@@ -1,58 +1,16 @@
import contextlib
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from enum import Enum
-from typing import Dict, Generic, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Type, TypeVar, cast
-from sentry.models import Organization, OrganizationMember, OrganizationStatus
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Generic, Mapping, Optional, Type, TypeVar, cast
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from django.db.models import F
from sentry.silo import SiloMode
-class ProjectKeyRole(Enum):
- store = "store"
- api = "api"
- def as_orm_role(self):
- from sentry.models import ProjectKey
- if self == ProjectKeyRole.store:
- return ProjectKey.roles.store
- elif self == ProjectKeyRole.api:
- return ProjectKey.roles.api
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unexpected project key role enum")
-class ApiProjectKey:
- dsn_public: str = ""
-class ApiOrganizationMember:
- # This can be null when the user is deleted.
- user_id: Optional[int]
- pass
-class ApiOrganization:
- slug: str = ""
- id: int = -1
- # exists iff the organization was queried with a user_id context, and that user_id
- # was confirmed to be a member.
- member: Optional[ApiOrganizationMember] = None
class InterfaceWithLifecycle(ABC):
- def close(self):
+ def close(self) -> None:
@@ -70,15 +28,17 @@ class DelegatedBySiloMode(Generic[ServiceInterface]):
service is closed, or when the backing service implementation changes.
- _constructors: Mapping[SiloMode, Type[ServiceInterface]]
+ _constructors: Mapping[SiloMode, Callable[[], ServiceInterface]]
_singleton: Dict[SiloMode, ServiceInterface]
- def __init__(self, mapping: Mapping[SiloMode, Type[ServiceInterface]]):
+ def __init__(self, mapping: Mapping[SiloMode, Callable[[], ServiceInterface]]):
self._constructors = mapping
self._singleton = {}
- def with_replacement(self, service: Optional[ServiceInterface], silo_mode: SiloMode):
+ def with_replacement(
+ self, service: Optional[ServiceInterface], silo_mode: SiloMode
+ ) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
prev = self._singleton
@@ -90,163 +50,22 @@ class DelegatedBySiloMode(Generic[ServiceInterface]):
self._singleton = prev
- def __getattr__(self, item: str):
+ def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any:
cur_mode = SiloMode.get_current_mode()
if impl := self._singleton.get(cur_mode, None):
return getattr(impl, item)
- if Con := self._constructors.get(cur_mode, None):
+ if con := self._constructors.get(cur_mode, None):
- return getattr(self._singleton.setdefault(cur_mode, Con()), item)
+ return getattr(self._singleton.setdefault(cur_mode, con()), item)
raise KeyError(f"No implementation found for {cur_mode}.")
- def close(self):
+ def close(self) -> None:
for impl in self._singleton.values():
self._singleton = {}
-class ProjectKeyService(InterfaceWithLifecycle):
- @abstractmethod
- def get_project_key(self, project_id: str, role: ProjectKeyRole) -> Optional[ApiProjectKey]:
- pass
-class OrganizationService(InterfaceWithLifecycle):
- @abstractmethod
- def get_organizations(
- self, user_id: Optional[int], scope: Optional[str], only_visible: bool
- ) -> List[ApiOrganization]:
- """
- This method is expected to follow the optionally given user_id, scope, and only_visible options to filter
- an appropriate set.
- :param user_id:
- When null, this should imply the entire set of organizations, not bound by user. Be certain to authenticate
- users before returning this.
- :param scope:
- :param only_visible:
- :return:
- """
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def check_membership_by_email(
- self, organization_id: int, email: str
- ) -> Optional[ApiOrganizationMember]:
- """
- Used to look up an organization membership by an email, used in very specific edge cases.
- """
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def get_organization_by_slug(
- self, *, user_id: Optional[int], slug: str, only_visible: bool, allow_stale: bool
- ) -> Optional[ApiOrganization]:
- pass
- def _serialize_member(self, member: OrganizationMember) -> ApiOrganizationMember:
- return ApiOrganizationMember(user_id=member.user.id if member.user is not None else None)
- def _serialize_organization(
- self, org: Organization, membership: Iterable[OrganizationMember] = tuple()
- ) -> ApiOrganization:
- org = ApiOrganization(slug=org.slug, id=org.id)
- for member in membership:
- if member.organization.id == org.id:
- org.member = self._serialize_member(member)
- break
- return org
-class DatabaseBackedOrganizationService(OrganizationService):
- def check_membership_by_email(
- self, organization_id: int, email: str
- ) -> Optional[ApiOrganizationMember]:
- try:
- member = OrganizationMember.objects.get(organization_id=organization_id, email=email)
- except OrganizationMember.DoesNotExist:
- return None
- return self._serialize_member(member)
- def get_organization_by_slug(
- self, *, user_id: Optional[int], slug: str, only_visible: bool, allow_stale: bool
- ) -> Optional[ApiOrganization]:
- membership: List[OrganizationMember]
- if user_id is not None:
- membership = OrganizationMember.objects.filter(user_id=user_id)
- else:
- membership = []
- try:
- if allow_stale:
- org = Organization.objects.get_from_cache(slug=slug)
- else:
- org = Organization.objects.get(slug=slug)
- if only_visible and org.status != OrganizationStatus.VISIBLE:
- raise Organization.DoesNotExist
