@@ -1,113 +1,149 @@
+import {useMemo} from 'react';
import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react';
+import BaseChart from 'sentry/components/charts/baseChart';
import ChartZoom from 'sentry/components/charts/chartZoom';
-import VisualMap from 'sentry/components/charts/components/visualMap';
-import {
- LineChart as EchartsLineChart,
- LineChartProps,
-} from 'sentry/components/charts/lineChart';
-import {EventsStatsData} from 'sentry/types';
+import BarSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/barSeries';
+import LineSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/lineSeries';
+import {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts';
import {getUserTimezone} from 'sentry/utils/dates';
import {
} from 'sentry/utils/discover/charts';
-import {aggregateOutputType} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields';
+import {aggregateOutputType, RateUnits} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields';
import useRouter from 'sentry/utils/useRouter';
-import {transformEventStats} from 'sentry/views/performance/trends/chart';
import {NormalizedTrendsTransaction} from 'sentry/views/performance/trends/types';
import {getIntervalLine} from 'sentry/views/performance/utils';
interface ChartProps {
- chartLabel: string;
end: string;
evidenceData: NormalizedTrendsTransaction;
+ percentileSeries: Series[];
start: string;
- statsData: EventsStatsData;
+ throughputSeries: Series;
-function LineChart({statsData, evidenceData, start, end, chartLabel}: ChartProps) {
+function LineChart({
+ percentileSeries,
+ throughputSeries,
+ evidenceData,
+ start,
+ end,
+}: ChartProps) {
const theme = useTheme();
const router = useRouter();
- const resultSeries = transformEventStats(statsData, chartLabel);
+ const leftSeries = useMemo(() => {
+ const needsLabel = true;
+ const intervalSeries = getIntervalLine(
+ theme,
+ percentileSeries || [],
+ 0.5,
+ needsLabel,
+ evidenceData,
+ true
+ );
+ return [
+ ...percentileSeries,
+ ...intervalSeries.filter(s => !s.markArea), // get rid of the shading
+ ];
+ }, [percentileSeries, evidenceData, theme]);
- const needsLabel = true;
- const intervalSeries = getIntervalLine(
- theme,
- resultSeries || [],
- 0.5,
- needsLabel,
- evidenceData,
- true
- );
+ const rightSeries = useMemo(() => [throughputSeries], [throughputSeries]);
+ const series = useMemo(() => {
+ return [
+ ...rightSeries.map(({seriesName, data, ...options}) =>
+ BarSeries({
+ ...options,
+ name: seriesName,
+ data: data?.map(({value, name, itemStyle}) => {
+ if (itemStyle === undefined) {
+ return [name, value];
+ }
+ return {value: [name, value], itemStyle};
+ }),
+ animation: false,
+ animationThreshold: 1,
+ animationDuration: 0,
+ yAxisIndex: 1,
+ })
+ ),
+ ...leftSeries.map(({seriesName, data, ...options}) =>
+ LineSeries({
+ ...options,
+ name: seriesName,
+ data: data?.map(({value, name}) => [name, value]),
+ animation: false,
+ animationThreshold: 1,
+ animationDuration: 0,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ yAxisIndex: 0,
+ })
+ ),
+ ];
+ }, [leftSeries, rightSeries]);
- const series = [...resultSeries, ...intervalSeries];
+ const chartOptions: Omit<
+ React.ComponentProps<typeof BaseChart>,
+ 'series'
+ > = useMemo(() => {
+ const legend = {
+ right: 16,
+ top: 12,
+ data: [...percentileSeries.map(s => s.seriesName), throughputSeries.seriesName],
+ };
+ const durationUnit = getDurationUnit(leftSeries);
+ const yAxes: React.ComponentProps<typeof BaseChart>['yAxes'] = [
+ {
+ minInterval: durationUnit,
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: theme.chartLabel,
+ formatter: (value: number) =>
+ axisLabelFormatter(value, 'duration', undefined, durationUnit),
+ },
+ },
+ ];
- const durationUnit = getDurationUnit(series);
+ if (rightSeries.length) {
+ yAxes.push({
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: theme.chartLabel,
+ formatter: (value: number) =>
+ axisLabelFormatter(value, 'rate', true, undefined, RateUnits.PER_SECOND),
+ },
+ });
+ }
- const chartOptions: Omit<LineChartProps, 'series'> = {
- tooltip: {
- valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => {
- return tooltipFormatter(value, aggregateOutputType(seriesName));
+ return {
+ colors: [theme.gray200, theme.gray500],
+ grid: {
+ left: '10px',
+ right: '10px',
+ top: '40px',
+ bottom: '0px',
- },
- yAxis: {
- minInterval: durationUnit,
- axisLabel: {
- color: theme.chartLabel,
- formatter: (value: number) =>
- axisLabelFormatter(value, 'duration', undefined, durationUnit),
+ legend,
+ toolBox: {show: false},
+ tooltip: {
+ valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => {
+ return tooltipFormatter(value, aggregateOutputType(seriesName));
+ },
- },
- };
+ xAxis: {type: 'time'},
+ yAxes,
+ };
+ }, [theme, leftSeries, rightSeries, percentileSeries, throughputSeries]);
return (
<ChartZoom router={router} start={start} end={end} utc={getUserTimezone() === 'UTC'}>
- {zoomRenderProps => {
- return (
- <EchartsLineChart
- {...zoomRenderProps}
- {...chartOptions}
- series={series}
- seriesOptions={{
- showSymbol: false,
- }}
- toolBox={{
- show: false,
- }}
- grid={{
- left: '10px',
- right: '10px',
- top: '20px',
- bottom: '0px',
- }}
- options={{
- visualMap: VisualMap({
- show: false,
- type: 'piecewise',
- selectedMode: false,
- dimension: 0,
- pieces: [
- {
- gte: 0,
- lt: evidenceData?.breakpoint ? evidenceData.breakpoint * 1000 : 0,
- color: theme.gray500,
- },
- {
- gte: evidenceData?.breakpoint ? evidenceData.breakpoint * 1000 : 0,
- color: theme.red300,
- },
- ],
- }),
- }}
- xAxis={{
- type: 'time',
- }}
- />
- );
- }}
+ {zoomRenderProps => (
+ <BaseChart {...zoomRenderProps} {...chartOptions} series={series} />
+ )}