@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
+from flagpole.evaluation_context import ContextBuilder, EvaluationContextDict
+from sentry.models.organization import Organization
+from sentry.models.project import Project
+from sentry.models.user import User
+from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.organization import RpcOrganization
+from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.project import RpcProject
+from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.user import RpcUser
+class InvalidContextDataException(Exception):
+ pass
+class SentryContextData:
+ actor: User | RpcUser | AnonymousUser | None = None
+ organization: Organization | RpcOrganization | None = None
+ project: Project | RpcProject | None = None
+def organization_context_transformer(data: SentryContextData) -> EvaluationContextDict:
+ context_data: EvaluationContextDict = dict()
+ org = data.organization
+ if org is None:
+ return context_data
+ if isinstance(org, Organization):
+ context_data["organization_slug"] = org.slug
+ context_data["organization_name"] = org.name
+ context_data["organization_id"] = org.id
+ early_adopter = bool(org.flags.early_adopter) if org.flags is not None else False
+ context_data["organization_is-early-adopter"] = early_adopter
+ elif isinstance(org, RpcOrganization):
+ context_data["organization_slug"] = org.slug
+ context_data["organization_name"] = org.name
+ context_data["organization_id"] = org.id
+ context_data["organization_is-early-adopter"] = org.flags.early_adopter
+ else:
+ raise InvalidContextDataException("Invalid organization object provided")
+ return context_data
+def project_context_transformer(data: SentryContextData) -> EvaluationContextDict:
+ context_data: EvaluationContextDict = dict()
+ if (proj := data.project) is not None:
+ if not isinstance(proj, Project):
+ raise InvalidContextDataException("Invalid project object provided")
+ context_data["project_slug"] = proj.slug
+ context_data["project_name"] = proj.name
+ context_data["project_id"] = proj.id
+ return context_data
+def user_context_transformer(data: SentryContextData) -> EvaluationContextDict:
+ context_data: EvaluationContextDict = dict()
+ user = data.actor
+ if user is None or isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
+ return context_data
+ if not isinstance(user, User) and not isinstance(user, RpcUser):
+ raise InvalidContextDataException("Invalid actor object provided")
+ if user.is_authenticated:
+ context_data["user_id"] = user.id
+ context_data["user_is-superuser"] = user.is_superuser
+ context_data["user_is-staff"] = user.is_staff
+ verified_emails: list[str]
+ if isinstance(user, RpcUser):
+ verified_emails = list(user.emails)
+ else:
+ verified_emails = user.get_verified_emails().values_list("email", flat=True)
+ if user.email in verified_emails:
+ context_data["user_email"] = user.email
+ context_data["user_domain"] = user.email.rsplit("@", 1)[-1]
+ return context_data
+def get_sentry_flagpole_context_builder() -> ContextBuilder[SentryContextData]:
+ """
+ Creates and returns a new sentry flagpole context builder with Organization,
+ User, and Project transformers appended to it.
+ :return:
+ """
+ return (
+ ContextBuilder[SentryContextData]()
+ .add_context_transformer(organization_context_transformer)
+ .add_context_transformer(project_context_transformer)
+ .add_context_transformer(user_context_transformer)
+ )