@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from functools import wraps
+from typing import Any
+from django.http import Http404
+from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied
+from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission
+from rest_framework.request import Request
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
+from sentry.api.authentication import ClientIdSecretAuthentication
+from sentry.api.base import Endpoint
+from sentry.api.permissions import SentryPermission, StaffPermissionMixin
+from sentry.auth.staff import is_active_staff
+from sentry.auth.superuser import is_active_superuser, superuser_has_permission
+from sentry.coreapi import APIError
+from sentry.integrations.api.bases.integration import PARANOID_GET
+from sentry.middleware.stats import add_request_metric_tags
+from sentry.models.organization import OrganizationStatus
+from sentry.organizations.services.organization import (
+ RpcUserOrganizationContext,
+ organization_service,
+from sentry.sentry_apps.models.sentry_app import SentryApp
+from sentry.sentry_apps.services.app import RpcSentryApp, app_service
+from sentry.users.models.user import User
+from sentry.users.services.user import RpcUser
+from sentry.users.services.user.service import user_service
+from sentry.utils.sdk import Scope
+from sentry.utils.strings import to_single_line_str
+COMPONENT_TYPES = ["stacktrace-link", "issue-link"]
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def catch_raised_errors(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ except APIError as e:
+ return Response({"detail": e.msg}, status=400)
+ return wrapped
+def ensure_scoped_permission(request: Request, allowed_scopes: Sequence[str] | None) -> bool:
+ """
+ Verifies the User making the request has at least one required scope for
+ the endpoint being requested.
+ If no scopes were specified in a ``scope_map``, it means the endpoint should
+ not be accessible. That is, this function expects every accessible endpoint
+ to have a list of scopes.
+ That list of scopes may be empty, implying that the User does not need any
+ specific scope and the endpoint is public.
+ """
+ # If no scopes were found at all, the endpoint should not be accessible.
+ if allowed_scopes is None:
+ return False
+ # If there are no scopes listed, it implies a public endpoint.
+ if len(allowed_scopes) == 0:
+ return True
+ return any(request.access.has_scope(s) for s in set(allowed_scopes))
+def add_integration_platform_metric_tag(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ add_request_metric_tags(self.request, integration_platform=True)
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapped
+class SentryAppsPermission(SentryPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "POST": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ }
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, context: RpcUserOrganizationContext):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ self.determine_access(request, context)
+ if superuser_has_permission(request):
+ return True
+ # User must be a part of the Org they're trying to create the app in.
+ if context.organization.status != OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE or not context.member:
+ raise Http404
+ assert request.method, "method must be present in request to get permissions"
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(request, self.scope_map.get(request.method))
+class SentryAppsAndStaffPermission(StaffPermissionMixin, SentryAppsPermission):
+ """Allows staff to access the GET method of sentry apps endpoints."""
+ staff_allowed_methods = {"GET"}
+class IntegrationPlatformEndpoint(Endpoint):
+ def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ add_request_metric_tags(request, integration_platform=True)
+ return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
+class SentryAppsBaseEndpoint(IntegrationPlatformEndpoint):
+ permission_classes: tuple[type[BasePermission], ...] = (SentryAppsAndStaffPermission,)
+ def _get_organization_slug(self, request: Request):
+ organization_slug = request.json_body.get("organization")
+ if not organization_slug or not isinstance(organization_slug, str):
+ error_message = "Please provide a valid value for the 'organization' field."
+ raise ValidationError({"organization": to_single_line_str(error_message)})
+ return organization_slug
+ def _get_organization_for_superuser_or_staff(
+ self, user: RpcUser | User, organization_slug: str
+ ) -> RpcUserOrganizationContext:
+ context = organization_service.get_organization_by_slug(
+ slug=organization_slug, only_visible=False, user_id=user.id
+ )
+ if context is None:
+ error_message = f"Organization '{organization_slug}' does not exist."
+ raise ValidationError({"organization": to_single_line_str(error_message)})
+ return context
+ def _get_organization_for_user(
+ self, user: RpcUser | User, organization_slug: str
+ ) -> RpcUserOrganizationContext:
+ context = organization_service.get_organization_by_slug(
+ slug=organization_slug, only_visible=True, user_id=user.id
+ )
+ if context is None or context.member is None:
+ error_message = f"User does not belong to the '{organization_slug}' organization."
+ raise PermissionDenied(to_single_line_str(error_message))
+ return context
+ def _get_org_context(self, request: Request) -> RpcUserOrganizationContext:
+ organization_slug = self._get_organization_slug(request)
+ assert request.user.is_authenticated, "User must be authenticated to get organization"
+ if is_active_superuser(request) or is_active_staff(request):
+ return self._get_organization_for_superuser_or_staff(request.user, organization_slug)
+ else:
+ return self._get_organization_for_user(request.user, organization_slug)
+ def convert_args(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ This baseclass is the SentryApp collection endpoints:
+ [GET, POST] /sentry-apps
+ The GET endpoint is public and doesn't require (or handle) any query
+ params or request body.
