@@ -50,19 +50,25 @@ ensure-venv:
ensure-pinned-pip: ensure-venv
- $(PIP) install --no-cache-dir "pip>=20.0.2"
+ $(PIP) install --no-cache-dir --upgrade "pip>=20.0.2"
setup-git: ensure-venv
@echo "--> Installing git hooks"
git config branch.autosetuprebase always
git config core.ignorecase false
cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../config/hooks/* ./
- $(PIP) install "pre-commit==1.18.2"
+ @# XXX(joshuarli): virtualenv >= 20 doesn't work with the version of six we have pinned for sentry.
+ @# Since pre-commit is installed in the venv, it will install virtualenv in the venv as well.
+ @# We need to tell pre-commit to install an older virtualenv,
+ @# And we need to tell virtualenv to install an older six, so that sentry installation
+ @# won't complain about a newer six being present.
+ @# So, this six pin here needs to be synced with requirements-base.txt.
+ $(PIP) install "pre-commit==1.18.2" "virtualenv>=16.7,<20" "six>=1.10.0,<1.11.0"
pre-commit install --install-hooks
@echo ""
- @test "$$(node -v)" = v"$$(cat .nvmrc)" || (echo 'node version does not match .nvmrc. Recommended to use https://github.com/creationix/nvm'; exit 1)
+ @test "$$(node -v)" = v"$$(cat .nvmrc)" || (echo 'node version does not match .nvmrc. Recommended to use https://github.com/volta-cli/volta'; exit 1)
install-yarn-pkgs: node-version-check
@echo "--> Installing Yarn packages (for development)"