHandler"
+ assert frames[1].lineno == 40
+ assert frames[2].function == "foo"
+ assert frames[2].lineno == 44
+ assert frames[3].function == "bar"
+ assert frames[3].lineno == 54
+ assert frames[3].filename == "MainActivity.java"
+ assert frames[3].module == "io.sentry.sample.MainActivity"
+ assert frames[4].function == "sleep"
+ assert frames[4].lineno == 450
+ assert frames[4].filename == "Thread.java"
+ assert frames[4].module == "java.lang.Thread"
+ assert frames[5].function == "__start_thread"
+ assert frames[5].package == "/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so"
def test_error_on_resolving(self):
url = reverse(