@@ -1,34 +1,32 @@
-import {Component, Fragment} from 'react';
+import {Fragment, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import uniq from 'lodash/uniq';
import {bulkDelete, bulkUpdate, mergeGroups} from 'sentry/actionCreators/group';
import {addLoadingMessage, clearIndicators} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator';
-import {Client} from 'sentry/api';
import Alert from 'sentry/components/alert';
import Checkbox from 'sentry/components/checkbox';
import {t, tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale';
import GroupStore from 'sentry/stores/groupStore';
import SelectedGroupStore from 'sentry/stores/selectedGroupStore';
+import {useLegacyStore} from 'sentry/stores/useLegacyStore';
import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import {Group, Organization, PageFilters} from 'sentry/types';
-import {callIfFunction} from 'sentry/utils/callIfFunction';
-import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi';
+import {Group, PageFilters} from 'sentry/types';
+import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi';
+import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
import ActionSet from './actionSet';
import Headers from './headers';
import {BULK_LIMIT, BULK_LIMIT_STR, ConfirmAction} from './utils';
-type Props = {
+type IssueListActionsProps = {
allResultsVisible: boolean;
- api: Client;
displayCount: React.ReactNode;
displayReprocessingActions: boolean;
groupIds: string[];
onDelete: () => void;
onSelectStatsPeriod: (period: string) => void;
onSortChange: (sort: string) => void;
- organization: Organization;
query: string;
queryCount: number;
selection: PageFilters;
@@ -38,96 +36,91 @@ type Props = {
onMarkReviewed?: (itemIds: string[]) => void;
-type State = {
- allInQuerySelected: boolean;
- anySelected: boolean;
- multiSelected: boolean;
- pageSelected: boolean;
- selectedIds: Set<string>;
- selectedProjectSlug?: string;
-class IssueListActions extends Component<Props, State> {
- state: State = {
- anySelected: false,
- multiSelected: false, // more than one selected
- pageSelected: false, // all on current page selected (e.g. 25)
- allInQuerySelected: false, // all in current search query selected (e.g. 1000+)
- selectedIds: new Set(),
- };
- componentDidMount() {
- this.handleSelectedGroupChange();
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- callIfFunction(this.listener);
- }
- listener = SelectedGroupStore.listen(() => this.handleSelectedGroupChange(), undefined);
- actionSelectedGroups(callback: (itemIds: string[] | undefined) => void) {
- let selectedIds: string[] | undefined;
- if (this.state.allInQuerySelected) {
- selectedIds = undefined; // undefined means "all"
- } else {
- const itemIdSet = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds();
- selectedIds = this.props.groupIds.filter(itemId => itemIdSet.has(itemId));
- }
+function IssueListActions({
+ allResultsVisible,
+ displayReprocessingActions,
+ groupIds,
+ onActionTaken,
+ onDelete,
+ onMarkReviewed,
+ onSelectStatsPeriod,
+ onSortChange,
+ queryCount,
+ query,
+ selection,
+ sort,
+ statsPeriod,
+}: IssueListActionsProps) {
+ const api = useApi();
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const {
+ pageSelected,
+ multiSelected,
+ anySelected,
+ allInQuerySelected,
+ selectedIdsSet,
+ selectedProjectSlug,
+ setAllInQuerySelected,
+ } = useSelectedGroupsState();
+ const numIssues = selectedIdsSet.size;
+ function actionSelectedGroups(callback: (itemIds: string[] | undefined) => void) {
+ const selectedIds = allInQuerySelected
+ ? undefined // undefined means "all"
+ : groupIds.filter(itemId => selectedIdsSet.has(itemId));
- this.deselectAll();
- }
- deselectAll() {
- this.setState({allInQuerySelected: false});
- // Handler for when `SelectedGroupStore` changes
- handleSelectedGroupChange() {
- const selected = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds();
- const projects = [...selected]
- .map(id => GroupStore.get(id))
- .filter((group): group is Group => !!(group && group.project))
- .map(group => group.project.slug);
- const uniqProjects = uniq(projects);
- // we only want selectedProjectSlug set if there is 1 project
- // more or fewer should result in a null so that the action toolbar
- // can behave correctly.
