@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "sentry/emails/base.html" %}
-{% load sentry_assets %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% block main %}
-<h3>Performance based alerts just got a lot more accurate.</h3>
- Starting from November 30th, alerts will be based on <strong>all the transaction events you send to Sentry</strong>,
- not just
- <a href="https://docs.sentry.io/product/performance/retention-priorities/">the ones that are stored.</a>
-<h4>How does this affect me, and my team?</h4>
- Because we're potentially extracting metrics from a significantly larger number of events, existing thresholds could
- result in a spammy experience. Instead of waiting until November 30th, we recommend that you take action now by
- reviewing the thresholds of each affected alert. This will allow you to migrate alerts ahead of time with the
- assurance that they will work as expected.
-<img src="{% absolute_asset_url 'sentry' 'images/email/alert-migration-lgtm.png' %}" width="100%"/>
-<h4>How do I review my thresholds?</h4>
- It's pretty simple really, but unfortunately, also pretty tedious (sorry about that)...
- We’ve marked all your affected alerts with a "⚠" sign, so that you can quickly identify the ones that need your
- attention. In order to perform the review:
- <li>open each rule marked with a "⚠" sign and click “Review Thresholds”</li>
- <li>verify whether current thresholds are still valid or make adjustments as needed</li>
- <li>save the changes to finish the review</li>
- To get the ball rolling, we've included a shortlist of alerts that need review below, but click on "View Performance
- Alerts" to see the list of affected ones in Sentry.
-<p><a href="{{ alerts_url }}" class="btn">View Performance Alerts</a></p>
-<h5 class="header">Affected Alerts</h5>
- {% for url, name in alerts %}
- <li>
- <a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- If you need any assistance, please reply to this email or contact support@sentry.io.
-{% endblock %}