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test(acceptance): Refactor selenium window re-sizing (#19916)

This abstracts the window resizing logic a bit and allows for tests to control the window sizing easier, as well as only taking "mobile" snapshots. This may change if we wanted to snapshot more breakpoints.

The mobile menu test that is fixed here, is impossible to capture in Percy since Percy handles the responsive rendering and the menu button only appears at our lowest breakpoint.
Billy Vong 4 лет назад

+ 67 - 30

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import os
 import sys
 import pytest
+from contextlib import contextmanager
 from datetime import datetime
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.utils.text import slugify
@@ -78,6 +79,59 @@ class Browser(object):
             "Emulation.setEmulatedMedia", {"media": media, "features": features}
+    def get_content_height(self):
+        """
+        Get height of current DOM contents
+        Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41721734/take-screenshot-of-full-page-with-selenium-python-with-chromedriver/52572919#52572919
+        """
+        return self.driver.execute_script("return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight")
+    def set_window_size(self, width=None, height=None, fit_content=False):
+        """
+        Sets the window size.
+        If width is not passed, then use current window width (this is useful if you
+        need to fit contents height into the viewport).
+        If height is not passed, then resize to fit the document contents.
+        """
+        previous_size = self.driver.get_window_size()
+        width = width if width is not None else previous_size["width"]
+        if fit_content:
+            # In order to set window height to content height, we must make sure
+            # width has not changed (otherwise contents will shift,
+            # and we require two resizes)
+            self.driver.set_window_size(width, previous_size["height"])
+            height = self.get_content_height()
+        else:
+            height = height if height is not None else self.get_content_height()
+        self.driver.set_window_size(width, height)
+        return {
+            "previous": previous_size,
+            "current": {"width": width, "height": height},
+        }
+    def set_viewport(self, width, height, fit_content):
+        size = self.set_window_size(width, height, fit_content)
+        try:
+            yield size
+        finally:
+            # restore previous size
+            self.set_window_size(size["previous"]["width"], size["previous"]["height"])
+    @contextmanager
+    def full_viewport(self, width=None, height=None):
+        return self.set_viewport(width, height, fit_content=True)
+    @contextmanager
+    def mobile_viewport(self, width=375, height=812):
+        return self.set_viewport(width, height, fit_content=True)
     def element(self, selector=None, xpath=None):
         Get an element from the page. This method will wait for the element to show up.
@@ -242,7 +296,7 @@ class Browser(object):
-    def snapshot(self, name):
+    def snapshot(self, name, mobile_only=False):
         Capture a screenshot of the current state of the page.
@@ -263,37 +317,20 @@ class Browser(object):
             # wait for images to be loaded
-            size = self.driver.get_window_size()
-            # take full page screenshot
-            # adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41721734/take-screenshot-of-full-page-with-selenium-python-with-chromedriver/52572919#52572919
-            required_height = self.driver.execute_script(
-                "return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight"
-            )
-            self.driver.set_window_size(size["width"], required_height)
             # Note: below will fail if these directories do not exist
-            # finds body tag to screenshot in order to avoid scrollbar
-            self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").screenshot(
-                u".artifacts/visual-snapshots/acceptance/{}.png".format(slugify(name))
-            )
-            # switch to mobile width and a fixed height
-            self.driver.set_window_size(375, 812)
-            # grab full height at the mobile width
-            required_height = self.driver.execute_script(
-                "return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight"
-            )
-            self.driver.set_window_size(375, required_height)
-            self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").screenshot(
-                u".artifacts/visual-snapshots/acceptance-mobile/{}.png".format(slugify(name))
-            )
-            # reset window size
-            self.driver.set_window_size(size["width"], size["height"])
+            if not mobile_only:
+                # This will make sure we resize viewport height to fit contents
+                with self.full_viewport():
+                    self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").screenshot(
+                        u".artifacts/visual-snapshots/acceptance/{}.png".format(slugify(name))
+                    )
+            with self.mobile_viewport():
+                # switch to a mobile sized viewport
+                self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").screenshot(
+                    u".artifacts/visual-snapshots/acceptance-mobile/{}.png".format(slugify(name))
+                )
         return self

+ 8 - 8

@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ class ProjectGeneralSettingsTest(AcceptanceTestCase):
         self.browser.snapshot("project settings - general settings")
     def test_mobile_menu(self):
+        """
+        It is only possible to open the menu at mobile widths
+        """
         path = u"/{}/{}/settings/".format(self.org.slug, self.project.slug)
-        self.browser.get(path)
-        self.browser.wait_until_not(".loading-indicator")
-        try:
+        with self.browser.mobile_viewport():
+            self.browser.get(path)
+            self.browser.wait_until_not(".loading-indicator")
             self.browser.click('[aria-label="Open the menu"]')
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        self.browser.snapshot("project settings - mobile menu")
+            self.browser.snapshot("project settings - mobile menu", mobile_only=True)