@@ -1,47 +1,62 @@
-import {useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
+import {Fragment, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import partition from 'lodash/partition';
-import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button';
import {CompactSelect} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect';
import IdBadge from 'sentry/components/idBadge';
+import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator';
-import useOnboardingDocs from 'sentry/components/onboardingWizard/useOnboardingDocs';
-import {
- DocumentationWrapper,
- OnboardingStep,
-} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/onboardingStep';
-import {
- EventIndicator,
- TaskSidebar,
- TaskSidebarList,
-} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/taskSidebar';
+import {Step} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step';
+import type {DocsParams} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/types';
+import {useLoadGettingStarted} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/utils/useLoadGettingStarted';
+import {ProductSolution} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/productSelection';
+import {TaskSidebar} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/taskSidebar';
import type {CommonSidebarProps} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/types';
import {SidebarPanelKey} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/types';
import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters';
import platforms from 'sentry/data/platforms';
-import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import type {Project, SelectValue} from 'sentry/types';
+import type {SelectValue} from 'sentry/types/core';
+import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization';
+import type {PlatformIntegration, Project} from 'sentry/types/project';
import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
-import EventWaiter from 'sentry/utils/eventWaiter';
-import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi';
+import {getDocsPlatformSDKForPlatform} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/platforms';
import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters';
-import usePrevious from 'sentry/utils/usePrevious';
import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects';
-import {makeDocKeyMap, splitProjectsByProfilingSupport} from './util';
+function splitProjectsByProfilingSupport(projects: Project[]): {
+ supported: Project[];
+ unsupported: Project[];
+} {
+ const [supported, unsupported] = partition(
+ projects,
+ project => project.platform && getDocsPlatformSDKForPlatform(project.platform)
+ );
+ return {supported, unsupported};
+ ProductSolution.PROFILING,
export function ProfilingOnboardingSidebar(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
- const {currentPanel, collapsed, hidePanel, orientation} = props;
- const isActive = currentPanel === SidebarPanelKey.PROFILING_ONBOARDING;
- const organization = useOrganization();
- const hasProjectAccess = organization.access.includes('project:read');
+ if (props.currentPanel !== SidebarPanelKey.PROFILING_ONBOARDING) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return <ProfilingOnboarding {...props} />;
+function ProfilingOnboarding(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
+ const pageFilters = usePageFilters();
+ const organization = useOrganization();
const {projects} = useProjects();
const [currentProject, setCurrentProject] = useState<Project | undefined>();
- const pageFilters = usePageFilters();
const {supported: supportedProjects, unsupported: unsupportedProjects} = useMemo(
() => splitProjectsByProfilingSupport(projects),
@@ -49,6 +64,8 @@ export function ProfilingOnboardingSidebar(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
useEffect(() => {
+ if (currentProject) return;
// we'll only ever select an unsupportedProject if they do not have a supported project in their organization
if (supportedProjects.length === 0 && unsupportedProjects.length > 0) {
if (pageFilters.selection.projects[0] === ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS) {
@@ -87,8 +104,8 @@ export function ProfilingOnboardingSidebar(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
}, [
- pageFilters.selection.projects,
+ pageFilters.selection.projects,
@@ -130,23 +147,23 @@ export function ProfilingOnboardingSidebar(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
}, [supportedProjects, unsupportedProjects]);
- if (!isActive || !hasProjectAccess) {
- return null;
- }
+ const currentPlatform = currentProject?.platform
+ ? platforms.find(p => p.id === currentProject.platform)
+ : undefined;
return (
- orientation={orientation}
- collapsed={collapsed}
+ orientation={props.orientation}
+ collapsed={props.collapsed}
hidePanel={() => {
trackAnalytics('profiling_views.onboarding_action', {
action: 'dismissed',
- hidePanel();
+ props.hidePanel();
- <TaskSidebarList>
+ <Content>
<Heading>{t('Profile Code')}</Heading>
onClick={e => {
@@ -177,178 +194,125 @@ export function ProfilingOnboardingSidebar(props: CommonSidebarProps) {
- {currentProject && (
- <OnboardingContent
- currentProject={currentProject}
- isSupported={supportedProjects.includes(currentProject)}
+ {currentProject && currentPlatform ? (
+ <ProfilingOnboardingContent
+ activeProductSelection={PROFILING_ONBOARDING_STEPS}
+ organization={organization}
+ platform={currentPlatform}
+ projectId={currentProject.id}
+ projectSlug={currentProject.slug}
- )}
- </TaskSidebarList>
+ ) : null}
+ </Content>
-function OnboardingContent({
- currentProject,
- isSupported,
-}: {
- currentProject: Project;
- isSupported: boolean;
-}) {
- const currentPlatform = platforms.find(p => p.id === currentProject?.platform);
- const api = useApi();
- const organization = useOrganization();
- const [received, setReceived] = useState(false);
- const previousProject = usePrevious(currentProject);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!currentProject || !previousProject) {
- return;
- }
- if (previousProject.id !== currentProject.id) {
- setReceived(false);
- }
- }, [currentProject, previousProject]);
- const docKeysMap = useMemo(() => makeDocKeyMap(currentPlatform?.id), [currentPlatform]);
- const docKeys = useMemo(
- () => (docKeysMap ? Object.values(docKeysMap) : []),
- [docKeysMap]
- );
+interface ProfilingOnboardingContentProps {
+ activeProductSelection: ProductSolution[];
+ organization: Organization;
+ platform: PlatformIntegration;
+ projectId: Project['id'];
+ projectSlug: Project['slug'];
- const {docContents, isLoading, hasOnboardingContents} = useOnboardingDocs({
- docKeys,
- project: currentProject,
- isPlatformSupported: isSupported,
+function ProfilingOnboardingContent(props: ProfilingOnboardingContentProps) {
+ const {isLoading, isError, dsn, cdn, docs, refetch} = useLoadGettingStarted({
+ orgSlug: props.organization.slug,
+ projSlug: props.projectSlug,
+ platform: props.platform,
if (isLoading) {
return <LoadingIndicator />;
- if (!currentPlatform) {
+ if (isError) {
return (
- <ContentContainer>
- <p>
- {t(
- `Your project's platform has not been set. Please select your project's platform before proceeding.`
- )}
- </p>
- <Button
- size="sm"
- to={`/settings/${organization.slug}/projects/${currentProject.slug}/`}
- >
- {t('Go to Project Settings')}
- </Button>
- </ContentContainer>
+ <LoadingError
+ message={t(
+ 'We encountered an issue while loading the getting started documentation for this platform.'
