@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import {Fragment, useState} from 'react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import onboardingFrameworkSelectionJavascript from 'sentry-images/spot/onboarding-framework-selection-javascript.svg';
+import ClippedBox from 'sentry/components/clippedBox';
+import JSXNode from 'sentry/components/stories/jsxNode';
+import JSXProperty from 'sentry/components/stories/jsxProperty';
+import Matrix from 'sentry/components/stories/matrix';
+import SideBySide from 'sentry/components/stories/sideBySide';
+import SizingWindow from 'sentry/components/stories/sizingWindow';
+import storyBook from 'sentry/stories/storyBook';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+export default storyBook(ClippedBox, story => {
+ story('Default', () => (
+ <Fragment>
+ <p>
+ By default <JSXNode name="ClippedBox" /> is just a container. Add{' '}
+ <JSXProperty name="defaultClipped" value /> to occlude the bottom part of the
+ content if the content height is larger than{' '}
+ <JSXProperty name="clipHeight" value={Number} />. You should also set{' '}
+ <JSXProperty name="clipHeight" value={Number} /> (default: 300) to be something
+ reasonable for the situation.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Once expanded, <JSXNode name="ClippedBox" /> cannot be collapsed again.
+ </p>
+ <SizingWindow>
+ <ClippedBox>
+ <img src={onboardingFrameworkSelectionJavascript} height={300} />
+ </ClippedBox>
+ </SizingWindow>
+ </Fragment>
+ ));
+ const CustomFade = styled('div')`
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ padding: ${space(1)};
+ background: ${p => p.theme.background};
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ `;
+ story('Title', () => (
+ <SizingWindow>
+ <ClippedBox title="This is the title">
+ <img src={onboardingFrameworkSelectionJavascript} height={300} />
+ </ClippedBox>
+ </SizingWindow>
+ ));
+ story('Custom Button & Fade', () => (
+ <Matrix
+ render={ClippedBox}
+ propMatrix={{
+ btnText: ['Custom Label'],
+ buttonProps: [undefined, {priority: 'danger'}],
+ clipHeight: [100],
+ clipFade: [
+ undefined,
+ ({showMoreButton}) => <CustomFade>{showMoreButton}</CustomFade>,
+ ],
+ children: [
+ <img key="img" src={onboardingFrameworkSelectionJavascript} height={150} />,
+ ],
+ }}
+ selectedProps={['buttonProps', 'clipFade']}
+ />
+ ));
+ story('Callbacks', () => {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ <p>
+ Some callbacks are available:{' '}
+ <JSXProperty name="onSetRenderedHeight" value={Function} />
+ & <JSXProperty name="onReveal" value={Function} />.
+ </p>
+ <SideBySide>
+ {[50, 100, 150].map(imgHeight => {
+ const [isRevealed, setIsRevealed] = useState(false);
+ const [renderedHeight, setRenderedHeight] = useState<number | undefined>(
+ undefined
+ );
+ return (
+ <div key={imgHeight}>
+ <p>
+ <JSXNode name="ClippedBox" props={{clipHeight: 100}}>
+ <JSXNode name="img" props={{height: imgHeight}} />
+ </JSXNode>
+ </p>
+ <p>isRevealed = {String(isRevealed)}</p>
+ <p>renderedHeight = {renderedHeight}</p>
+ <SizingWindow>
+ <ClippedBox
+ clipHeight={100}
+ onReveal={() => setIsRevealed(true)}
+ onSetRenderedHeight={setRenderedHeight}
+ >
+ <img
+ src={onboardingFrameworkSelectionJavascript}
+ height={imgHeight}
+ />
+ </ClippedBox>
+ </SizingWindow>
+ </div>
+ );
+ })}
+ </SideBySide>
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ });