@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
# AssertionError: reject-all quotas cannot be tracked
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (100, 10)
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (1000, 10)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
# A negative quota means reject-all.
self.organization.update_option("project-abuse-quota.error-limit", -1)
@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
# AssertionError: reject-all quotas cannot be tracked
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (100, 10)
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (1000, 10)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
self.organization.update_option("project-abuse-quota.transaction-limit", 600)
with self.feature({"organizations:transaction-metrics-extraction": False}):
@@ -235,9 +237,17 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
) as self.get_organization_quota:
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def _patch_get_monitor_quota(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ RedisQuota, "get_monitor_quota", return_value=(0, 60)
+ ) as self.get_monitor_quota:
+ yield
def test_uses_defined_quotas(self):
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (200, 60)
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (300, 60)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
quotas = self.quota.get_quotas(self.project)
assert quotas[0].id == "p"
@@ -250,6 +260,11 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
assert quotas[1].scope_id == str(self.organization.id)
assert quotas[1].limit == 300
assert quotas[1].window == 60
+ assert quotas[2].id == "mrl"
+ assert quotas[2].scope == QuotaScope.PROJECT
+ assert quotas[2].scope_id == str(self.project.id)
+ assert quotas[2].limit == 15
+ assert quotas[2].window == 60
@mock.patch.object(RedisQuota, "get_quotas", return_value=[])
@@ -262,12 +277,14 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
def test_is_not_limited_without_rejections(self, is_rate_limited):
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (100, 60)
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (200, 60)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
assert not self.quota.is_rate_limited(self.project).is_limited
@mock.patch("sentry.quotas.redis.is_rate_limited", return_value=(True, False))
def test_is_limited_on_rejections(self, is_rate_limited):
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (100, 60)
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (200, 60)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
assert self.quota.is_rate_limited(self.project).is_limited
@mock.patch.object(RedisQuota, "get_quotas")
@@ -323,6 +340,7 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (200, 60)
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (300, 60)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
n = 10
for _ in range(n):
@@ -336,9 +354,13 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
usage = self.quota.get_usage(self.project.organization_id, all_quotas, timestamp=timestamp)
- # Only quotas with an ID are counted in Redis (via this ID). Assume the
- # count for these quotas and None for the others.
- assert usage == [n if q.id else None for q in quotas] + [0, 0]
+ assert usage == [
+ n, # project quota is consumed
+ n, # organization quota is consumed
+ 0, # monitor quota is not consumed
+ 0, # unlimited quota is not consumed
+ 0, # dummy quota is not consumed
+ ]
@mock.patch.object(RedisQuota, "get_quotas")
def test_refund_defaults(self, mock_get_quotas):
@@ -443,6 +465,7 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
self.get_project_quota.return_value = (200, 60)
self.get_organization_quota.return_value = (300, 60)
+ self.get_monitor_quota.return_value = (15, 60)
n = 10
for _ in range(n):
@@ -461,4 +484,10 @@ class RedisQuotaTest(TestCase):
# Only quotas with an ID are counted in Redis (via this ID). Assume the
# count for these quotas and None for the others.
# The ``- 1`` is because we refunded once.
- assert usage == [n - 1 if q.id else None for q in quotas] + [0, 0]
+ assert usage == [
+ n - 1, # project quota has been refunded one
+ n - 1, # organization quota has been refunded one
+ 0, # monitor quota was not consumed
+ 0, # unlimited quota was not consumed
+ 0, # dummy quota was not consumed
+ ]