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dev: ignore sentry-flake8 python2 compat errors (#23421)

josh 4 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 3 добавлено и 3 удалено
  1. 3 3

+ 3 - 3

@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ markers =
 # File filtering is taken care of in pre-commit.
-# TODO(py3): B102 doesn't apply to Python 3. Should be removed from sentry-flake8 in a future release.
-# TODO(py3): B308 doesn't apply to python 3. Should be removed from sentry-flake8 in a future release
+# TODO(joshuarli): Remove the following that don't apply to Python 3 when they're removed in sentry-flake8:
+# B102,B301,B302,B303,B304,B305,B306,B307,B308,B309,B310,B311,B313,B315,B316
 # E203 false positive, see https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/373
 # W605 false positive until python3.8: https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/755
-ignore = B102,F999,E203,E501,E128,E124,E402,W503,W504,W605,E731,C901,B007,B306,B009,B010,B308
+ignore = F999,E203,E501,E128,E124,E402,W503,W504,W605,E731,C901,B007,B009,B010,B102,B301,B302,B303,B304,B305,B306,B307,B308,B309,B310,B311,B313,B315,B316
 # XXX: E501 is ignored, which disables line length checking.
 # Currently, the black formatter doesn't wrap long strings: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/182#issuecomment-385325274