+ )}
+ />
- if (!isSupported) {
- // this content will only be presented if the org only has one project and its not supported
- // in these scenarios we will auto-select the unsupported project and render this message
+ if (!docs) {
return (
- <ContentContainer>
- <p>
- {tct(
- 'Fiddlesticks. Profiling isn’t available for your [platform] project yet. Reach out to us on Discord for more information.',
- {platform: currentPlatform?.name || currentProject.slug}
- )}
- </p>
- <Button size="sm" href="https://discord.gg/zrMjKA4Vnz" external>
- {t('Join Discord')}
- </Button>
- </ContentContainer>
+ <LoadingError
+ message={t(
+ 'The getting started documentation for this platform is currently unavailable.'
+ )}
+ />
- if (!docKeysMap || !hasOnboardingContents) {
+ if (!dsn) {
return (
- <ContentContainer>
- <p>
- {tct(
- 'Fiddlesticks. This checklist isn’t available for your [project] project yet, but for now, go to Sentry docs for installation details.',
- {project: currentProject.slug}
- )}
- </p>
- <Button
- size="sm"
- href="https://docs.sentry.io/product/profiling/getting-started/"
- external
- >
- {t('Go to documentation')}
- </Button>
- </ContentContainer>
+ <LoadingError
+ message={t(
+ 'We encountered an issue while loading the DSN for this getting started documentation.'
+ )}
+ onRetry={refetch}
+ />
- const alertContent = docContents[docKeysMap['0-alert']];
+ const docParams: DocsParams<any> = {
+ cdn,
+ dsn,
+ organization: props.organization,
+ platformKey: props.platform.id,
+ projectId: props.projectId,
+ projectSlug: props.projectSlug,
+ isFeedbackSelected: false,
+ isPerformanceSelected: true,
+ isProfilingSelected: true,
+ isReplaySelected: false,
+ sourcePackageRegistries: {
+ isLoading: false,
+ data: undefined,
+ },
+ newOrg: false,
+ feedbackOptions: {},
+ };
+ const steps = [
+ ...docs.onboarding.install(docParams),
+ ...docs.onboarding.configure(docParams),
+ ];
return (
- <ContentContainer>
- {alertContent && (
- <DocumentationWrapper dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: alertContent}} />
+ <Fragment>
+ {docs.onboarding.introduction && (
+ <Introduction>{docs.onboarding.introduction(docParams)}</Introduction>
- <p>
- {t(
- `Adding Profiling to your %s project is simple. Make sure you've got these basics down.`,
- currentPlatform!.name
- )}
- </p>
- {Object.entries(docKeysMap).map(entry => {
- const [key, docKey] = entry;
- if (key === '0-alert') {
- return null;
- }
- const content = docContents[docKey];
- if (!content) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- <div key={docKey}>
- <OnboardingStep
- prefix="profiling"
- docKey={docKey}
- project={currentProject}
- docContent={content}
- />
- </div>
- );
- })}
- <EventWaiter
- api={api}
- organization={organization}
- project={currentProject}
- eventType="profile"
- onIssueReceived={() => {
- trackAnalytics('profiling_views.onboarding_action', {
- organization,
- action: 'done',
- });
- setReceived(true);
- }}
- >
- {() => (received ? <EventReceivedIndicator /> : <EventWaitingIndicator />)}
- </EventWaiter>
- </ContentContainer>
+ <Steps>
+ {steps.map(step => {
+ return <Step key={step.title ?? step.type} {...step} />;
+ })}
+ </Steps>
+ </Fragment>
-function EventReceivedIndicator() {
- return (
- <EventIndicator status="received">
- {t("We've received this project's first profile!")}
- </EventIndicator>
- );
+const Steps = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: 1.5rem;
-function EventWaitingIndicator() {
- return (
- <EventIndicator status="waiting">
- {t("Waiting for this project's first profile.")}
- </EventIndicator>
- );
+const Introduction = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ margin-top: ${space(2)};
+ margin-bottom: ${space(2)};
+const Content = styled('div')`
+ padding: ${space(2)};
const Heading = styled('div')`
display: flex;
@@ -365,7 +329,3 @@ const StyledIdBadge = styled(IdBadge)`
white-space: nowrap;
flex-shrink: 1;
-const ContentContainer = styled('div')`
- margin: ${space(2)} 0;