@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ type CustomProps = {
const Route = BaseRoute as React.ComponentClass<RouteProps & CustomProps>;
const IndexRoute = BaseIndexRoute as React.ComponentClass<IndexRouteProps & CustomProps>;
-type ComponentCallback = Parameters<NonNullable<RouteProps['getComponent']>>[1];
* Use react-router to lazy load a route. Use this for codesplitting containers
* (e.g. SettingsLayout)
@@ -55,8 +53,10 @@ type ComponentCallback = Parameters<NonNullable<RouteProps['getComponent']>>[1];
* using getComponent with this lazyLoad helper. If we just use <LazyLoad> it
* will end up having to re-render more components than necessary.
-const lazyLoad = (cb: ComponentCallback) => (m: {default: any}) =>
- cb(null, errorHandler(m.default));
+const lazyLoad =
+ (load: () => Promise<any>): RouteProps['getComponent'] =>
+ (_loc, cb) =>
+ load().then(module => cb(null, errorHandler(module.default)));
const hook = (name: HookName) => HookStore.get(name).map(cb => cb());
@@ -761,9 +761,7 @@ function routes() {
- getComponent={(_loc, cb) =>
- import('app/views/integrationOrganizationLink').then(lazyLoad(cb))
- }
+ getComponent={lazyLoad(() => import('app/views/integrationOrganizationLink'))}
@@ -817,30 +815,25 @@ function routes() {
<Route component={errorHandler(OrganizationDetails)}>
<Route path="/settings/" name="Settings" component={SettingsWrapper}>
- getComponent={(_loc, cb) =>
- import('app/views/settings/settingsIndex').then(lazyLoad(cb))
- }
+ getComponent={lazyLoad(() => import('app/views/settings/settingsIndex'))}
- getComponent={(_loc, cb) =>
- import('app/views/settings/account/accountSettingsLayout').then(
- lazyLoad(cb)
- )
- }
+ getComponent={lazyLoad(
+ () => import('app/views/settings/account/accountSettingsLayout')
+ )}
<Route name="Organization" path=":orgId/">
- getComponent={(_loc, cb) =>
- import(
- 'app/views/settings/organization/organizationSettingsLayout'
- ).then(lazyLoad(cb))
- }
+ getComponent={lazyLoad(
+ () =>
+ import('app/views/settings/organization/organizationSettingsLayout')
+ )}
@@ -849,11 +842,9 @@ function routes() {
- getComponent={(_loc, cb) =>
- import('app/views/settings/project/projectSettingsLayout').then(
- lazyLoad(cb)
- )
- }
+ getComponent={lazyLoad(
+ () => import('app/views/settings/project/projectSettingsLayout')
+ )}
<Route component={errorHandler(SettingsProjectProvider)}>