@@ -90,8 +90,9 @@ register(key="sentry:transaction_metrics_custom_tags", epoch_defaults={1: []})
# Default span attributes config
register(key="sentry:span_attributes", epoch_defaults={1: ["exclusive-time"]})
-# Rate at which performance issues are created per project. Defaults to off (rate of 0.0)
-register(key="sentry:performance_issue_creation_rate", default=0.0)
+# Rate at which performance issues are created per project. Defaults to on (rate of 1.0), system flags and options will determine if an organization creates issues.
+# Can be used to turn off a projects detection for users if there is a project-specific issue.
+register(key="sentry:performance_issue_creation_rate", default=1.0)
# A dict containing all the specific detection thresholds and rates.