@@ -97,20 +97,20 @@ class GitHubClientMixin(ApiClient): # type: ignore
if msg == "Git Repository is empty.":
logger.warning(f"{repo_full_name} is empty.")
elif msg == "Not Found":
- logger.error(f"The Github App does not have access to {repo_full_name}.")
+ logger.warning(f"The Github App does not have access to {repo_full_name}.")
- sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
+ logger.exception("An unknown error has ocurred.")
return tree
def get_trees_for_org(
- self, org_slug: str, gh_org: str, cache_seconds: int = 3600 * 24
+ self, cache_key: str, gh_org: str, cache_seconds: int = 3600 * 24
) -> Dict[str, RepoTree]:
This fetches tree representations of all repos for an org.
trees: Dict[str, RepoTree] = {}
- cache_key = f"githubtrees:repositories:{org_slug}:{gh_org}"
+ cache_key = f"githubtrees:repositories:{cache_key}:{gh_org}"
repo_key = "githubtrees:repo"
cached_repositories = cache.get(cache_key, [])
if not cached_repositories: