@@ -1,282 +1,8 @@
-import math
-from collections.abc import Sequence
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
-from snuba_sdk import Request
-from snuba_sdk.column import Column
-from snuba_sdk.conditions import Condition, Op
-from snuba_sdk.entity import Entity
-from snuba_sdk.function import Function
-from snuba_sdk.query import Query
-from sentry import release_health
-from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset
-from sentry.utils import snuba
-from sentry.utils.dates import to_datetime
-from sentry.utils.snuba import QueryOutsideRetentionError, parse_snuba_datetime, raw_query
-def _convert_duration(val):
- if math.isnan(val):
- return None
- return val / 1000.0
-def _get_conditions_and_filter_keys(project_releases, environments):
- conditions = [["release", "IN", list(x[1] for x in project_releases)]]
- if environments is not None:
- conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- filter_keys = {"project_id": list({x[0] for x in project_releases})}
- return conditions, filter_keys
-def _get_changed_project_release_model_adoptions(project_ids, now=None):
- """Returns the last 72 hours worth of releases."""
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- start = now - timedelta(days=3)
- rv = []
- # Find all releases with adoption in the last 48 hours
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["project_id", "release"],
- groupby=["release", "project_id"],
- start=start,
- referrer="sessions.get-adoption",
- filter_keys={"project_id": list(project_ids)},
- orderby=["-project_id", "-release"],
- )["data"]:
- rv.append((x["project_id"], x["release"]))
- return rv
-def _get_oldest_health_data_for_releases(project_releases, now=None):
- """Returns the oldest health data we have observed in a release
- in 90 days. This is used for backfilling.
- """
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- conditions = [["release", "IN", [x[1] for x in project_releases]]]
- filter_keys = {"project_id": [x[0] for x in project_releases]}
- rows = raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=[["min", ["started"], "oldest"], "project_id", "release"],
- groupby=["release", "project_id"],
- start=now - timedelta(days=90),
- conditions=conditions,
- referrer="sessions.oldest-data-backfill",
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- )["data"]
- rv = {}
- for row in rows:
- rv[row["project_id"], row["release"]] = row["oldest"]
- return rv
-def _check_has_health_data(projects_list, now=None):
- """
- Function that returns a set of all project_ids or (project, release) if they have health data
- within the last 90 days based on a list of projects or a list of project, release combinations
- provided as an arg.
- Inputs:
- * projects_list: Contains either a list of project ids or a list of tuple (project_id,
- release)
- """
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- if len(projects_list) == 0:
- return set()
- conditions = None
- projects_list = list(projects_list)
- # Check if projects_list also contains releases as a tuple of (project_id, releases)
- includes_releases = isinstance(projects_list[0], tuple)
- if includes_releases:
- filter_keys = {"project_id": {x[0] for x in projects_list}}
- conditions = [["release", "IN", [x[1] for x in projects_list]]]
- query_cols = ["release", "project_id"]
- def data_tuple(x):
- return x["project_id"], x["release"]
- else:
- filter_keys = {"project_id": {x for x in projects_list}}
- query_cols = ["project_id"]
- def data_tuple(x):
- return x["project_id"]
- raw_query_args = {
- "dataset": Dataset.Sessions,
- "selected_columns": query_cols,
- "groupby": query_cols,
- "start": now - timedelta(days=90),
- "referrer": "sessions.health-data-check",
- "filter_keys": filter_keys,
- }
- if conditions is not None:
- raw_query_args.update({"conditions": conditions})
- return {data_tuple(x) for x in raw_query(**raw_query_args)["data"]}
-def _check_releases_have_health_data(
- organization_id: int,
- project_ids: list[int],
- release_versions: list[str],
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
-) -> set[str]:
- """
- Returns a set of all release versions that have health data within a given period of time.
- """
- if not release_versions:
- return set()
- query = Query(
- match=Entity("sessions"),
- select=[Column("release")],
- groupby=[Column("release")],
- where=[
- Condition(Column("started"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("started"), Op.LT, end),
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, organization_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(Column("release"), Op.IN, release_versions),
- ],
- )
- request = Request(
- dataset="sessions",
- app_id="default",
- query=query,
- tenant_ids={"organization_id": organization_id},
- )
- data = snuba.raw_snql_query(request, "snuba.sessions.check_releases_have_health_data")["data"]
- return {row["release"] for row in data}
-def _get_project_releases_by_stability(
- project_ids,
- offset,
- limit,
- scope,
- stats_period=None,
- environments=None,
- now=None,
- """Given some project IDs returns adoption rates that should be updated
- on the postgres tables.
- """
- if stats_period is None:
- stats_period = "24h"
- # Special rule that we support sorting by the last 24h only.
- if scope.endswith("_24h"):
- scope = scope[:-4]
- stats_period = "24h"
- _, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period, now=now)
- orderby = {
- "crash_free_sessions": [["-divide", ["sessions_crashed", "sessions"]]],
- "crash_free_users": [["-divide", ["users_crashed", "users"]]],
- "sessions": ["-sessions"],
- "users": ["-users"],
- }[scope]
- # Partial tiebreaker to make comparisons in the release-health duplex
- # backend more likely to succeed. A perfectly stable sorting would need to
- # additionally sort by `release`, however in the metrics backend we can't
- # sort by that the same way as in the sessions backend.
- orderby.extend(["-project_id"])
- conditions = []
- if environments is not None:
- conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- filter_keys = {"project_id": project_ids}
- rv = []
- # Filter out releases with zero users when sorting by either `users` or `crash_free_users`
- having_dict = {}
- if scope in ["users", "crash_free_users"]:
- having_dict["having"] = [["users", ">", 0]]
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["project_id", "release"],
- groupby=["release", "project_id"],
- orderby=orderby,
- start=stats_start,
- offset=offset,
- limit=limit,
- conditions=conditions,
- **having_dict,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.stability-sort",
- )["data"]:
- rv.append((x["project_id"], x["release"]))
- return rv
-def _get_project_releases_count(
- organization_id: int,
- project_ids: Sequence[int],
- scope: str,
- stats_period: str | None = None,
- environments: Sequence[str] | None = None,
-) -> int:
- """
- Fetches the total count of releases/project combinations
- """
- if stats_period is None:
- stats_period = "24h"
- # Special rule that we support sorting by the last 24h only.
- if scope.endswith("_24h"):
- stats_period = "24h"
- _, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period)
- where = [
- Condition(Column("started"), Op.GTE, stats_start),
- Condition(Column("started"), Op.LT, datetime.now()),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, organization_id),
- ]
- if environments is not None:
- where.append(Condition(Column("environment"), Op.IN, environments))
- having = []
- # Filter out releases with zero users when sorting by either `users` or `crash_free_users`
- if scope in ["users", "crash_free_users"]:
- having.append(Condition(Column("users"), Op.GT, 0))
- query = Query(
- match=Entity("sessions"),
- select=[Function("uniqExact", [Column("release"), Column("project_id")], alias="count")],
- where=where,
- having=having,
- )
- request = Request(
- dataset="sessions",
- app_id="default",
- query=query,
- tenant_ids={"organization_id": organization_id},
- )
- data = snuba.raw_snql_query(request, "snuba.sessions.get_project_releases_count")["data"]
- return data[0]["count"] if data else 0
def _make_stats(start, rollup, buckets, default=0):
rv = []
start = int(start.timestamp() // rollup + 1) * rollup
@@ -309,588 +35,3 @@ def get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(period, now=None):
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
start = now - timedelta(seconds=seconds * buckets)
return seconds, start, buckets
-def _get_release_adoption(project_releases, environments=None, now=None):
- """Get the adoption of the last 24 hours (or a difference reference timestamp)."""
