@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
from sentry.event_manager import HASH_RE
-from sentry.models import Group, GroupHash, GroupHashTombstone, Environment, Release, ReleaseProject
+from sentry.models import Environment, Group, GroupHash, GroupHashTombstone, GroupRelease, Release, ReleaseProject
from sentry.utils import metrics
from sentry.utils.dates import to_timestamp
from functools import reduce
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ _snuba_pool = urllib3.connectionpool.connection_from_url(
def query(start, end, groupby, conditions=None, filter_keys=None,
aggregations=None, rollup=None, arrayjoin=None, limit=None, orderby=None,
- having=None, referrer=None):
+ having=None, referrer=None, is_grouprelease=False):
Sends a query to snuba.
@@ -68,20 +68,7 @@ def query(start, end, groupby, conditions=None, filter_keys=None,
# Forward and reverse translation maps from model ids to snuba keys, per column
with timer('get_snuba_map'):
- snuba_map = {col: get_snuba_map(col, keys) for col, keys in six.iteritems(filter_keys)}
- snuba_map = {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(snuba_map) if k is not None and v is not None}
- rev_snuba_map = {col: dict(reversed(i) for i in keys.items())
- for col, keys in six.iteritems(snuba_map)}
- for col, keys in six.iteritems(filter_keys):
- keys = [k for k in keys if k is not None]
- if col in snuba_map:
- keys = [snuba_map[col][k] for k in keys if k in snuba_map[col]]
- if keys:
- if len(keys) == 1 and keys[0] is None:
- conditions.append((col, 'IS NULL', None))
- else:
- conditions.append((col, 'IN', keys))
+ forward, reverse = get_snuba_translators(filter_keys, is_grouprelease=is_grouprelease)
if 'project_id' in filter_keys:
# If we are given a set of project ids, use those directly.
@@ -94,6 +81,13 @@ def query(start, end, groupby, conditions=None, filter_keys=None,
project_ids = []
+ for col, keys in six.iteritems(forward(filter_keys.copy())):
+ if keys:
+ if len(keys) == 1 and keys[0] is None:
+ conditions.append((col, 'IS NULL', None))
+ else:
+ conditions.append((col, 'IN', keys))
if not project_ids:
raise SnubaError("No project_id filter, or none could be inferred from other filters.")
@@ -151,12 +145,7 @@ def query(start, end, groupby, conditions=None, filter_keys=None,
assert expected_cols == got_cols
with timer('process_result'):
- for d in body['data']:
- if 'time' in d:
- d['time'] = int(to_timestamp(parse_datetime(d['time'])))
- for col in rev_snuba_map:
- if col in d:
- d[col] = rev_snuba_map[col][d[col]]
+ body['data'] = [reverse(d) for d in body['data']]
return nest_groups(body['data'], groupby, aggregate_cols)
@@ -177,7 +166,9 @@ def nest_groups(data, groups, aggregate_cols):
inter = {}
for d in data:
inter.setdefault(d[g], []).append(d)
- return {k: nest_groups(v, rest, aggregate_cols) for k, v in six.iteritems(inter)}
+ return {
+ k: nest_groups(v, rest, aggregate_cols) for k, v in six.iteritems(inter)
+ }
def is_condition(cond_or_list):
@@ -187,6 +178,7 @@ def is_condition(cond_or_list):
def flat_conditions(conditions):
return list(chain(*[[c] if is_condition(c) else c for c in conditions]))
# The following are functions for resolving information from sentry models
# about projects, environments, and issues (groups). Having this snuba
# implementation have to know about these relationships is not ideal, and
@@ -195,22 +187,103 @@ def flat_conditions(conditions):
# is implemented here for simplicity.
-def get_snuba_map(column, ids):
+def get_snuba_translators(filter_keys, is_grouprelease=False):
Some models are stored differently in snuba, eg. as the environment
- name instead of the the environment ID. Here we look up a set of keys
- for a given model and return a lookup dictionary from those keys to the
- equivalent ones in snuba.
+ name instead of the the environment ID. Here we create and return forward()
+ and reverse() translation functions that perform all the required changes.
