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ref(hc): Remove uniqueness constraints on replicated model. (#51389)

Remove uniqueness constraints on mutable columns from

Queries and updates don't rely on these uniqueness columns anyways.
Problem is that if the coalesced replications occur in an order that
needs to "swap" the email and user_id fields of two underlying
`OrganizationMember` objects (which happens when there are multiple
invites sent out to the same email, which happens from time to time),
the uniqueness constraint causes head of line blocking.

It's totally fine to replicate in duplicates for these columns since it
will be eventually consistent.
Zach Collins 1 year ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ To resolve this, rebase against latest master and regenerate your migration. Thi
 will then be regenerated, and you should be able to merge without conflicts.
 nodestore: 0002_nodestore_no_dictfield
-sentry: 0490_add_is_test_to_org
+sentry: 0491_remove_orgmemmap_unique_constraints
 social_auth: 0001_initial

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.2.28 on 2023-06-21 19:08
+from django.db import migrations
+from sentry.new_migrations.migrations import CheckedMigration
+class Migration(CheckedMigration):
+    # This flag is used to mark that a migration shouldn't be automatically run in production. For
+    # the most part, this should only be used for operations where it's safe to run the migration
+    # after your code has deployed. So this should not be used for most operations that alter the
+    # schema of a table.
+    # Here are some things that make sense to mark as dangerous:
+    # - Large data migrations. Typically we want these to be run manually by ops so that they can
+    #   be monitored and not block the deploy for a long period of time while they run.
+    # - Adding indexes to large tables. Since this can take a long time, we'd generally prefer to
+    #   have ops run this and not block the deploy. Note that while adding an index is a schema
+    #   change, it's completely safe to run the operation after the code has deployed.
+    is_dangerous = False
+    dependencies = [
+        ("sentry", "0490_add_is_test_to_org"),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.RunSQL(
+            sql="""
+            ALTER TABLE "sentry_organizationmembermapping" DROP CONSTRAINT "sentry_organizationmembe_organization_id_email_66a560fc_uniq";
+            ALTER TABLE "sentry_organizationmembermapping" DROP CONSTRAINT "sentry_organizationmembe_organization_id_user_id_feb6bdf0_uniq";
+            """,
+            reverse_sql="",
+            hints={"tables": ["sentry_organizationmembermapping"]},
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+            name="organizationmembermapping",
+            index_together={("organization_id", "email"), ("organization_id", "user")},
+        ),
+        migrations.SeparateDatabaseAndState(
+            state_operations=[
+                migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+                    name="organizationmembermapping",
+                    unique_together={("organization_id", "organizationmember_id")},
+                ),
+            ]
+        ),
+    ]

+ 3 - 2

@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ class OrganizationMemberMapping(Model):
     class Meta:
         app_label = "sentry"
         db_table = "sentry_organizationmembermapping"
-        unique_together = (
+        unique_together = (("organization_id", "organizationmember_id"),)
+        index_together = (
             ("organization_id", "user"),
             ("organization_id", "email"),
-            ("organization_id", "organizationmember_id"),
     __repr__ = sane_repr("organization_id", "organizationmember_id", "user_id", "role")