@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import logging
+import sentry_sdk
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
@@ -30,98 +31,127 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_demo_org(quick=False) -> Organization:
- # wrap the main org setup in transaction
- with transaction.atomic():
- name = generate_random_name()
- slug = slugify(name)
- demo_org = DemoOrganization.create_org(name=name, slug=slug)
- org = demo_org.organization
- logger.info("create_demo_org.created_org", {"organization_slug": slug})
- owner = User.objects.get(email=settings.DEMO_ORG_OWNER_EMAIL)
- OrganizationMember.objects.create(organization=org, user=owner, role=roles.get_top_dog().id)
- team = org.team_set.create(name=org.name)
- python_project = Project.objects.create(name="Python", organization=org, platform="python")
- python_project.add_team(team)
- react_project = Project.objects.create(
- name="React", organization=org, platform="javascript-react"
+ with sentry_sdk.start_transaction(op="create_demo_org", name="create_demo_org", sampled=True):
+ sentry_sdk.set_tag("quick", quick)
+ # wrap the main org setup in transaction
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ name = generate_random_name()
+ slug = slugify(name)
+ demo_org = DemoOrganization.create_org(name=name, slug=slug)
+ org = demo_org.organization
+ logger.info("create_demo_org.created_org", {"organization_slug": slug})
+ owner = User.objects.get(email=settings.DEMO_ORG_OWNER_EMAIL)
+ OrganizationMember.objects.create(
+ organization=org, user=owner, role=roles.get_top_dog().id
+ )
+ team = org.team_set.create(name=org.name)
+ python_project = Project.objects.create(
+ name="Python", organization=org, platform="python"
+ )
+ python_project.add_team(team)
+ react_project = Project.objects.create(
+ name="React", organization=org, platform="javascript-react"
+ )
+ react_project.add_team(team)
+ # we'll be adding transactions later
+ Project.objects.filter(organization=org).update(
+ flags=F("flags").bitor(Project.flags.has_transactions)
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ "create_demo_org.post-transaction",
+ extra={"organization_slug": org.slug, "quick": quick},
- react_project.add_team(team)
- # we'll be adding transactions later
- Project.objects.filter(organization=org).update(
- flags=F("flags").bitor(Project.flags.has_transactions)
+ with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="handle_react_python_scenario"):
+ try:
+ handle_react_python_scenario(react_project, python_project, quick=quick)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "create_demo_org.population_error",
+ extra={"organization_slug": org.slug, "quick": quick, "error": str(e)},
+ )
+ # delete the organization if data population fails
+ org.status = OrganizationStatus.PENDING_DELETION
+ org.save()
+ delete_organization.apply_async(kwargs={"object_id": org.id})
+ raise
+ # update the org status now that it's populated
+ demo_org.status = DemoOrgStatus.PENDING
+ demo_org.save()
+ logger.info(
+ "create_demo_org.complete",
+ extra={"organization_slug": org.slug, "quick": quick},
- logger.info(
- "create_demo_org.post-transaction",
- extra={"organization_slug": org.slug, "quick": quick},
- )
- try:
- handle_react_python_scenario(react_project, python_project, quick=quick)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(
- "create_demo_org.population_error",
- extra={"organization_slug": org.slug, "quick": quick, "error": str(e)},
- )
- # delete the organization if data population fails
- org.status = OrganizationStatus.PENDING_DELETION
- org.save()
- delete_organization.apply_async(kwargs={"object_id": org.id})
- raise
- # update the org status now that it's populated
- demo_org.status = DemoOrgStatus.PENDING
- demo_org.save()
- return org
+ return org
def assign_demo_org() -> Tuple[Organization, User]:
- from .tasks import build_up_org_buffer
- demo_org = None
- # option to skip the buffer when testing things out locally
- if settings.DEMO_NO_ORG_BUFFER:
- org = create_demo_org()
- else:
- demo_org = DemoOrganization.objects.filter(status=DemoOrgStatus.PENDING).first()
- # if no org in buffer, make a quick one with fewer events
- if not demo_org:
- org = create_demo_org(quick=True)
+ with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope:
+ try:
+ parent_span_id = scope.span.span_id
+ trace_id = scope.span.trace_id
+ except AttributeError:
+ parent_span_id = None
+ trace_id = None
+ with sentry_sdk.start_transaction(
+ op="assign_demo_org",
+ name="assign_demo_org",
+ parent_span_id=parent_span_id,
+ trace_id=trace_id,
+ sampled=True,
+ ):
+ from .tasks import build_up_org_buffer
+ demo_org = None
+ # option to skip the buffer when testing things out locally
+ if settings.DEMO_NO_ORG_BUFFER:
+ org = create_demo_org()
+ else:
+ demo_org = DemoOrganization.objects.filter(status=DemoOrgStatus.PENDING).first()
+ # if no org in buffer, make a quick one with fewer events
+ if not demo_org:
+ org = create_demo_org(quick=True)
- if not demo_org:
- demo_org = DemoOrganization.objects.get(organization=org)
+ if not demo_org:
+ demo_org = DemoOrganization.objects.get(organization=org)
- org = demo_org.organization
+ org = demo_org.organization
- # wrap the assignment of the demo org in a transaction
- with transaction.atomic():
- email = create_fake_email(org.slug, "demo")
- user = DemoUser.create_user(
- email=email,
- username=email,
- is_managed=True,
- )
+ # wrap the assignment of the demo org in a transaction
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ email = create_fake_email(org.slug, "demo")
+ user = DemoUser.create_user(
+ email=email,
+ username=email,
+ is_managed=True,
+ )
- # TODO: May need logic in case team no longer exists
- team = Team.objects.get(organization=org)
+ # TODO: May need logic in case team no longer exists
+ team = Team.objects.get(organization=org)
- member = OrganizationMember.objects.create(organization=org, user=user, role="member")
- OrganizationMemberTeam.objects.create(team=team, organizationmember=member, is_active=True)
+ member = OrganizationMember.objects.create(organization=org, user=user, role="member")
+ OrganizationMemberTeam.objects.create(
+ team=team, organizationmember=member, is_active=True
+ )
- # delete all DSNs for the org so people don't send events
- ProjectKey.objects.filter(project__organization=org).delete()
+ # delete all DSNs for the org so people don't send events
+ ProjectKey.objects.filter(project__organization=org).delete()
- # update the date added to now so we reset the timer on deletion
- demo_org.mark_assigned()
+ # update the date added to now so we reset the timer on deletion
+ demo_org.mark_assigned()
- # build up the buffer
- build_up_org_buffer.apply_async()
+ # build up the buffer
+ build_up_org_buffer.apply_async()
- return (org, user)
+ return (org, user)