@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ If the event is fatal, caused by one of our SDKs,
the code strips away most of the data based on an allow list and stores the event to a dedicated Sentry project. The event_stripper only keeps
SDK and system library frames. For grouping to work correctly, the event_stripper sets in_app to true for all SDK frames, but the grouping
config will change it to in_app false for all Cocoa SDK frames. To not change the grouping logic, we add the following stacktrace rule
-``stack.abs_path:Sentry.framework +app`` to the configured in project with the id configured in the option ``issues.sdk_crash_detection.cocoa.project_id``.
+``stack.abs_path:Sentry.framework +app +group`` to the configured in project with the id configured in the option ``issues.sdk_crash_detection.cocoa.project_id``.
You can turn the feature on or off in https://sentry.io/_admin/options. The option name is ``issues.sdk-crash-detection`` and the feature name is ``organizations:sdk-crash-detection``.
Furthermore, you can change the project to store the crash events and the sample rate per SDK with the options ``issues.sdk_crash_detection.cocoa.project_id`` and ``issues.sdk_crash_detection.cocoa.sample_rate``.