@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import color from 'color';
-import type {YAXisComponentOption} from 'echarts';
+import type {MarkAreaComponentOption, YAXisComponentOption} from 'echarts';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import type {AreaChartProps, AreaChartSeries} from 'sentry/components/charts/areaChart';
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ import {getCrashFreeRateSeries} from 'sentry/utils/sessions';
import {lightTheme as theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme';
import type {MetricRule, Trigger} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types';
import {AlertRuleTriggerType, Dataset} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types';
-import type {Incident} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types';
-import {IncidentActivityType, IncidentStatus} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types';
+import type {Anomaly, Incident} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types';
+import {
+ AnomalyType,
+ IncidentActivityType,
+ IncidentStatus,
+} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types';
import {
@@ -136,9 +140,52 @@ function createIncidentSeries(
+function createAnomalyMarkerSeries(
+ lineColor: string,
+ timestamp: string
+): AreaChartSeries {
+ const formatter = ({value}: any) => {
+ const time = formatTooltipDate(moment(value), 'MMM D, YYYY LT');
+ return [
+ `<div class="tooltip-series"><div>`,
+ `</div>Anomaly Detected</div>`,
+ `<div class="tooltip-footer">${time}</div>`,
+ '<div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>',
+ ].join('');
+ };
+ return {
+ seriesName: 'Anomaly Line',
+ type: 'line',
+ markLine: MarkLine({
+ silent: false,
+ lineStyle: {color: lineColor, type: 'dashed'},
+ label: {
+ silent: true,
+ show: false,
+ },
+ data: [
+ {
+ xAxis: timestamp,
+ },
+ ],
+ tooltip: {
+ formatter,
+ },
+ }),
+ data: [],
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'item',
+ alwaysShowContent: true,
+ formatter,
+ },
+ };
export type MetricChartData = {
rule: MetricRule;
timeseriesData: Series[];
+ anomalies?: Anomaly[];
handleIncidentClick?: (incident: Incident) => void;
incidents?: Incident[];
selectedIncident?: Incident | null;
@@ -162,6 +209,7 @@ export function getMetricAlertChartOption({
+ anomalies,
}: MetricChartData): MetricChartOption {
let criticalTrigger: Trigger | undefined;
let warningTrigger: Trigger | undefined;
@@ -237,7 +285,6 @@ export function getMetricAlertChartOption({
if (incidents) {
- // select incidents that fall within the graph range
incident =>
@@ -339,6 +386,7 @@ export function getMetricAlertChartOption({
const selectedIncidentColor =
incidentColor === theme.yellow300 ? theme.yellow100 : theme.red100;
+ // Is areaSeries used anywhere?
seriesName: '',
type: 'line',
@@ -355,6 +403,77 @@ export function getMetricAlertChartOption({
+ if (anomalies) {
+ const anomalyBlocks: MarkAreaComponentOption['data'] = [];
+ let start: string | undefined;
+ let end: string | undefined;
+ anomalies
+ .filter(anomalyts => {
+ const ts = new Date(anomalyts.timestamp).getTime();
+ return firstPoint < ts && ts < lastPoint;
+ })
+ .forEach(anomalyts => {
+ const {anomaly, timestamp} = anomalyts;
+ if (
+ [AnomalyType.high, AnomalyType.low].includes(anomaly.anomaly_type as string)
+ ) {
+ if (!start) {
+ // If this is the start of an anomaly, set start
+ start = new Date(timestamp).toISOString();
+ }
+ // as long as we have an valid anomaly type - continue tracking until we've hit the end
+ end = new Date(timestamp).toISOString();
+ } else {
+ if (start && end) {
+ // If we've hit a non-anomaly type, push the block
+ anomalyBlocks.push([
+ {
+ xAxis: start,
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: end,
+ },
+ ]);
+ // Create a marker line for the start of the anomaly
+ series.push(createAnomalyMarkerSeries(theme.purple300, start));
+ }
+ // reset the start/end to capture the next anomaly block
+ start = undefined;
+ end = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ if (start && end) {
+ // push in the last block
+ anomalyBlocks.push([
+ {
+ name: 'Anomaly Detected',
+ xAxis: start,
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: end,
+ },
+ ]);
+ }
+ // NOTE: if timerange is too small - highlighted area will not be visible
+ // Possibly provide a minimum window size if the time range is too large?
+ series.push({
+ seriesName: '',
+ name: 'Anomaly',
+ type: 'line',
+ smooth: true,
+ data: [],
+ markArea: {
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: 'rgba(255, 173, 177, 0.4)',
+ },
+ silent: true, // potentially don't make this silent if we want to render the `anomaly detected` in the tooltip
+ data: anomalyBlocks,
+ },
+ });
+ }
let maxThresholdValue = 0;
if (!rule.comparisonDelta && warningTrigger?.alertThreshold) {
const {alertThreshold} = warningTrigger;