@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
-import AsyncView from 'app/views/asyncView';
-import {API_SCOPES, DEFAULT_API_SCOPES} from 'app/constants';
-import NarrowLayout from 'app/components/narrowLayout';
-import {ApiForm, MultipleCheckboxField} from 'app/components/forms';
-import {t, tct} from 'app/locale';
-const API_CHOICES = API_SCOPES.map(s => [s, s]);
-export default class ApiNewToken extends AsyncView {
- getEndpoints() {
- return [];
- }
- getTitle() {
- return 'Create API Token';
- }
- onCancel() {
- browserHistory.push('/api/');
- }
- onSubmitSuccess() {
- browserHistory.push('/api/');
- }
- renderBody() {
- return (
- <NarrowLayout>
- <h3>{t('Create New Token')}</h3>
- <hr />
- <p>
- {t(
- "Authentication tokens allow you to perform actions against the Sentry API on behalf of your account. They're the easiest way to get started using the API."
- )}
- </p>
- <p>
- {tct(
- 'For more information on how to use the web API, see our [link:documentation].',
- {
- link: <a href="https://docs.sentry.io/hosted/api/" />,
- }
- )}
- </p>
- <ApiForm
- apiMethod="POST"
- apiEndpoint="/api-tokens/"
- className="form-stacked api-new-token"
- initialData={{scopes: SORTED_DEFAULT_API_SCOPES}}
- onSubmitSuccess={this.onSubmitSuccess}
- onCancel={this.onCancel}
- >
- <MultipleCheckboxField
- name="scopes"
- choices={API_CHOICES}
- label={t('Scopes')}
- required
- />
- </ApiForm>
- </NarrowLayout>
- );
- }