@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import autoCompleteFilter from 'sentry/components/dropdownAutoComplete/autoCompleteFilter';
+import {ItemsAfterFilter} from 'sentry/components/dropdownAutoComplete/types';
+import {t, tn} from 'sentry/locale';
+import TimeRangeItemLabel from './timeRangeItemLabel';
+ s: {
+ label: (num: number) => tn('Last second', 'Last %s seconds', num),
+ searchKey: t('seconds'),
+ },
+ m: {
+ label: (num: number) => tn('Last minute', 'Last %s minutes', num),
+ searchKey: t('minutes'),
+ },
+ h: {
+ label: (num: number) => tn('Last hour', 'Last %s hours', num),
+ searchKey: t('hours'),
+ },
+ d: {
+ label: (num: number) => tn('Last day', 'Last %s days', num),
+ searchKey: t('days'),
+ },
+ w: {
+ label: (num: number) => tn('Last week', 'Last %s weeks', num),
+ searchKey: t('weeks'),
+ },
+) as Array<keyof typeof SUPPORTED_RELATIVE_PERIOD_UNITS>;
+function makeItem(
+ amount: number,
+ index: number
+) {
+ return {
+ value: `${amount}${unit}`,
+ ['data-test-id']: `${amount}${unit}`,
+ label: (
+ <TimeRangeItemLabel>
+ </TimeRangeItemLabel>
+ ),
+ searchKey: `${amount}${unit}`,
+ index,
+ };
+ * A custom autocomplete implementation for <TimeRangeSelector />
+ * This function generates relative time ranges based on the user's input (not limited to those present in the initial set).
+ *
+ * When the user begins their input with a number, we provide all unit options for them to choose from:
+ * "5" => ["Last 5 seconds", "Last 5 minutes", "Last 5 hours", "Last 5 days", "Last 5 weeks"]
+ *
+ * When the user adds text after the number, we filter those options to the matching unit:
+ * "5d" => ["Last 5 days"]
+ * "5 days" => ["Last 5 days"]
+ *
+ * If the input does not begin with a number, we do a simple filter of the preset options.
+ */
+const timeRangeAutoCompleteFilter: typeof autoCompleteFilter = function (
+ items,
+ filterValue
+) {
+ if (!items) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const match = filterValue.match(/(?<digits>\d+)\s*(?<string>\w*)/);
+ const userSuppliedAmount = Number(match?.groups?.digits);
+ const userSuppliedUnits = (match?.groups?.string ?? '').trim().toLowerCase();
+ const userSuppliedAmountIsValid = !isNaN(userSuppliedAmount) && userSuppliedAmount > 0;
+ // If there is a number w/o units, show all unit options
+ if (userSuppliedAmountIsValid && !userSuppliedUnits) {
+ return SUPPORTED_RELATIVE_UNITS_LIST.map((unit, index) =>
+ makeItem(userSuppliedAmount, unit, index)
+ );
+ }
+ // If there is a number followed by units, show the matching number/unit option
+ if (userSuppliedAmountIsValid && userSuppliedUnits) {
+ const matchingUnit = SUPPORTED_RELATIVE_UNITS_LIST.find(unit => {
+ if (userSuppliedUnits.length === 1) {
+ return unit === userSuppliedUnits;
+ }
+ return SUPPORTED_RELATIVE_PERIOD_UNITS[unit].searchKey.startsWith(
+ userSuppliedUnits
+ );
+ });
+ if (matchingUnit) {
+ return [makeItem(userSuppliedAmount, matchingUnit, 0)];
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, do a normal filter search
+ return items
+ ?.filter(item => item.searchKey.toLowerCase().includes(filterValue.toLowerCase()))
+ .map((item, index) => ({...item, index})) as ItemsAfterFilter;
+export default timeRangeAutoCompleteFilter;