- const selectedProjectSlug = uniqProjects.length === 1 ? uniqProjects[0] : undefined;
- this.setState({
- pageSelected: SelectedGroupStore.allSelected(),
- multiSelected: SelectedGroupStore.multiSelected(),
- anySelected: SelectedGroupStore.anySelected(),
- allInQuerySelected: false, // any change resets
- selectedIds: SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds(),
- selectedProjectSlug,
+ function handleDelete() {
+ const orgId = organization.slug;
+ actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
+ bulkDelete(
+ api,
+ {
+ orgId,
+ itemIds,
+ query,
+ project: selection.projects,
+ environment: selection.environments,
+ ...selection.datetime,
+ },
+ {
+ complete: () => {
+ onDelete();
+ },
+ }
+ );
- handleSelectStatsPeriod = (period: string) => {
- return this.props.onSelectStatsPeriod(period);
- };
- handleApplyToAll = () => {
- this.setState({allInQuerySelected: true});
- };
+ function handleMerge() {
+ actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
+ mergeGroups(
+ api,
+ {
+ orgId: organization.slug,
+ itemIds,
+ query,
+ project: selection.projects,
+ environment: selection.environments,
+ ...selection.datetime,
+ },
+ {}
+ );
+ });
+ }
- handleUpdate = (data?: any) => {
- const {selection, api, organization, query, onMarkReviewed, onActionTaken} =
- this.props;
- const orgId = organization.slug;
+ function handleUpdate(data?: any) {
const hasIssueListRemovalAction = organization.features.includes(
- this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
+ actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
// TODO(Kelly): remove once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable
if (!hasIssueListRemovalAction) {
addLoadingMessage(t('Saving changes\u2026'));
@@ -150,7 +143,7 @@ class IssueListActions extends Component<Props, State> {
- orgId,
+ orgId: organization.slug,
@@ -167,178 +160,146 @@ class IssueListActions extends Component<Props, State> {
- };
- handleDelete = () => {
- const {selection, api, organization, query, onDelete} = this.props;
- const orgId = organization.slug;
- this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
- bulkDelete(
- api,
- {
- orgId,
- itemIds,
- query,
- project: selection.projects,
- environment: selection.environments,
- ...selection.datetime,
- },
- {
- complete: () => {
- onDelete();
- },
- }
- );
- });
- };
- handleMerge = () => {
- const {selection, api, organization, query} = this.props;
- const orgId = organization.slug;
- this.actionSelectedGroups(itemIds => {
- mergeGroups(
- api,
- {
- orgId,
- itemIds,
- query,
- project: selection.projects,
- environment: selection.environments,
- ...selection.datetime,
- },
- {}
- );
- });
- };
- handleSelectAll() {
- SelectedGroupStore.toggleSelectAll();
- shouldConfirm = (action: ConfirmAction) => {
- const selectedItems = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds();
- switch (action) {
- case ConfirmAction.RESOLVE:
- case ConfirmAction.UNRESOLVE:
- case ConfirmAction.IGNORE:
- case ConfirmAction.UNBOOKMARK: {
- const {pageSelected} = this.state;
- return pageSelected && selectedItems.size > 1;
- }
- case ConfirmAction.BOOKMARK:
- return selectedItems.size > 1;
- case ConfirmAction.MERGE:
- case ConfirmAction.DELETE:
- default:
- return true; // By default, should confirm ...
- }
- };
- render() {
- const {
- allResultsVisible,
- queryCount,
- query,
- statsPeriod,
- selection,
- organization,
- displayReprocessingActions,
- } = this.props;
- const {
- allInQuerySelected,
- anySelected,
- pageSelected,
- selectedIds: issues,
- multiSelected,
- selectedProjectSlug,
- } = this.state;
- const numIssues = issues.size;
- return (
- <Sticky>
- <StyledFlex>
- <ActionsCheckbox isReprocessingQuery={displayReprocessingActions}>
- <Checkbox
- onChange={this.handleSelectAll}
- checked={pageSelected || (anySelected ? 'indeterminate' : false)}
- disabled={displayReprocessingActions}
- />
- </ActionsCheckbox>
- {!displayReprocessingActions && (
- <ActionSet
- sort={this.props.sort}
- onSortChange={this.props.onSortChange}
- orgSlug={organization.slug}
- queryCount={queryCount}
- query={query}
- issues={issues}
- allInQuerySelected={allInQuerySelected}
- anySelected={anySelected}
- multiSelected={multiSelected}
- selectedProjectSlug={selectedProjectSlug}
- onShouldConfirm={this.shouldConfirm}
- onDelete={this.handleDelete}
- onMerge={this.handleMerge}
- onUpdate={this.handleUpdate}
- />
- )}
- <Headers
- onSelectStatsPeriod={this.handleSelectStatsPeriod}
+ return (
+ <Sticky>
+ <StyledFlex>
+ <ActionsCheckbox isReprocessingQuery={displayReprocessingActions}>
+ <Checkbox
+ onChange={() => SelectedGroupStore.toggleSelectAll()}
+ checked={pageSelected || (anySelected ? 'indeterminate' : false)}
+ disabled={displayReprocessingActions}
