@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Very simple "user partitioning" system used to shed load quickly from ingestion
+pipeline if things go wrong. Allows for conditions based on project ID, event
+type and organization ID.
+This is similar to existing featureflagging systems we have, but with less
+features and more performant.
+import copy
+from collections import namedtuple
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
+from sentry import options
+from sentry.utils import metrics
+Condition = Dict[str, str]
+KillswitchConfig = List[Condition]
+LegacyKillswitchConfig = Union[KillswitchConfig, List[int]]
+Context = Dict[str, Any]
+KillswitchInfo = namedtuple("KillswitchInfo", ["description", "fields"])
+ "store.load-shed-group-creation-projects": KillswitchInfo(
+ description="Drop event in save_event before entering transaction to create group",
+ fields=("project_id", "platform"),
+ ),
+ "store.load-shed-pipeline-projects": KillswitchInfo(
+ description="Drop event in ingest consumer. Available fields are severely restricted because nothing is parsed yet.",
+ fields=("project_id", "event_id", "has_attachments"),
+ ),
+ "store.load-shed-parsed-pipeline-projects": KillswitchInfo(
+ description="Drop events in ingest consumer after parsing them. Available fields are more but a bunch of stuff can go wrong before that.",
+ fields=("organization_id", "project_id", "event_type", "has_attachments", "event_id"),
+ ),
+ "store.load-shed-process-event-projects": KillswitchInfo(
+ description="Drop events in process_event.",
+ fields=("project_id", "event_id", "platform"),
+ ),
+ "store.load-shed-symbolicate-event-projects": KillswitchInfo(
+ description="Drop events in symbolicate_event.",
+ fields=("project_id", "event_id", "platform"),
+ ),
+def validate_user_input(killswitch_name: str, option_value: Any) -> KillswitchConfig:
+ for condition in option_value:
+ valid_options = set(ALL_KILLSWITCH_OPTIONS[killswitch_name].fields)
+ used_options = set(condition)
+ if valid_options - used_options:
+ raise ValueError(f"Missing fields: {valid_options - used_options}")
+ if used_options - valid_options:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown fields: {used_options - valid_options}")
+ return normalize_value(option_value)
+def normalize_value(option_value: Any) -> KillswitchConfig:
+ rv = []
+ for condition in option_value:
+ if not condition:
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(condition, int):
+ rv.append({"project_id": str(condition)})
+ elif isinstance(condition, dict):
+ condition = {k: str(v) for k, v in condition.items() if v is not None}
+ if condition:
+ rv.append(condition)
+ return rv
+def killswitch_matches_context(option_key: str, context: Context) -> bool:
+ assert option_key in ALL_KILLSWITCH_OPTIONS
+ assert set(ALL_KILLSWITCH_OPTIONS[option_key].fields) == set(context)
+ option_value = options.get(option_key)
+ rv = _value_matches(option_value, context)
+ metrics.incr(
+ "sentry.killswitches.run",
+ tags={"option_key": option_key, "decision": "matched" if rv else "passed"},
+ )
+ return rv
+def _value_matches(raw_option_value: LegacyKillswitchConfig, context: Context) -> bool:
+ option_value = normalize_value(raw_option_value)
+ for condition in option_value:
+ for field, matching_value in condition.items():
+ value = context.get(field)
+ if value is None:
+ break
+ if str(value) != matching_value:
+ break
+ else:
+ return True
+ return False
+def print_conditions(raw_option_value: LegacyKillswitchConfig) -> str:
+ option_value = normalize_value(raw_option_value)
+ if not option_value:
+ return "<disabled entirely>"
+ return "DROP DATA WHERE\n " + " OR\n ".join(
+ "("
+ + " AND ".join(f"{field} = {matching_value}" for field, matching_value in condition.items())
+ + ")"
+ for condition in option_value
+ )
+def add_condition(
+ raw_option_value: LegacyKillswitchConfig, condition: Condition
+) -> KillswitchConfig:
+ option_value = copy.deepcopy(normalize_value(raw_option_value))
+ option_value.append(condition)
+ return normalize_value(option_value)
+def remove_condition(
+ raw_option_value: LegacyKillswitchConfig, condition: Condition
+) -> KillswitchConfig:
+ option_value = copy.deepcopy(normalize_value(raw_option_value))
+ option_value = [m for m in option_value if m != condition]
+ return normalize_value(option_value)