- conditions, filter_keys = _get_conditions_and_filter_keys(project_releases, environments)
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- start = now - timedelta(days=1)
- total_conditions = []
- if environments is not None:
- total_conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- # Users Adoption
- total_users = {}
- # Session Adoption
- total_sessions = {}
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["project_id", "users", "sessions"],
- groupby=["project_id"],
- start=start,
- conditions=total_conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-adoption-total-users-and-sessions",
- )["data"]:
- total_users[x["project_id"]] = x["users"]
- total_sessions[x["project_id"]] = x["sessions"]
- rv = {}
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["release", "project_id", "users", "sessions"],
- groupby=["release", "project_id"],
- start=start,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-adoption-list",
- )["data"]:
- # Users Adoption
- total_users_count = total_users.get(x["project_id"])
- users_adoption = None
- if total_users_count:
- users_adoption = float(x["users"]) / total_users_count * 100
- # Sessions Adoption
- total_sessions_count = total_sessions.get(x["project_id"])
- sessions_adoption = None
- if total_sessions_count:
- sessions_adoption = float(x["sessions"] / total_sessions_count * 100)
- rv[x["project_id"], x["release"]] = {
- "adoption": users_adoption,
- "sessions_adoption": sessions_adoption,
- "users_24h": x["users"],
- "sessions_24h": x["sessions"],
- "project_users_24h": total_users_count,
- "project_sessions_24h": total_sessions_count,
- }
- return rv
-def extract_duration_quantiles(raw_stats):
- if len(raw_stats["duration_quantiles"]) == 2:
- return {
- "duration_p50": _convert_duration(raw_stats["duration_quantiles"][0]),
- "duration_p90": _convert_duration(raw_stats["duration_quantiles"][1]),
- }
- else:
- return {
- "duration_p50": _convert_duration(raw_stats["duration_quantiles"][0]),
- "duration_p90": _convert_duration(raw_stats["duration_quantiles"][2]),
- }
-def _get_release_health_data_overview(
- project_releases,
- environments=None,
- summary_stats_period=None,
- health_stats_period=None,
- stat=None,
- now=None,
- """Checks quickly for which of the given project releases we have
- health data available. The argument is a tuple of `(project_id, release_name)`
- tuples. The return value is a set of all the project releases that have health
- data.
- """
- if stat is None:
- stat = "sessions"
- assert stat in ("sessions", "users")
- _, summary_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(summary_stats_period or "24h", now=now)
- conditions, filter_keys = _get_conditions_and_filter_keys(project_releases, environments)
- stats_rollup, stats_start, stats_buckets = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(
- health_stats_period, now=now
- )
- missing_releases = set(project_releases)
- rv = {}
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=[
- "release",
- "project_id",
- "duration_quantiles",
- "sessions",
- "sessions_errored",
- "sessions_crashed",
- "sessions_abnormal",
- "users",
- "users_crashed",
- ],
- groupby=["release", "project_id"],
- start=summary_start,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-overview",
- )["data"]:
- rp = {
- "crash_free_users": (
- 100 - x["users_crashed"] / float(x["users"]) * 100 if x["users"] else None
- ),
- "crash_free_sessions": (
- 100 - x["sessions_crashed"] / float(x["sessions"]) * 100 if x["sessions"] else None
- ),
- "total_users": x["users"],
- "total_sessions": x["sessions"],
- "sessions_crashed": x["sessions_crashed"],
- "sessions_errored": max(
- 0, x["sessions_errored"] - x["sessions_crashed"] - x["sessions_abnormal"]
- ),
- "has_health_data": True,
- }
- rp.update(extract_duration_quantiles(x))
- if health_stats_period:
- rp["stats"] = {
- health_stats_period: _make_stats(stats_start, stats_rollup, stats_buckets)
- }
- rv[x["project_id"], x["release"]] = rp
- missing_releases.discard((x["project_id"], x["release"]))
- # Add releases without data points
- if missing_releases:
- # If we're already looking at a 90 day horizon we don't need to
- # fire another query, we can already assume there is no data.
