@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def raw_query(start, end, groupby=None, conditions=None, filter_keys=None,
# If the grouping, aggregation, or any of the conditions reference `issue`
# we need to fetch the issue definitions (issue -> fingerprint hashes)
aggregate_cols = [a[1] for a in aggregations]
- condition_cols = [c[0] for c in flat_conditions(conditions)]
+ condition_cols = all_referenced_columns(conditions)
all_cols = groupby + aggregate_cols + condition_cols + selected_columns
get_issues = 'issue' in all_cols
@@ -234,12 +234,32 @@ def nest_groups(data, groups, aggregate_cols):
def is_condition(cond_or_list):
- return len(cond_or_list) == 3 and isinstance(cond_or_list[0], six.string_types)
-def flat_conditions(conditions):
- return list(chain(*[[c] if is_condition(c) else c for c in conditions]))
+ # A condition is a 3-tuple, where the middle element is an operator string,
+ # eg ">=" or "IN". We should possibly validate that it is one of the
+ # allowed operators.
+ return len(cond_or_list) == 3 and isinstance(cond_or_list[1], six.string_types)
+def all_referenced_columns(conditions):
+ # Get the set of colummns that are represented by an entire set of conditions
+ # First flatten to remove the AND/OR nesting.
+ flat_conditions = list(chain(*[[c] if is_condition(c) else c for c in conditions]))
+ return set(list(chain(*[columns_in_expr(c[0]) for c in flat_conditions])))
+def columns_in_expr(expr):
+ # Get the set of columns that are referenced by a single column expression.
+ # Either it is a simple string with the column name, or a nested function
+ # that could reference multiple columns
+ cols = []
+ if isinstance(expr, six.string_types):
+ cols.append(expr)
+ elif (isinstance(expr, (list, tuple)) and len(expr) >= 2
+ and isinstance(expr[1], (list, tuple))):
+ for func_arg in expr[1]:
+ cols.extend(columns_in_expr(func_arg))
+ return cols
# The following are functions for resolving information from sentry models
# about projects, environments, and issues (groups). Having this snuba