@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.11.28 on 2020-03-11 15:29
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import six
+import re
+from django.db import migrations
+from django.db.models import Q
+from sentry.utils.query import RangeQuerySetWrapperWithProgressBar
+FIELDS_TO_CHANGE = set(["orderby", "fields", "yAxis", "query"])
+ "p75": "p75()",
+ "p95": "p95()",
+ "p99": "p99()",
+ "apdex": "apdex(300)",
+ "impact": "impact(300)",
+ "last_seen": "last_seen()",
+ "latest_event": "latest_event()",
+COUNT_REGEX = re.compile(".*(count\([a-zA-Z\._]+\)).*")
+def get_function_alias(field):
+ match = FUNCTION_PATTERN.search(field)
+ columns = [c.strip() for c in match.group("columns").split(",") if len(c.strip()) > 0]
+ return get_function_alias_with_columns(match.group("function"), columns)
+def convert_function(field, count_default="count()", transform=None):
+ if transform is None:
+ transform = lambda x: x
+ if "count" in field and "count_unique" not in field:
+ field = count_default
+ return field
+ for old_fn, new_fn in six.iteritems(FUNCTION_CHANGE):
+ if old_fn + "()" in field:
+ field = field.replace(old_fn + "()", transform(new_fn))
+ elif old_fn in field:
+ field = field.replace(old_fn, transform(new_fn))
+ return field
+def convert(DiscoverSavedQuery, saved_query):
+ old_query = saved_query.query
+ new_query = {}
+ for key in old_query:
+ if key in FIELDS_TO_CHANGE:
+ continue
+ new_query[key] = old_query[key]
+ orderby = old_query.get("orderby")
+ if orderby:
+ new_query["orderby"] = convert_function(
+ orderby, count_default="count", transform=get_function_alias
+ )
+ yAxis = old_query.get("yAxis")
+ if yAxis:
+ new_query["yAxis"] = convert_function(yAxis)
+ fields = old_query.get("fields")
+ new_fields = []
+ for field in fields:
+ new_fields.append(convert_function(field))
+ new_query["fields"] = new_fields
+ search = old_query.get("query")
+ if search:
+ match = COUNT_REGEX.match(search)
+ if match:
+ search = search.replace(match.groups()[0], "count()")
+ for old_fn, new_fn in six.iteritems(FUNCTION_CHANGE):
+ if old_fn + "()" in search:
+ search = search.replace(old_fn + "()", new_fn)
+ elif old_fn in search:
+ search = search.replace(old_fn, new_fn)
+ new_query["query"] = search
+ DiscoverSavedQuery.objects.filter(id=saved_query.id).update(query=new_query)
+def migrate_functions_in_queries(apps, schema_editor):
+ """
+ Creates v2 versions of existing v1 queries
+ """
+ DiscoverSavedQuery = apps.get_model("sentry", "DiscoverSavedQuery")
+ """
+ Seq Scan on sentry_discoversavedquery (cost=0.00..225.15 rows=1077 width=200) (actual time=0.054..7.875 rows=1037 loops=1)
+ Filter: ((version = 2) AND ((query ~~ '%p95%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%p99%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%p75%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%apdex%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%impact%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%last_seen%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%latest_event%'::text) OR (query ~~ '%count(%'::text)))
+ Rows Removed by Filter: 2074
+ Planning time: 2.305 ms
+ Execution time: 8.694 ms
+ """
+ function_filter = Q(query__contains="count(")
+ for key in FUNCTION_CHANGE:
+ function_filter |= Q(query__contains=key)
+ queryset = DiscoverSavedQuery.objects.filter(function_filter, version=2)
+ for query in RangeQuerySetWrapperWithProgressBar(queryset):
+ convert(DiscoverSavedQuery, query)
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ is_dangerous = False
+ atomic = False
+ dependencies = [
+ ("sentry", "0055_query_subscription_status"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(migrate_functions_in_queries, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop),
+ ]