- if summary_stats_period != "90d":
- has_health_data = release_health.backend.check_has_health_data(missing_releases)
- else:
- has_health_data = ()
- for key in missing_releases:
- rv[key] = {
- "duration_p50": None,
- "duration_p90": None,
- "crash_free_users": None,
- "crash_free_sessions": None,
- "total_users": 0,
- "total_sessions": 0,
- "sessions_crashed": 0,
- "sessions_errored": 0,
- "has_health_data": key in has_health_data,
- }
- if health_stats_period:
- rv[key]["stats"] = {
- health_stats_period: _make_stats(stats_start, stats_rollup, stats_buckets)
- }
- release_adoption = release_health.backend.get_release_adoption(project_releases, environments)
- for key in rv:
- adoption_info = release_adoption.get(key) or {}
- rv[key]["adoption"] = adoption_info.get("adoption")
- rv[key]["sessions_adoption"] = adoption_info.get("sessions_adoption")
- rv[key]["total_users_24h"] = adoption_info.get("users_24h")
- rv[key]["total_project_users_24h"] = adoption_info.get("project_users_24h")
- rv[key]["total_sessions_24h"] = adoption_info.get("sessions_24h")
- rv[key]["total_project_sessions_24h"] = adoption_info.get("project_sessions_24h")
- if health_stats_period:
- for x in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["release", "project_id", "bucketed_started", stat],
- groupby=["release", "project_id", "bucketed_started"],
- rollup=stats_rollup,
- start=stats_start,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-stats",
- )["data"]:
- time_bucket = int(
- (parse_snuba_datetime(x["bucketed_started"]) - stats_start).total_seconds()
- / stats_rollup
- )
- key = (x["project_id"], x["release"])
- # Sometimes this might return a release we haven't seen yet or it might
- # return a time bucket that did not exist yet at the time of the initial
- # query. In that case, just skip it.
- if key in rv and time_bucket < len(rv[key]["stats"][health_stats_period]):
- rv[key]["stats"][health_stats_period][time_bucket][1] = x[stat]
- return rv
-def _get_crash_free_breakdown(project_id, release, start, environments=None, now=None):
- filter_keys = {"project_id": [project_id]}
- conditions = [["release", "=", release]]
- if environments is not None:
- conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- def _query_stats(end):
- row = raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["users", "users_crashed", "sessions", "sessions_crashed"],
- end=end,
- start=start,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.crash-free-breakdown",
- )["data"][0]
- return {
- "date": end,
- "total_users": row["users"],
- "crash_free_users": 100 - row["users_crashed"] / float(row["users"]) * 100
- if row["users"]
- else None,
- "total_sessions": row["sessions"],
- "crash_free_sessions": 100 - row["sessions_crashed"] / float(row["sessions"]) * 100
- if row["sessions"]
- else None,
- }
- last = None
- rv = []
- for offset in (
- timedelta(days=1),
- timedelta(days=2),
- timedelta(days=7),
- timedelta(days=14),
- timedelta(days=30),
- ):
- try:
- item_start = start + offset
- if item_start > now:
- if last is None or (item_start - last).days > 1:
- rv.append(_query_stats(now))
- break
- rv.append(_query_stats(item_start))
- last = item_start
- except QueryOutsideRetentionError:
- # cannot query for these
- pass
- return rv
-def _get_project_release_stats(project_id, release, stat, rollup, start, end, environments=None):
- assert stat in ("users", "sessions")
- # since snuba end queries are exclusive of the time and we're bucketing to
- # a full hour, we need to round to the next hour since snuba is exclusive
- # on the end.
- end = to_datetime((end.timestamp() // DATASET_BUCKET + 1) * DATASET_BUCKET)
- filter_keys = {"project_id": [project_id]}
- conditions = [["release", "=", release]]
- if environments is not None:
- conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- buckets = int((end - start).total_seconds() / rollup)
- stats = _make_stats(start, rollup, buckets, default=None)
- # Due to the nature of the probabilistic data structures some
- # subtractions can become negative. As such we're making sure a number
- # never goes below zero to avoid confusion.
