@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ public function register() {
additionalInfo: (
- 'Alternatively, you can configure Sentry in your [laravelLogChannelLink:Laravel Log Channel], allowing you to log [code:info] and [code:debug] as well.',
+ 'Alternatively, you can configure Sentry in your [laravelLogChannelLink:Laravel Log Channel], allowing you to log [codeInfo:info] and [codeDebug:debug] as well.',
- code: <code />,
+ codeInfo: <code />,
+ codeDebug: <code />,
laravelLogChannelLink: (
<ExternalLink href="https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/guides/laravel/usage/#log-channels" />
@@ -87,8 +88,8 @@ public function register() {
description: (
- 'It creates the config file ([code:config/sentry.php]) and adds the [code:DSN] to your ".env" file.',
- {code: <code />}
+ 'It creates the config file ([sentryPHPCode:config/sentry.php]) and adds the [dsnCode:DSN] to your ".env" file.',
+ {dsnCode: <code />, sentryPHPCode: <code />}
@@ -147,8 +148,12 @@ Route::get('/debug-sentry', function () {
description: (
- 'Set [code:traces_sample_rate] in [code:config/sentry.php] or [code:SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE] in your ".env" to a value greater than "0.0". Setting a value greater than "0.0" will enable Performance Monitoring, "0" (the default) will disable Performance Monitoring.',
- {code: <code />}
+ 'Set [tracesSampleRateCode:traces_sample_rate] in [sentryPhpCode:config/sentry.php] or [sentryTracesSampleRateCode:SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE] in your ".env" to a value greater than "0.0". Setting a value greater than "0.0" will enable Performance Monitoring, "0" (the default) will disable Performance Monitoring.',
+ {
+ tracesSampleRateCode: <code />,
+ sentryPhpCode: <code />,
+ sentryTracesSampleRateCode: <code />,
+ }
@@ -204,8 +209,12 @@ SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE=1.0
- 'You can also do this by not defining [code:SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN] in your [code:.env] or by defining it as [code:SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN=null].',
- {code: <code />}
+ 'You can also do this by not defining [sentryLaravelDsnCode:SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN] in your [envCode:.env] or by defining it as [sentryLaravelDsnNullCode:SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN=null].',
+ {
+ sentryLaravelDsnNullCode: <code />,
+ envCode: <code />,
+ sentryLaravelDsnCode: <code />,
+ }