@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-import {EChartOption} from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
+import {EChartOption} from 'echarts';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
+import max from 'lodash/max';
import XAxis from 'app/components/charts/components/xAxis';
import AreaSeries from 'app/components/charts/series/areaSeries';
import BarSeries from 'app/components/charts/series/barSeries';
import LineSeries from 'app/components/charts/series/lineSeries';
+import MapSeries from 'app/components/charts/series/mapSeries';
import {lightenHexToRgb} from 'app/components/charts/utils';
+import * as countryCodesMap from 'app/data/countryCodesMap';
import {t} from 'app/locale';
-import {EventsStats} from 'app/types';
+import {EventsGeoData, EventsStats} from 'app/types';
import {lightTheme as theme} from 'app/utils/theme';
-import {slackChartDefaults, slackChartSize} from './slack';
+import {slackChartDefaults, slackChartSize, slackGeoChartSize} from './slack';
import {ChartType, RenderDescriptor} from './types';
const discoverxAxis = XAxis({
@@ -405,3 +408,53 @@ discoverCharts.push({
+ getOption: (data: {seriesName: string; stats: {data: EventsGeoData}}) => {
+ const mapSeries = MapSeries({
+ map: 'sentryWorld',
+ name: data.seriesName,
+ data: data.stats.data.map(country => ({
+ name: country['geo.country_code'],
+ value: country.count,
+ })),
+ nameMap: countryCodesMap.default,
+ aspectScale: 0.85,
+ zoom: 1.1,
+ center: [10.97, 9.71],
+ itemStyle: {
+ areaColor: theme.gray200,
+ borderColor: theme.backgroundSecondary,
+ } as any, // TODO(ts): Echarts types aren't correct for these colors as they don't allow for basic strings
+ });
+ // For absolute values, we want min/max to based on min/max of series
+ // Otherwise it should be 0-100
+ const maxValue = max(data.stats.data.map(value => value.count)) || 1;
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: theme.background,
+ visualMap: [
+ {
+ left: 'right',
+ min: 0,
+ max: maxValue,
+ inRange: {
+ color: [theme.purple200, theme.purple300],
+ },
+ text: ['High', 'Low'],
+ textStyle: {
+ color: theme.textColor,
+ },
+ // Whether show handles, which can be dragged to adjust "selected range".
+ // False because the handles are pretty ugly
+ calculable: false,
+ },
+ ],
+ series: [mapSeries],
+ };
+ },
+ ...slackGeoChartSize,