@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import os
import signal
import time
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import click
-from sentry.utils.compat import map
# Work around a stupid docker issue: https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/5025
RAW_SOCKET_HACK_PATH = os.path.expanduser(
@@ -25,17 +24,6 @@ def get_docker_client():
raise click.ClickException("Make sure Docker is running.")
-def get_docker_low_level_client():
- import docker
- client = docker.APIClient()
- try:
- client.ping()
- return client
- except Exception:
- raise click.ClickException("Make sure Docker is running.")
def get_or_create(client, thing, name):
from docker.errors import NotFound
@@ -66,37 +54,6 @@ def retryable_pull(client, image, max_attempts=5):
-def wait_for_healthcheck(low_level_client, container_name, healthcheck_options):
- # healthcheck_options should be the dictionary for docker-py.
- # Convert ns -> s, float in both py2 + 3.
- healthcheck_timeout = healthcheck_options["timeout"] / 1000.0 ** 3
- healthcheck_interval = healthcheck_options["interval"] / 1000.0 ** 3
- healthcheck_retries = healthcheck_options["retries"]
- # This is the maximum elapsed timeout.
- timeout = healthcheck_retries * (healthcheck_interval + healthcheck_timeout)
- # And as for delay, polling is sort of cheap so we can do it quite often.
- # Important to note that the interval also defines the initial delay,
- # so the first polls will likely fail.
- delay = 0.25
- health_status = None
- start_time = time.time()
- while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
- resp = low_level_client.inspect_container(container_name)
- health_status = resp["State"]["Health"]["Status"]
- if health_status == "healthy":
- return
- time.sleep(delay)
- raise click.ClickException(
- f"Timed out waiting for {container_name}: healthcheck status {health_status}"
- )
def ensure_interface(ports):
# If there is no interface specified, make sure the
# default interface is
@@ -117,7 +74,6 @@ def devservices(ctx):
Do not use in production!
ctx.obj["client"] = get_docker_client()
- ctx.obj["low_level_client"] = get_docker_low_level_client()
# Disable backend validation so no devservices commands depend on like,
# redis to be already running.
@@ -150,7 +106,6 @@ def attach(ctx, project, fast, service):
container = _start_service(
- ctx.obj["low_level_client"],
@@ -233,10 +188,32 @@ def up(ctx, services, project, exclude, fast, skip_only_if):
get_or_create(ctx.obj["client"], "network", project)
- for name in selected_services:
- _start_service(
- ctx.obj["client"], ctx.obj["low_level_client"], name, containers, project, fast=fast
- )
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(selected_services)) as executor:
+ futures = []
+ for name in selected_services:
+ futures.append(
+ executor.submit(
+ _start_service,
+ ctx.obj["client"],
+ name,
+ containers,
+ project,
+ fast=fast,
+ )
+ )
+ for future in as_completed(futures):
+ # If there was an exception, reraising it here to the main thread
+ # will not terminate the whole python process. We'd like to report
+ # on this exception and stop as fast as possible, so terminate
+ # ourselves. I believe (without verification) that the OS is now
+ # free to cleanup these threads, but not sure if they'll remain running
+ # in the background. What matters most is that we regain control
+ # of the terminal.
+ e = future.exception()
+ if e:
+ click.echo(e)
+ me = os.getpid()
+ os.kill(me, signal.SIGTERM)
def _prepare_containers(project, skip_only_if=False, silent=False):
@@ -272,9 +249,7 @@ def _prepare_containers(project, skip_only_if=False, silent=False):
return containers
-def _start_service(
- client, low_level_client, name, containers, project, fast=False, always_start=False
+def _start_service(client, name, containers, project, fast=False, always_start=False):
from django.conf import settings
from docker.errors import NotFound
@@ -295,7 +270,7 @@ def _start_service(
pull = options.pop("pull", False)
if not fast:
if pull:
- click.secho("> Pulling image '%s'" % options["image"], err=True, fg="green")
+ click.secho(f"> Pulling image '{options['image']}'", fg="green")
retryable_pull(client, options["image"])
# We want make sure to pull everything on the first time,
@@ -303,7 +278,7 @@ def _start_service(
except NotFound:
- click.secho("> Pulling image '%s'" % options["image"], err=True, fg="green")
+ click.secho(f"> Pulling image '{options['image']}'", fg="green")
retryable_pull(client, options["image"])
for mount in list(options.get("volumes", {}).keys()):
@@ -329,8 +304,7 @@ def _start_service(
# should ONLY be started via the latter, which sets `always_start`.
if with_devserver and not always_start:
- "> Not starting container '%s' because it should be started on-demand with devserver."
- % options["name"],
+ f"> Not starting container '{options['name']}' because it should be started on-demand with devserver.",
# XXX: if always_start=False, do not expect to have a container returned 100% of the time.
@@ -355,29 +329,22 @@ def _start_service(
if should_reuse_container:
f"> Starting EXISTING container '{container.name}' {listening}",
- err=True,
# Note that if the container is already running, this will noop.
# This makes repeated `devservices up` quite fast.
- healthcheck_options = options.get("healthcheck")
- if healthcheck_options:
- wait_for_healthcheck(low_level_client, container.name, healthcheck_options)
return container
- click.secho("> Stopping container '%s'" % container.name, err=True, fg="yellow")
+ click.secho(f"> Stopping container '{container.name}'", fg="yellow")
- click.secho("> Removing container '%s'" % container.name, err=True, fg="yellow")
+ click.secho(f"> Removing container '{container.name}'", fg="yellow")
- click.secho("> Creating container '%s'" % options["name"], err=True, fg="yellow")
+ click.secho(f"> Creating container '{options['name']}'", fg="yellow")
container = client.containers.create(**options)
- click.secho(f"> Starting container '{container.name}' {listening}", err=True, fg="yellow")
+ click.secho(f"> Starting container '{container.name}' {listening}", fg="yellow")
- healthcheck_options = options.get("healthcheck")
- if healthcheck_options:
- wait_for_healthcheck(low_level_client, container.name, healthcheck_options)
return container
@@ -393,15 +360,40 @@ def down(ctx, project, service):
The default is everything, however you may pass positional arguments to specify
an explicit list of services to bring down.
- prefix = project + "_"
# TODO: make more like devservices rm
+ def _down(container):
+ click.secho(f"> Stopping '{container.name}' container", fg="red")
+ container.stop()
+ click.secho(f"> Stopped '{container.name}' container", fg="red")
+ containers = []
+ prefix = f"{project}_"
for container in ctx.obj["client"].containers.list(all=True):
- if container.name.startswith(prefix):
- if not service or container.name[len(prefix) :] in service:
- click.secho("> Stopping '%s' container" % container.name, err=True, fg="red")
- container.stop()
+ if not container.name.startswith(prefix):
+ continue
+ if service and not container.name[len(prefix) :] in service:
+ continue
+ containers.append(container)
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(containers)) as executor:
+ futures = []
+ for container in containers:
+ futures.append(executor.submit(_down, container))
+ for future in as_completed(futures):
+ # If there was an exception, reraising it here to the main thread
+ # will not terminate the whole python process. We'd like to report
+ # on this exception and stop as fast as possible, so terminate
+ # ourselves. I believe (without verification) that the OS is now
+ # free to cleanup these threads, but not sure if they'll remain running
+ # in the background. What matters most is that we regain control
+ # of the terminal.
+ e = future.exception()
+ if e:
+ click.echo(e)
+ me = os.getpid()
+ os.kill(me, signal.SIGTERM)