@@ -1,59 +1,13 @@
from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Any
-from django import forms
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
+from sentry.integrations.msteams.actions.form import MsTeamsNotifyServiceForm
+from sentry.integrations.msteams.card_builder import build_group_card
+from sentry.integrations.msteams.client import MsTeamsClient
+from sentry.integrations.msteams.utils import get_channel_id
from sentry.models import Integration
from sentry.rules.actions import IntegrationEventAction
from sentry.utils import metrics
-from .card_builder import build_group_card
-from .client import MsTeamsClient
-from .utils import get_channel_id
-class MsTeamsNotifyServiceForm(forms.Form):
- team = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(), widget=forms.Select())
- channel = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput())
- channel_id = forms.HiddenInput()
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- team_list = [(i.id, i.name) for i in kwargs.pop("integrations")]
- self.channel_transformer = kwargs.pop("channel_transformer")
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- if team_list:
- self.fields["team"].initial = team_list[0][0]
- self.fields["team"].choices = team_list
- self.fields["team"].widget.choices = self.fields["team"].choices
- def clean(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
- cleaned_data = super().clean()
- integration_id = cleaned_data.get("team")
- channel = cleaned_data.get("channel", "")
- channel_id = self.channel_transformer(integration_id, channel)
- if channel_id is None and integration_id is not None:
- params = {
- "channel": channel,
- "team": dict(self.fields["team"].choices).get(int(integration_id)),
- }
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _('The channel or user "%(channel)s" could not be found in the %(team)s Team.'),
- code="invalid",
- params=params,
- )
- cleaned_data["channel_id"] = channel_id
- return cleaned_data
class MsTeamsNotifyServiceAction(IntegrationEventAction):
id = "sentry.integrations.msteams.notify_action.MsTeamsNotifyServiceAction"