- totals = {
- stat: 0,
- stat + "_healthy": 0,
- stat + "_crashed": 0,
- stat + "_abnormal": 0,
- stat + "_errored": 0,
- }
- for rv in raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=[
- "bucketed_started",
- stat,
- stat + "_crashed",
- stat + "_abnormal",
- stat + "_errored",
- "duration_quantiles",
- ],
- groupby=["bucketed_started"],
- start=start,
- end=end,
- rollup=rollup,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-stats-details",
- )["data"]:
- ts = parse_snuba_datetime(rv["bucketed_started"])
- bucket = int((ts - start).total_seconds() / rollup)
- stats[bucket][1] = {
- stat: rv[stat],
- stat + "_healthy": max(0, rv[stat] - rv[stat + "_errored"]),
- stat + "_crashed": rv[stat + "_crashed"],
- stat + "_abnormal": rv[stat + "_abnormal"],
- stat
- + "_errored": max(
- 0, rv[stat + "_errored"] - rv[stat + "_crashed"] - rv[stat + "_abnormal"]
- ),
- }
- stats[bucket][1].update(extract_duration_quantiles(rv))
- # Session stats we can sum up directly without another query
- # as the data becomes available.
- if stat == "sessions":
- for k in totals:
- totals[k] += stats[bucket][1][k]
- for idx, bucket in enumerate(stats):
- if bucket[1] is None:
- stats[idx][1] = {
- stat: 0,
- stat + "_healthy": 0,
- stat + "_crashed": 0,
- stat + "_abnormal": 0,
- stat + "_errored": 0,
- "duration_p50": None,
- "duration_p90": None,
- }
- # For users we need a secondary query over the entire time range
- if stat == "users":
- rows = raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["users", "users_crashed", "users_abnormal", "users_errored"],
- start=start,
- end=end,
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.crash-free-breakdown-users",
- )["data"]
- if rows:
- rv = rows[0]
- totals = {
- "users": rv["users"],
- "users_healthy": max(0, rv["users"] - rv["users_errored"]),
- "users_crashed": rv["users_crashed"],
- "users_abnormal": rv["users_abnormal"],
- "users_errored": max(
- 0, rv["users_errored"] - rv["users_crashed"] - rv["users_abnormal"]
- ),
- }
- return stats, totals
-def _get_release_sessions_time_bounds(project_id, release, org_id, environments=None):
- """
- Get the sessions time bounds in terms of when the first session started and
- when the last session started according to a specific (project_id, org_id, release, environments)
- combination
- Inputs:
- * project_id
- * release
- * org_id: Organisation Id
- * environments
- Return:
- Dictionary with two keys "sessions_lower_bound" and "sessions_upper_bound" that
- correspond to when the first session occurred and when the last session occurred respectively
- """
- def iso_format_snuba_datetime(date):
- return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00").isoformat()[:19] + "Z"
- release_sessions_time_bounds = {
- "sessions_lower_bound": None,
- "sessions_upper_bound": None,
- }
- filter_keys = {"project_id": [project_id], "org_id": [org_id]}
- conditions = [["release", "=", release]]
- if environments is not None:
- conditions.append(["environment", "IN", environments])
- rows = raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=["first_session_started", "last_session_started"],
- aggregations=[
- ["min(started)", None, "first_session_started"],
- ["max(started)", None, "last_session_started"],
- ],
- conditions=conditions,
- filter_keys=filter_keys,
- referrer="sessions.release-sessions-time-bounds",
- )["data"]
- formatted_unix_start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(0).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
- if rows:
- rv = rows[0]
- # This check is added because if there are no sessions found, then the
- # aggregations query return both the sessions_lower_bound and the
- # sessions_upper_bound as `0` timestamp and we do not want that behaviour
- # by default
- # P.S. To avoid confusion the `0` timestamp which is '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
- # is rendered as '0000-00-00 00:00:00' in clickhouse shell
- if set(rv.values()) != {formatted_unix_start_time}:
- release_sessions_time_bounds = {
- "sessions_lower_bound": iso_format_snuba_datetime(rv["first_session_started"]),
- "sessions_upper_bound": iso_format_snuba_datetime(rv["last_session_started"]),
- }
- return release_sessions_time_bounds
-def __get_crash_free_rate_data(project_ids, start, end, rollup):
- """
- Helper function that executes a snuba query on project_ids to fetch the number of crashed
- sessions and total sessions and returns the crash free rate for those project_ids.
