@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import {
+ countColumns,
+ formatTime,
+ getCrumbsByColumn,
+} from 'sentry/components/replays/utils';
+const SECOND = 1000;
+describe('formatTime', () => {
+ it.each([
+ ['seconds', 15 * 1000, '0:15'],
+ ['minutes', 2.5 * 60 * 1000, '2:30'],
+ ['hours', 75 * 60 * 1000, '1:15:00'],
+ ])('should format a %s long duration into a string', (_desc, duration, expected) => {
+ expect(formatTime(duration)).toEqual(expected);
+ });
+describe('countColumns', () => {
+ it('should divide 27s by 2700px to find twentyseven 1s columns, with some fraction remaining', () => {
+ // 2700 allows for up to 27 columns at 100px wide.
+ // That is what we'd need if we were to render at `1s` granularity, so we can.
+ const width = 2700;
+ const duration = 27 * SECOND;
+ const minWidth = 100;
+ const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth);
+ expect(timespan).toBe(1 * SECOND);
+ expect(cols).toBe(27);
+ expect(remaining).toBe(0);
+ });
+ it('should divide 27s by 2699px to find five 5s columns, with some fraction remaining', () => {
+ // 2699px allows for up to 26 columns at 100px wide, with 99px leftover.
+ // That is less than the 27 cols we'd need if we were to render at `1s` granularity.
+ // So instead we get 5 cols (wider than 100px) at 5s granularity, and some extra space is remaining.
+ const width = 2699;
+ const duration = 27 * SECOND;
+ const minWidth = 100;
+ const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth);
+ expect(timespan).toBe(5 * SECOND);
+ expect(cols).toBe(5);
+ expect(remaining).toBe(0.4);
+ });
+ it('should divide 27s by 600px to find five 5s columns, with some fraction column remaining', () => {
+ // 600px allows for 6 columns at 100px wide to fix within it
+ // That allows us to get 5 cols (100px wide) at 5s granularity, and an extra 100px for the remainder
+ const width = 600;
+ const duration = 27 * SECOND;
+ const minWidth = 100;
+ const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth);
+ expect(timespan).toBe(5 * SECOND);
+ expect(cols).toBe(5);
+ expect(remaining).toBe(0.4);
+ });
+ it('should divide 27s by 599px to find five 2s columns, with some fraction column remaining', () => {
+ // 599px allows for 5 columns at 100px wide, and 99px remaining.
+ // That allows us to get 2 cols (100px wide) at 10s granularity, and an extra px for the remainder
+ const width = 599;
+ const duration = 27 * SECOND;
+ const minWidth = 100;
+ const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth);
+ expect(timespan).toBe(10 * SECOND);
+ expect(cols).toBe(2);
+ expect(remaining).toBe(0.7);
+ });
+describe('getCrumbsByColumn', () => {
+ const CRUMB_1 = {timestamp: '2022-04-14T14:19:47.326000Z'};
+ const CRUMB_2 = {timestamp: '2022-04-14T14:19:49.249000Z'};
+ const CRUMB_3 = {timestamp: '2022-04-14T14:19:51.512000Z'};
+ const CRUMB_4 = {timestamp: '2022-04-14T14:19:57.326000Z'};
+ const CRUMB_5 = {timestamp: '2022-04-14T14:20:13.036000Z'};
+ it('should return a map of buckets', () => {
+ const columnCount = 3;
+ const columns = getCrumbsByColumn([], columnCount);
+ const expectedEntries = [[0, []]];
+ expect(columns).toEqual(new Map(expectedEntries));
+ });
+ it('should put a crumbs in the first and last buckets', () => {
+ const columnCount = 3;
+ const columns = getCrumbsByColumn([CRUMB_1, CRUMB_5], columnCount);
+ const expectedEntries = [
+ [1, [CRUMB_1]],
+ [3, [CRUMB_5]],
+ ];
+ expect(columns).toEqual(new Map(expectedEntries));
+ });
+ it('should group crumbs by bucket', () => {
+ // 6 columns gives is 5s granularity
+ const columnCount = 6;
+ const columns = getCrumbsByColumn(
+ columnCount
+ );
+ const expectedEntries = [
+ [1, [CRUMB_1, CRUMB_2, CRUMB_3]],
+ [2, [CRUMB_4]],
+ [6, [CRUMB_5]],
+ ];
+ expect(columns).toEqual(new Map(expectedEntries));
+ });