+ forward() is designed to work on the filter_keys and so should be called
+ with a map of {column: [key1, key2], ...} and should return an updated map
+ with the filter keys replaced with the ones that Snuba expects.
+ reverse() is designed to work on result rows, so should be called with a row
+ in the form {column: value, ...} and will return a translated result row.
+ Because translation can potentially rely on combinations of different parts
+ of the result row, I decided to implement them as composable functions over the
+ row to be translated. This should make it simpler to add any other needed
+ translations as long as you can express them as forward(filters) and reverse(row)
+ functions.
- mappings = {
+ # Helper lambdas to compose translator functions
+ identity = (lambda x: x)
+ compose = (lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)))
+ replace = (lambda d, key, val: d.update({key: val}) or d)
+ forward = identity
+ reverse = identity
+ map_columns = {
'environment': (Environment, 'name', lambda name: None if name == '' else name),
- 'tags[sentry:release]': (Release, 'version', lambda name: name),
+ 'tags[sentry:release]': (Release, 'version', identity),
- if column in mappings and ids:
- model, field, transform = mappings[column]
- objects = model.objects.filter(id__in=ids).values_list('id', field)
- return {k: transform(v) for k, v in objects}
- return None
+ for col, (model, field, fmt) in six.iteritems(map_columns):
+ fwd, rev = None, None
+ ids = filter_keys.get(col)
+ if not ids:
+ continue
+ if is_grouprelease and col == "tags[sentry:release]":
+ # GroupRelease -> Release translation is a special case because the
+ # translation relies on both the Group and Release value in the result row.
+ #
+ # We create a map of {grouprelease_id: (group_id, version), ...} and the corresponding
+ # reverse map of {(group_id, version): grouprelease_id, ...}
+ # NB this does depend on `issue` being defined in the query result, and the correct
+ # set of issues being resolved, which is outside the control of this function.
+ gr_map = GroupRelease.objects.filter(id__in=ids).values_list(
+ "id", "group_id", "release_id"
+ )
+ ver = dict(Release.objects.filter(id__in=[x[2] for x in gr_map]).values_list(
+ "id", "version"
+ ))
+ fwd_map = {gr: (group, ver[release]) for (gr, group, release) in gr_map}
+ rev_map = dict(reversed(t) for t in six.iteritems(fwd_map))
+ fwd = (
+ lambda col, trans: lambda filters: replace(
+ filters, col, [trans[k][1] for k in filters[col]]
+ )
+ )(col, fwd_map)
+ rev = (
+ lambda col, trans: lambda row: replace(
+ # The translate map may not have every combination of issue/release
+ # returned by the query.
+ row, col, trans.get((row["issue"], row[col]))
+ )
+ )(col, rev_map)
+ else:
+ fwd_map = {
+ k: fmt(v)
+ for k, v in model.objects.filter(id__in=ids).values_list("id", field)
+ }
+ rev_map = dict(reversed(t) for t in six.iteritems(fwd_map))
+ fwd = (
+ lambda col, trans: lambda filters: replace(
+ filters, col, [trans[k] for k in filters[col] if k]
+ )
+ )(col, fwd_map)
+ rev = (
+ lambda col, trans: lambda row: replace(
+ row, col, trans[row[col]]) if col in row else row
+ )(col, rev_map)
+ if fwd:
+ forward = compose(forward, fwd)
+ if rev:
+ reverse = compose(reverse, rev)
+ # Extra reverse translator for time column.
+ reverse = compose(
+ reverse,
+ lambda row: replace(row, "time", int(to_timestamp(parse_datetime(row["time"]))))
+ if "time" in row
+ else row,
+ )
+ return (forward, reverse)
def get_project_issues(project_ids, issue_ids=None):
@@ -237,7 +310,7 @@ def get_project_issues(project_ids, issue_ids=None):
tombstones = GroupHashTombstone.objects.filter(
reduce(or_, (Q(project_id=pid, hash__in=hshes)
- for pid, hshes in six.iteritems(hashes_by_project)))
+ for pid, hshes in six.iteritems(hashes_by_project)))
tombstones_by_project = {}