- Inputs:
- * project_ids
- * start
- * end
- * rollup
- Returns:
- Snuba query results
- """
- return raw_query(
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- selected_columns=[
- "project_id",
- "sessions_crashed",
- "sessions_errored",
- "sessions_abnormal",
- "sessions",
- ],
- filter_keys={"project_id": project_ids},
- start=start,
- end=end,
- rollup=rollup,
- groupby=["project_id"],
- referrer="sessions.totals",
- )["data"]
-def get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates(
- project_ids, current_start, current_end, previous_start, previous_end, rollup
- """
- Function that returns `currentCrashFreeRate` and the `previousCrashFreeRate` of projects
- based on the inputs provided
- Inputs:
- * project_ids
- * current_start: start interval of currentCrashFreeRate
- * current_end: end interval of currentCrashFreeRate
- * previous_start: start interval of previousCrashFreeRate
- * previous_end: end interval of previousCrashFreeRate
- * rollup
- Returns:
- A dictionary of project_id as key and as value the `currentCrashFreeRate` and the
- `previousCrashFreeRate`
- As an example:
- {
- 1: {
- "currentCrashFreeRate": 100,
- "previousCrashFreeRate": 66.66666666666667
- },
- 2: {
- "currentCrashFreeRate": 50.0,
- "previousCrashFreeRate": None
- },
- ...
- }
- """
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict = {
- prj: {"currentCrashFreeRate": None, "previousCrashFreeRate": None} for prj in project_ids
- }
- def calculate_crash_free_percentage(row):
- # XXX: Calculation is done in this way to clamp possible negative values and so to calculate
- # crash free rates similar to how it is calculated here
- # Ref: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/pull/25543
- healthy_sessions = max(row["sessions"] - row["sessions_errored"], 0)
- errored_sessions = max(
- row["sessions_errored"] - row["sessions_crashed"] - row["sessions_abnormal"], 0
- )
- totals = (
- healthy_sessions + errored_sessions + row["sessions_crashed"] + row["sessions_abnormal"]
- )
- try:
- crash_free_rate = 100 - (row["sessions_crashed"] / totals) * 100
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- crash_free_rate = None
- return crash_free_rate
- # currentCrashFreeRate
- current_crash_free_data = __get_crash_free_rate_data(
- project_ids=project_ids,
- start=current_start,
- end=current_end,
- rollup=rollup,
- )
- for row in current_crash_free_data:
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict[row["project_id"]].update(
- {"currentCrashFreeRate": calculate_crash_free_percentage(row)}
- )
- # previousCrashFreeRate
- previous_crash_free_data = __get_crash_free_rate_data(
- project_ids=project_ids,
- start=previous_start,
- end=previous_end,
- rollup=rollup,
- )
- for row in previous_crash_free_data:
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict[row["project_id"]].update(
- {"previousCrashFreeRate": calculate_crash_free_percentage(row)}
- )
- return projects_crash_free_rate_dict
-def _get_project_sessions_count(
- project_id: int,
- rollup: int, # rollup in seconds
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- environment_id: int | None = None,
-) -> int:
- filters = {"project_id": [project_id]}
- if environment_id:
- filters["environment"] = [environment_id]
- result_totals = raw_query(
- selected_columns=["sessions"],
- rollup=rollup,
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- start=start,
- end=end,
- filter_keys=filters,
- referrer="sessions.get_project_sessions_count",
- )["data"]
- return result_totals[0]["sessions"] if result_totals else 0
-def _get_num_sessions_per_project(
- project_ids: Sequence[int],
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- environment_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None,
- rollup: int | None = None, # rollup in seconds
-) -> Sequence[tuple[int, int]]:
- filters = {"project_id": list(project_ids)}
- if environment_ids:
- filters["environment"] = environment_ids
- result_totals = raw_query(
- selected_columns=["sessions"],
- dataset=Dataset.Sessions,
- start=start,
- end=end,
- filter_keys=filters,
- groupby=["project_id"],
- referrer="sessions.get_num_sessions_per_project",
- rollup=rollup,
- )
- ret_val = []
- for data in result_totals["data"]:
- ret_val.append((data["project_id"], data["sessions"]))
- return ret_val