@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import six
+import logging
+import math
+import pytz
+from collections import defaultdict
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry.api.paginator import SequencePaginator
+from sentry.event_manager import ALLOWED_FUTURE_DELTA
+from sentry.models import Release, Group, GroupEnvironment, GroupHash
+from sentry.search.django import backend as ds
+from sentry.utils import snuba
+from sentry.utils.dates import to_timestamp
+logger = logging.getLogger('sentry.search.snuba')
+# https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/blob/804c85100d0003cfdda91701911f21ed5f66f67c/src/sentry/event_manager.py#L241-L271
+priority_expr = 'toUInt32(log(times_seen) * 600) + toUInt32(last_seen)'
+datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00'
+# TODO: Would be nice if this was handled in the Snuba abstraction, but that
+# would require knowledge of which fields are datetimes
+def snuba_str_to_datetime(d):
+ if not isinstance(d, datetime):
+ d = datetime.strptime(d, datetime_format)
+ if not d.tzinfo:
+ d = d.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
+ return d
+def calculate_priority_cursor(data):
+ times_seen = sum(data['times_seen'])
+ last_seen = max(int(to_timestamp(snuba_str_to_datetime(d)) * 1000) for d in data['last_seen'])
+ return ((math.log(times_seen) * 600) + last_seen)
+def _datetime_cursor_calculator(field, fn):
+ def calculate(data):
+ datetime = fn(snuba_str_to_datetime(d) for d in data[field])
+ return int(to_timestamp(datetime) * 1000)
+ return calculate
+sort_strategies = {
+ # sort_by -> Tuple[
+ # String: expression to generate sort value (of type T, used below),
+ # Function[T] -> int: function for converting a group's data to a cursor value),
+ # ]
+ 'priority': (
+ '-priority', calculate_priority_cursor,
+ ),
+ 'date': (
+ '-last_seen', _datetime_cursor_calculator('last_seen', max),
+ ),
+ 'new': (
+ '-first_seen', _datetime_cursor_calculator('first_seen', min),
+ ),
+ 'freq': (
+ '-times_seen', lambda data: sum(data['times_seen']),
+ ),
+class SnubaConditionBuilder(object):
+ """\
+ Constructions a Snuba conditions list from a ``parameters`` mapping.
+ ``Condition`` objects are registered by their parameter name and used to
+ construct the Snuba condition list if they are present in the ``parameters``
+ mapping.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conditions):
+ self.conditions = conditions
+ def build(self, parameters):
+ result = []
+ for name, condition in self.conditions.items():
+ if name in parameters:
+ result.append(condition.apply(name, parameters))
+ return result
+class Condition(object):
+ """\
+ Adds a single condition to a Snuba conditions list. Used with
+ ``SnubaConditionBuilder``.
+ """
+ def apply(self, name, parameters):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class CallbackCondition(Condition):
+ def __init__(self, callback):
+ self.callback = callback
+ def apply(self, name, parameters):
+ return self.callback(parameters[name])
+class ScalarCondition(Condition):
+ """\
+ Adds a scalar filter (less than or greater than are supported) to a Snuba
+ condition list. Whether or not the filter is inclusive is defined by the
+ '{parameter_name}_inclusive' parameter.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field, operator, default_inclusivity=True):
+ assert operator in ['<', '>']
+ self.field = field
+ self.operator = operator
+ self.default_inclusivity = default_inclusivity
+ def apply(self, name, parameters):
+ inclusive = parameters.get(
+ '{}_inclusive'.format(name),
+ self.default_inclusivity,
+ )
+ arg = parameters[name]
+ if isinstance(arg, datetime):
+ arg = int(to_timestamp(arg))
+ return (
+ self.field,
+ self.operator + ('=' if inclusive else ''),
+ arg
+ )
+class SnubaSearchBackend(ds.DjangoSearchBackend):
+ def _query(self, project, retention_window_start, group_queryset, tags, environment,
+ sort_by, limit, cursor, count_hits, paginator_options, **parameters):
+ # TODO: Product decision: we currently search Group.message to handle
+ # the `query` parameter, because that's what we've always done. We could
+ # do that search against every event in Snuba instead, but results may
+ # differ.
+ now = timezone.now()
+ end = parameters.get('date_to') or (now + ALLOWED_FUTURE_DELTA)
+ # TODO: Presumably we want to search back to the project's full retention,
+ # which may be higher than 90 days in the future, but apparently
+ # `retention_window_start` can be None?
+ start = max(
+ filter(None, [
+ retention_window_start,
+ parameters.get('date_from'),
+ now - timedelta(days=90)
+ ])
+ )
+ assert start < end
+ # TODO: It's possible `first_release` could be handled by Snuba.