+ The POST endpoint is for creating a Sentry App. Part of that creation
+ is associating it with the Organization that it's created within.
+ So in the case of POST requests, we want to pull the Organization out
+ of the request body so that we can ensure the User making the request
+ has access to it.
+ Since ``convert_args`` is conventionally where you materialize model
+ objects from URI params, we're applying the same logic for a param in
+ the request body.
+ """
+ if not request.json_body:
+ return (args, kwargs)
+ context = self._get_org_context(request)
+ self.check_object_permissions(request, context)
+ kwargs["organization"] = context.organization
+ return (args, kwargs)
+class SentryAppPermission(SentryPermission):
+ unpublished_scope_map = {
+ "GET": ("org:read", "org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "PUT": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "POST": ("org:admin",), # used for publishing an app
+ "DELETE": ("org:admin",),
+ }
+ published_scope_map = {
+ "PUT": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "POST": ("org:admin",),
+ "DELETE": ("org:admin",),
+ }
+ @property
+ def scope_map(self):
+ return self.published_scope_map
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, sentry_app: RpcSentryApp | SentryApp):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ owner_app = organization_service.get_organization_by_id(
+ id=sentry_app.owner_id, user_id=request.user.id
+ )
+ assert owner_app, f"owner organization for {sentry_app.name} was not found"
+ self.determine_access(request, owner_app)
+ if superuser_has_permission(request):
+ return True
+ organizations = (
+ user_service.get_organizations(user_id=request.user.id)
+ if request.user.id is not None
+ else ()
+ )
+ # if app is unpublished, user must be in the Org who owns the app.
+ if not sentry_app.is_published:
+ if not any(sentry_app.owner_id == org.id for org in organizations):
+ raise Http404
+ # TODO(meredith): make a better way to allow for public
+ # endpoints. we can't use ensure_scoped_permission now
+ # that the public endpoint isn't denoted by '()'
+ if sentry_app.is_published and request.method == "GET":
+ return True
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(
+ request, self._scopes_for_sentry_app(sentry_app).get(request.method)
+ )
+ def _scopes_for_sentry_app(self, sentry_app):
+ if sentry_app.is_published:
+ return self.published_scope_map
+ else:
+ return self.unpublished_scope_map
+class SentryAppAndStaffPermission(StaffPermissionMixin, SentryAppPermission):
+ """Allows staff to access sentry app endpoints. Note that this is used for
+ endpoints acting on a single sentry app only."""
+ pass
+class SentryAppBaseEndpoint(IntegrationPlatformEndpoint):
+ permission_classes: tuple[type[BasePermission], ...] = (SentryAppPermission,)
+ def convert_args(
+ self, request: Request, sentry_app_id_or_slug: int | str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ try:
+ sentry_app = SentryApp.objects.get(slug__id_or_slug=sentry_app_id_or_slug)
+ except SentryApp.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
+ self.check_object_permissions(request, sentry_app)
+ Scope.get_isolation_scope().set_tag("sentry_app", sentry_app.slug)
+ kwargs["sentry_app"] = sentry_app
+ return (args, kwargs)
+class RegionSentryAppBaseEndpoint(IntegrationPlatformEndpoint):
+ def convert_args(
+ self, request: Request, sentry_app_id_or_slug: int | str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ if str(sentry_app_id_or_slug).isdecimal():
+ sentry_app = app_service.get_sentry_app_by_id(id=int(sentry_app_id_or_slug))
+ else:
+ sentry_app = app_service.get_sentry_app_by_slug(slug=sentry_app_id_or_slug)
+ if sentry_app is None:
+ raise Http404
+ self.check_object_permissions(request, sentry_app)
+ Scope.get_isolation_scope().set_tag("sentry_app", sentry_app.slug)
+ kwargs["sentry_app"] = sentry_app
+ return (args, kwargs)
+class SentryAppInstallationsPermission(SentryPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "GET": ("org:read", "org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "POST": ("org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ }
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, organization):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ self.determine_access(request, organization)
+ if superuser_has_permission(request):
+ return True
+ organizations = (
+ user_service.get_organizations(user_id=request.user.id)
+ if request.user.id is not None
+ else ()
+ )
+ if not any(organization.id == org.id for org in organizations):
+ raise Http404
+ assert request.method, "method must be present in request to get permissions"
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(request, self.scope_map.get(request.method))
+class SentryAppInstallationsBaseEndpoint(IntegrationPlatformEndpoint):
+ permission_classes = (SentryAppInstallationsPermission,)
+ def convert_args(self, request: Request, organization_id_or_slug, *args, **kwargs):
+ extra_args = {}
+ # We need to pass user_id if the user is not a superuser
+ if not is_active_superuser(request):
+ extra_args["user_id"] = request.user.id
+ if str(organization_id_or_slug).isdecimal():
+ organization = organization_service.get_org_by_id(
+ id=int(organization_id_or_slug), **extra_args
+ )
+ else:
+ organization = organization_service.get_org_by_slug(
+ slug=str(organization_id_or_slug), **extra_args
+ )
+ if organization is None:
+ raise Http404
+ self.check_object_permissions(request, organization)
+ kwargs["organization"] = organization
+ return (args, kwargs)
+class SentryAppInstallationPermission(SentryPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "GET": ("org:read", "org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "DELETE": ("org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ # NOTE(mn): The only POST endpoint right now is to create External
+ # Issues, which uses this baseclass since it's nested under an
+ # installation.