- return self._serialize_organization(org, membership)
- except Organization.DoesNotExist:
- logger.info("Active organization [%s] not found", slug)
- return None
- def close(self):
- pass
- def get_organizations(
- self, user_id: Optional[int], scope: Optional[str], only_visible: bool
- ) -> List[ApiOrganization]:
- if user_id is None:
- return []
- organizations = self._query_organizations(user_id, scope, only_visible)
- membership = OrganizationMember.objects.filter(user_id=user_id)
- return [self._serialize_organization(o, membership) for o in organizations]
- def _query_organizations(
- self, user_id: int, scope: Optional[str], only_visible: bool
- ) -> List[Organization]:
- from django.conf import settings
- if settings.SENTRY_PUBLIC and scope is None:
- if only_visible:
- return list(Organization.objects.filter(status=OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE))
- else:
- return list(Organization.objects.filter())
- qs = OrganizationMember.objects.filter(user_id=user_id)
- qs = qs.select_related("organization")
- if only_visible:
- qs = qs.filter(organization__status=OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE)
- results = list(qs)
- if scope is not None:
- return [r.organization for r in results if scope in r.get_scopes()]
- return [r.organization for r in results]
-class DatabaseBackedProjectKeyService(ProjectKeyService):
- def close(self):
- pass
- def get_project_key(self, project_id: str, role: ProjectKeyRole) -> Optional[ApiProjectKey]:
- from sentry.models import ProjectKey
- project_keys = ProjectKey.objects.filter(
- project=project_id, roles=F("roles").bitor(role.as_orm_role())
- )
- if project_keys:
- return ApiProjectKey(dsn_public=project_keys[0].dsn_public)
- return None
def CreateStubFromBase(base: Type[ServiceInterface]) -> Type[ServiceInterface]:
Using a concrete implementation class of a service, creates a new concrete implementation class suitable for a test
@@ -259,15 +78,14 @@ def CreateStubFromBase(base: Type[ServiceInterface]) -> Type[ServiceInterface]:
Super = base.__bases__[0]
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
- Super.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
+ def __init__(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> None:
self.backing_service = base(*args, **kwds)
- def close(self):
+ def close(self: Any) -> None:
- def make_method(method_name: str):
- def method(self, *args, **kwds):
+ def make_method(method_name: str) -> Any:
+ def method(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
from sentry.testutils.silo import exempt_from_silo_limits
with exempt_from_silo_limits():
@@ -287,16 +105,14 @@ def CreateStubFromBase(base: Type[ServiceInterface]) -> Type[ServiceInterface]:
return cast(Type[ServiceInterface], type(f"Stub{Super.__name__}", (Super,), methods))
-StubProjectKeyService = CreateStubFromBase(DatabaseBackedProjectKeyService)
-StubOrganizationService = CreateStubFromBase(DatabaseBackedOrganizationService)
-def silo_mode_delegation(mapping: Mapping[SiloMode, Type[ServiceInterface]]) -> ServiceInterface:
+def silo_mode_delegation(
+ mapping: Mapping[SiloMode, Callable[[], ServiceInterface]]
+) -> ServiceInterface:
Simply creates a DelegatedBySiloMode from a mapping object, but casts it as a ServiceInterface matching
the mapping values.
- return cast(InterfaceWithLifecycle, DelegatedBySiloMode(mapping))
+ return cast(ServiceInterface, DelegatedBySiloMode(mapping))
@@ -304,7 +120,7 @@ def service_stubbed(
service: InterfaceWithLifecycle,
stub: Optional[InterfaceWithLifecycle],
silo_mode: Optional[SiloMode] = None,
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
Replaces a service created with silo_mode_delegation with a replacement implementation while inside of the scope,
closing the existing implementation on enter and closing the given implementation on exit.
@@ -320,52 +136,18 @@ def service_stubbed(
-def use_real_service(service: InterfaceWithLifecycle, silo_mode: SiloMode):
+def use_real_service(
+ service: InterfaceWithLifecycle, silo_mode: SiloMode
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
Removes any stubbed implementations, forcing the default configured implementation.
Important for integration tests that validate the integration of production service implementations.
from django.test import override_settings
- if silo_mode is None:
- silo_mode = SiloMode.get_current_mode()
if isinstance(service, DelegatedBySiloMode):
with override_settings(SILO_MODE=silo_mode):
with service.with_replacement(None, silo_mode):
raise ValueError("Service needs to be a DelegatedBySiloMode object, but it was not!")
-class RegionClientBackedProjectKeyService(ProjectKeyService):
- def get_project_key(self, project_id: str, role: ProjectKeyRole) -> Optional[ApiProjectKey]:
- pass
- def close(self):
- pass
-class RegionClientBackedOrganizationService(ProjectKeyService):
- def get_project_key(self, project_id: str, role: ProjectKeyRole) -> Optional[ApiProjectKey]:
- pass
- def close(self):
- pass
-project_key_service: ProjectKeyService = silo_mode_delegation(
- {
- SiloMode.MONOLITH: DatabaseBackedProjectKeyService,
- SiloMode.REGION: DatabaseBackedProjectKeyService,
- SiloMode.CONTROL: StubProjectKeyService,
- }
-organization_service: OrganizationService = silo_mode_delegation(
- {
- SiloMode.MONOLITH: DatabaseBackedOrganizationService,
- SiloMode.REGION: DatabaseBackedOrganizationService,
- SiloMode.CONTROL: StubOrganizationService,
- }