+ if environment is not None:
+ group_queryset = ds.QuerySetBuilder({
+ 'first_release': ds.CallbackCondition(
+ lambda queryset, version: queryset.extra(
+ where=[
+ '{} = {}'.format(
+ ds.get_sql_column(GroupEnvironment, 'first_release_id'),
+ ds.get_sql_column(Release, 'id'),
+ ),
+ '{} = %s'.format(
+ ds.get_sql_column(Release, 'organization'),
+ ),
+ '{} = %s'.format(
+ ds.get_sql_column(Release, 'version'),
+ ),
+ ],
+ params=[project.organization_id, version],
+ tables=[Release._meta.db_table],
+ ),
+ ),
+ }).build(
+ group_queryset.extra(
+ where=[
+ '{} = {}'.format(
+ ds.get_sql_column(Group, 'id'),
+ ds.get_sql_column(GroupEnvironment, 'group_id'),
+ ),
+ '{} = %s'.format(
+ ds.get_sql_column(GroupEnvironment, 'environment_id'),
+ ),
+ ],
+ params=[environment.id],
+ tables=[GroupEnvironment._meta.db_table],
+ ),
+ parameters,
+ )
+ else:
+ group_queryset = ds.QuerySetBuilder({
+ 'first_release': ds.CallbackCondition(
+ lambda queryset, version: queryset.filter(
+ first_release__organization_id=project.organization_id,
+ first_release__version=version,
+ ),
+ ),
+ }).build(
+ group_queryset,
+ parameters,
+ )
+ # TODO: If the query didn't include anything to significantly filter
+ # down the number of groups at this point ('first_release', 'query',
+ # 'status', 'bookmarked_by', 'assigned_to', 'unassigned',
+ # 'subscribed_by', 'active_at_from', or 'active_at_to') then this
+ # queryset might return a *huge* number of groups. In this case, we
+ # probably *don't* want to pass candidates down to Snuba, and rather we
+ # want Snuba to do all the filtering/sorting it can and *then* apply
+ # this queryset to the results from Snuba.
+ #
+ # However, if this did filter down the number of groups significantly,
+ # then passing in candidates is, of course, valuable.
+ #
+ # Should we decide which way to handle it based on the number of
+ # group_ids, the number of hashes? Or should we just always start the
+ # query with Snuba? Something else?
+ candidate_group_ids = list(group_queryset.values_list('id', flat=True))
+ sort_expression, calculate_cursor_for_group = sort_strategies[sort_by]
+ group_data = do_search(
+ project_id=project.id,
+ environment_id=environment and environment.id,
+ tags=tags,
+ start=start,
+ end=end,
+ sort=sort_expression,
+ candidates=candidate_group_ids,
+ **parameters
+ )
+ group_to_score = {}
+ for group_id, data in group_data.items():
+ group_to_score[group_id] = calculate_cursor_for_group(data)
+ paginator_results = SequencePaginator(
+ [(score, id) for (id, score) in group_to_score.items()],
+ reverse=True,
+ **paginator_options
+ ).get_result(limit, cursor, count_hits=count_hits)
+ groups = Group.objects.in_bulk(paginator_results.results)
+ paginator_results.results = [groups[k] for k in paginator_results.results if k in groups]
+ return paginator_results
+def do_search(project_id, environment_id, tags, start, end,
+ sort, candidates=None, limit=1000, **parameters):
+ from sentry.search.base import ANY
+ filters = {
+ 'project_id': [project_id],
+ }
+ if environment_id is not None:
+ filters['environment'] = [environment_id]
+ if candidates is not None:
+ hashes = list(
+ GroupHash.objects.filter(
+ group_id__in=candidates
+ ).values_list(
+ 'hash', flat=True
+ ).distinct()
+ )
+ if not hashes:
+ return {}
+ filters['primary_hash'] = hashes
+ having = SnubaConditionBuilder({
+ 'age_from': ScalarCondition('first_seen', '>'),
+ 'age_to': ScalarCondition('first_seen', '<'),
+ 'last_seen_from': ScalarCondition('last_seen', '>'),
+ 'last_seen_to': ScalarCondition('last_seen', '<'),
+ 'times_seen': CallbackCondition(
+ lambda times_seen: ('times_seen', '=', times_seen),
+ ),
+ 'times_seen_lower': ScalarCondition('times_seen', '>'),
+ 'times_seen_upper': ScalarCondition('times_seen', '<'),
+ }).build(parameters)
+ conditions = []
+ for tag, val in six.iteritems(tags):
+ col = 'tags[{}]'.format(tag)
+ if val == ANY:
+ conditions.append((col, '!=', ''))
+ else:
+ conditions.append((col, '=', val))
+ aggregations = [
+ ['count()', '', 'times_seen'],
+ ['min', 'timestamp', 'first_seen'],
+ ['max', 'timestamp', 'last_seen'],
+ [priority_expr, '', 'priority']
+ ]
+ # {hash -> {times_seen -> int
+ # first_seen -> date_str,
+ # last_seen -> date_str,
+ # priority -> int},
+ # ...}
+ snuba_results = snuba.query(
+ start=start,
+ end=end,
+ groupby=['primary_hash'],
+ conditions=conditions,
+ having=having,
+ filter_keys=filters,
+ aggregations=aggregations,
+ orderby=sort,
+ limit=limit,
+ )
+ # {hash -> group_id, ...}
+ hash_to_group = dict(
+ GroupHash.objects.filter(
+ project_id=project_id,
+ hash__in=snuba_results.keys()
+ ).values_list(
+ 'hash', 'group_id'
+ )
+ )
+ # {group_id -> {field1: [...all values from field1 for all hashes...],
+ # field2: [...all values from field2 for all hashes...]
+ # ...}
+ # ...}
+ group_data = {}
+ for hash, obj in snuba_results.items():
+ if hash in hash_to_group:
+ group_id = hash_to_group[hash]
+ if group_id not in group_data:
+ group_data[group_id] = defaultdict(list)
+ dest = group_data[group_id]
+ for k, v in obj.items():
+ dest[k].append(v)
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'search.hash_not_found',
+ extra={
+ 'project_id': project_id,
+ 'hash': hash,
+ },
+ )
+ return group_data