+ />
+ </ActionsCheckbox>
+ {!displayReprocessingActions && (
+ <ActionSet
+ sort={sort}
+ onSortChange={onSortChange}
+ orgSlug={organization.slug}
+ queryCount={queryCount}
+ query={query}
+ issues={selectedIdsSet}
+ allInQuerySelected={allInQuerySelected}
- selection={selection}
- statsPeriod={statsPeriod}
- isReprocessingQuery={displayReprocessingActions}
+ multiSelected={multiSelected}
+ selectedProjectSlug={selectedProjectSlug}
+ onShouldConfirm={action =>
+ shouldConfirm(action, {pageSelected, selectedIdsSet})
+ }
+ onDelete={handleDelete}
+ onMerge={handleMerge}
+ onUpdate={handleUpdate}
- </StyledFlex>
- {!allResultsVisible && pageSelected && (
- <Alert type="warning" system>
- <SelectAllNotice data-test-id="issue-list-select-all-notice">
- {allInQuerySelected ? (
- queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT ? (
- tct(
- 'Selected up to the first [count] issues that match this search query.',
- {
- count: BULK_LIMIT_STR,
- }
- )
- ) : (
- tct('Selected all [count] issues that match this search query.', {
- count: queryCount,
- })
+ )}
+ <Headers
+ onSelectStatsPeriod={onSelectStatsPeriod}
+ anySelected={anySelected}
+ selection={selection}
+ statsPeriod={statsPeriod}
+ isReprocessingQuery={displayReprocessingActions}
+ />
+ </StyledFlex>
+ {!allResultsVisible && pageSelected && (
+ <Alert type="warning" system>
+ <SelectAllNotice data-test-id="issue-list-select-all-notice">
+ {allInQuerySelected ? (
+ queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT ? (
+ tct(
+ 'Selected up to the first [count] issues that match this search query.',
+ {
+ count: BULK_LIMIT_STR,
+ }
) : (
- <Fragment>
- {tn(
- '%s issue on this page selected.',
- '%s issues on this page selected.',
- numIssues
- )}
- <SelectAllLink
- onClick={this.handleApplyToAll}
- data-test-id="issue-list-select-all-notice-link"
- >
- {queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT
- ? tct(
- 'Select the first [count] issues that match this search query.',
- {
- count: BULK_LIMIT_STR,
- }
- )
- : tct('Select all [count] issues that match this search query.', {
- count: queryCount,
- })}
- </SelectAllLink>
- </Fragment>
- )}
- </SelectAllNotice>
- </Alert>
- )}
- </Sticky>
- );
+ tct('Selected all [count] issues that match this search query.', {
+ count: queryCount,
+ })
+ )
+ ) : (
+ <Fragment>
+ {tn(
+ '%s issue on this page selected.',
+ '%s issues on this page selected.',
+ numIssues
+ )}
+ <SelectAllLink
+ onClick={() => setAllInQuerySelected(true)}
+ data-test-id="issue-list-select-all-notice-link"
+ >
+ {queryCount >= BULK_LIMIT
+ ? tct(
+ 'Select the first [count] issues that match this search query.',
+ {
+ count: BULK_LIMIT_STR,
+ }
+ )
+ : tct('Select all [count] issues that match this search query.', {
+ count: queryCount,
+ })}
+ </SelectAllLink>
+ </Fragment>
+ )}
+ </SelectAllNotice>
+ </Alert>
+ )}
+ </Sticky>
+ );
+function useSelectedGroupsState() {
+ const [allInQuerySelected, setAllInQuerySelected] = useState(false);
+ const selectedIds = useLegacyStore(SelectedGroupStore);
+ const selected = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds();
+ const projects = [...selected]
+ .map(id => GroupStore.get(id))
+ .filter((group): group is Group => !!(group && group.project))
+ .map(group => group.project.slug);
+ const uniqProjects = uniq(projects);
+ // we only want selectedProjectSlug set if there is 1 project
+ // more or fewer should result in a null so that the action toolbar
+ // can behave correctly.
+ const selectedProjectSlug = uniqProjects.length === 1 ? uniqProjects[0] : undefined;
+ const pageSelected = SelectedGroupStore.allSelected();
+ const multiSelected = SelectedGroupStore.multiSelected();
+ const anySelected = SelectedGroupStore.anySelected();
+ const selectedIdsSet = SelectedGroupStore.getSelectedIds();
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setAllInQuerySelected(false);
+ }, [selectedIds]);
+ return {
+ pageSelected,
+ multiSelected,
+ anySelected,
+ allInQuerySelected,
+ selectedIdsSet,
+ selectedProjectSlug,
+ setAllInQuerySelected,
+ };
+function shouldConfirm(
+ action: ConfirmAction,
+ {pageSelected, selectedIdsSet}: {pageSelected: boolean; selectedIdsSet: Set<string>}
+) {
+ switch (action) {
+ case ConfirmAction.RESOLVE:
+ case ConfirmAction.UNRESOLVE:
+ case ConfirmAction.IGNORE:
+ case ConfirmAction.UNBOOKMARK: {
+ return pageSelected && selectedIdsSet.size > 1;
+ }
+ case ConfirmAction.BOOKMARK:
+ return selectedIdsSet.size > 1;
+ case ConfirmAction.MERGE:
+ case ConfirmAction.DELETE:
+ default:
+ return true; // By default, should confirm ...
@@ -388,4 +349,4 @@ const SelectAllLink = styled('a')`
export {IssueListActions};
-export default withApi(IssueListActions);
+export default IssueListActions;