+ #
+ # The scopes below really only make sense for that endpoint. Any other
+ # nested endpoints will probably need different scopes - figure out how
+ # to deal with that when it happens.
+ "POST": ("org:integrations", "event:write", "event:admin"),
+ }
+ def has_permission(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs):
+ # To let the app mark the installation as installed, we don't care about permissions
+ if (
+ hasattr(request, "user")
+ and hasattr(request.user, "is_sentry_app")
+ and request.user.is_sentry_app
+ and request.method == "PUT"
+ ):
+ return True
+ return super().has_permission(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, installation):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user or not request.user.is_authenticated:
+ return False
+ self.determine_access(request, installation.organization_id)
+ if superuser_has_permission(request):
+ return True
+ # if user is an app, make sure it's for that same app
+ if request.user.is_sentry_app:
+ return request.user.id == installation.sentry_app.proxy_user_id
+ org_context = organization_service.get_organization_by_id(
+ id=installation.organization_id,
+ user_id=request.user.id,
+ include_teams=False,
+ include_projects=False,
+ )
+ if (
+ not org_context
+ or not org_context.member
+ or org_context.organization.status != OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE
+ ):
+ raise Http404
+ assert request.method, "method must be present in request to get permissions"
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(request, self.scope_map.get(request.method))
+class SentryAppInstallationBaseEndpoint(IntegrationPlatformEndpoint):
+ permission_classes: tuple[type[BasePermission], ...] = (SentryAppInstallationPermission,)
+ def convert_args(self, request: Request, uuid, *args, **kwargs):
+ installations = app_service.get_many(filter=dict(uuids=[uuid]))
+ installation = installations[0] if installations else None
+ if installation is None:
+ raise Http404
+ self.check_object_permissions(request, installation)
+ Scope.get_isolation_scope().set_tag("sentry_app_installation", installation.uuid)
+ kwargs["installation"] = installation
+ return (args, kwargs)
+class SentryAppInstallationExternalIssuePermission(SentryAppInstallationPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "POST": ("event:read", "event:write", "event:admin"),
+ "DELETE": ("event:admin",),
+ }
+class SentryAppInstallationExternalIssueBaseEndpoint(SentryAppInstallationBaseEndpoint):
+ permission_classes = (SentryAppInstallationExternalIssuePermission,)
+class SentryAppAuthorizationsPermission(SentryPermission):
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, installation):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ installation_org_context = organization_service.get_organization_by_id(
+ id=installation.organization_id, user_id=request.user.id
+ )
+ assert installation_org_context, "organization for installation was not found"
+ self.determine_access(request, installation_org_context)
+ if not request.user.is_authenticated or not request.user.is_sentry_app:
+ return False
+ # Request must be made as the app's Proxy User, using their Client ID
+ # and Secret.
+ return request.user.id == installation.sentry_app.proxy_user_id
+class SentryAppAuthorizationsBaseEndpoint(SentryAppInstallationBaseEndpoint):
+ authentication_classes = (ClientIdSecretAuthentication,)
+ permission_classes = (SentryAppAuthorizationsPermission,)
+class SentryInternalAppTokenPermission(SentryPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "GET": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "POST": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ "DELETE": ("org:write", "org:admin"),
+ }
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, sentry_app):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ owner_app = organization_service.get_organization_by_id(
+ id=sentry_app.owner_id, user_id=request.user.id
+ )
+ assert owner_app, "Failed to get organization/owner_app to check in has_object_permission"
+ self.determine_access(request, owner_app)
+ if superuser_has_permission(request):
+ return True
+ assert request.method, "method must be present in request to get permissions"
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(request, self.scope_map.get(request.method))
+class SentryAppStatsPermission(SentryPermission):
+ scope_map = {
+ "GET": ("org:read", "org:integrations", "org:write", "org:admin"),
+ # Anyone logged in can increment the stats, so leave the scopes empty
+ # Note: this only works for session-based auth so you cannot increment stats through API
+ "POST": (),
+ }
+ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, sentry_app: SentryApp | RpcSentryApp):
+ if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user:
+ return False
+ owner_app = organization_service.get_organization_by_id(
+ id=sentry_app.owner_id, user_id=request.user.id
+ )
+ if owner_app is None:
+ logger.error(
+ "sentry_app_stats.permission_org_not_found",
+ extra={
+ "sentry_app_id": sentry_app.id,
+ "owner_org_id": sentry_app.owner_id,
+ "user_id": request.user.id,
+ },
+ )
+ return False
+ self.determine_access(request, owner_app)
+ if is_active_superuser(request):
+ return True
+ assert request.method, "method must be present in request to get permissions"
+ return ensure_scoped_permission(request, self.scope_map.get(request.method))