@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import re
from sentry.grouping.component import GroupingComponent
from sentry.grouping.strategies.base import strategy
-from sentry.grouping.strategies.utils import remove_non_stacktrace_variants
+from sentry.grouping.strategies.utils import remove_non_stacktrace_variants, \
+ has_url_origin
from sentry.grouping.strategies.message import trim_message_for_grouping
from sentry.stacktraces.platform import get_behavior_family_for_platform
@@ -50,13 +51,6 @@ RECURSION_COMPARISON_FIELDS = [
-def abs_path_is_url_v1(abs_path):
- if not abs_path:
- return False
- return abs_path.startswith((
- 'blob:', 'file:', 'http:', 'https:', 'applewebdata:'))
def is_recursion_v1(frame1, frame2):
"Returns a boolean indicating whether frames are recursive calls."
@@ -66,7 +60,8 @@ def is_recursion_v1(frame1, frame2):
return True
-def get_filename_component_v1(abs_path, filename, platform):
+def get_filename_component(abs_path, filename, platform,
+ allow_file_origin=False):
"""Attempt to normalize filenames by detecing special filenames and by
using the basename only.
@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ def get_filename_component_v1(abs_path, filename, platform):
- if abs_path_is_url_v1(abs_path):
+ if has_url_origin(abs_path, allow_file_origin=allow_file_origin):
hint='ignored because frame points to a URL',
@@ -151,7 +146,8 @@ def get_module_component_v1(abs_path, module, platform):
def get_function_component(function, platform, legacy_function_logic,
- raw_function=None):
+ sourcemap_used=False, context_line_available=False,
+ raw_function=None, javascript_fuzzing=False):
Attempt to normalize functions by removing common platform outliers.
@@ -165,6 +161,7 @@ def get_function_component(function, platform, legacy_function_logic,
or a trimmed version (of the truncated one) for native.
from sentry.stacktraces.functions import trim_function_name
+ behavior_family = get_behavior_family_for_platform(platform)
if legacy_function_logic:
func = raw_function or function
@@ -209,7 +206,7 @@ def get_function_component(function, platform, legacy_function_logic,
hint='ignored lambda function'
- elif get_behavior_family_for_platform(platform) == 'native':
+ elif behavior_family == 'native':
if func in ('<redacted>', '<unknown>'):
@@ -223,6 +220,27 @@ def get_function_component(function, platform, legacy_function_logic,
hint='isolated function'
+ elif javascript_fuzzing and behavior_family == 'javascript':
+ # This changes Object.foo or Foo.foo into foo so that we can
+ # resolve some common cross browser differences
+ new_function = func.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+ if new_function != func:
+ function_component.update(
+ values=[new_function],
+ hint='trimmed javascript function'
+ )
+ # if a sourcemap was used for this frame and we know that we can
+ # use the context line information we no longer want to use the
+ # function name. The reason for this is that function names in
+ # sourcemaps are unreliable by the nature of sourcemaps and thus a
+ # bad indicator for grouping.
+ if sourcemap_used and context_line_available:
+ function_component.update(
+ contributes=False,
+ hint='ignored because sourcemap used and context line available'
+ )
return function_component
@@ -246,14 +264,58 @@ def frame_v2(frame, event, **meta):
-def get_frame_component(frame, event, meta, legacy_function_logic=False):
+ id='frame:v3',
+ interfaces=['frame'],
+ variants=['!system', 'app'],
+def frame_v3(frame, event, **meta):
+ platform = frame.platform or event.platform
+ # These are platforms that we know have always source available and
+ # where the source is of good quality for grouping. For javascript
+ # this assumes that we have sourcemaps available.
+ good_source = platform in ('javascript', 'node', 'python', 'php', 'ruby')
+ return get_frame_component(frame, event, meta,
+ legacy_function_logic=False,
+ use_contextline=good_source,
+ javascript_fuzzing=True)
+def get_contextline_component(frame, platform):
+ """Returns a contextline component. The caller's responsibility is to
+ make sure context lines are only used for platforms where we trust the
+ quality of the sourcecode. It does however protect against some bad
+ JavaScript environments based on origin checks.
+ """
+ component = GroupingComponent(id='context-line')
+ if not frame.context_line:
+ return component
+ line = ' '.join(frame.context_line.expandtabs(2).split())
+ if line:
+ if len(frame.context_line) > 120:
+ component.update(hint='discarded because line too long')
+ elif get_behavior_family_for_platform(platform) == 'javascript' \
+ and has_url_origin(frame.abs_path, allow_file_origin=True):
+ component.update(hint='discarded because from URL origin')
+ else:
+ component.update(values=[line])
+ return component
+def get_frame_component(frame, event, meta, legacy_function_logic=False,
+ use_contextline=False,
+ javascript_fuzzing=False):
platform = frame.platform or event.platform
# Safari throws [native code] frames in for calls like ``forEach``
# whereas Chrome ignores these. Let's remove it from the hashing algo
# so that they're more likely to group together
- filename_component = get_filename_component_v1(
- frame.abs_path, frame.filename, platform)
+ filename_component = get_filename_component(
+ frame.abs_path, frame.filename, platform,
+ allow_file_origin=javascript_fuzzing)
# if we have a module we use that for grouping. This will always
# take precedence over the filename if it contributes
@@ -265,22 +327,55 @@ def get_frame_component(frame, event, meta, legacy_function_logic=False):
hint='module takes precedence'
+ context_line_component = None
+ # If we are allowed to use the contextline we add it now.
+ if use_contextline:
+ context_line_component = get_contextline_component(frame, platform)
function_component = get_function_component(
- legacy_function_logic=legacy_function_logic
+ sourcemap_used=frame.data and frame.data.get('sourcemap') is not None,
+ context_line_available=context_line_component and context_line_component.contributes,
+ legacy_function_logic=legacy_function_logic,
+ javascript_fuzzing=javascript_fuzzing,
- return GroupingComponent(
+ values = [
+ module_component,
+ filename_component,
+ function_component,
+ ]
+ if context_line_component is not None:
+ values.append(context_line_component)
+ rv = GroupingComponent(
- values=[
- module_component,
- filename_component,
- function_component,
- ],
+ values=values,
+ # if we are in javascript fuzzing mode we want to disregard some
+ # frames consistently. These force common bad stacktraces together
+ # to have a common hash at the cost of maybe skipping over frames that
+ # would otherwise be useful.
+ if javascript_fuzzing \
+ and get_behavior_family_for_platform(platform) == 'javascript':
+ func = frame.raw_function or frame.function
+ if func:
+ func = func.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+ if func in (None, '?', '<anonymous function>', '<anonymous>',
+ 'Anonymous function', 'eval') or \
+ func.endswith('/<') or \
+ frame.abs_path in ('[native code]', 'native code', 'eval code', '<anonymous>'):
+ rv.update(
+ contributes=False,
+ hint='ignored low quality javascript frame'
+ )
+ return rv