@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+import {render, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
+import useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate from 'sentry/utils/useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate';
+import NetworkDetailsContent from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/network/details/content';
+import type {TabKey} from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/network/details/tabs';
+const mockUseProjectSdkNeedsUpdate = useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate as jest.MockedFunction<
+ typeof useProjectSdkNeedsUpdate
+function mockNeedsUpdate(needsUpdate: boolean) {
+ mockUseProjectSdkNeedsUpdate.mockReturnValue({isFetching: false, needsUpdate});
+const mockItems = {
+ img: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.img',
+ description: '/static/img/logo.png',
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ statusCode: 200,
+ },
+ }),
+ fetchNoDataObj: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ description: '/api/0/issues/1234',
+ }),
+ fetchUrlSkipped: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ description: '/api/0/issues/1234',
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ statusCode: 200,
+ request: {_meta: {warnings: ['URL_SKIPPED']}, headers: {}},
+ response: {_meta: {warnings: ['URL_SKIPPED']}, headers: {}},
+ },
+ }),
+ fetchBodySkipped: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ description: '/api/0/issues/1234',
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ statusCode: 200,
+ request: {
+ _meta: {warnings: ['BODY_SKIPPED']},
+ headers: {accept: 'application/json'},
+ },
+ response: {
+ _meta: {warnings: ['BODY_SKIPPED']},
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+ fetchWithHeaders: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ description: '/api/0/issues/1234',
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ statusCode: 200,
+ request: {
+ _meta: {},
+ headers: {accept: 'application/json'},
+ },
+ response: {
+ _meta: {},
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+ fetchWithRespBody: TestStubs.ReplaySpanPayload({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ description: '/api/0/issues/1234',
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ statusCode: 200,
+ request: {
+ _meta: {},
+ headers: {accept: 'application/json'},
+ },
+ response: {
+ _meta: {},
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
+ body: {success: true},
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+function basicSectionProps() {
+ return {
+ onScrollToRow: () => {},
+ projectId: '',
+ startTimestampMs: new Date('2023-12-24').getTime(),
+ };
+function queryScreenState() {
+ return {
+ dataSectionHeaders: screen
+ .queryAllByLabelText('toggle section')
+ .map(elem => elem.textContent),
+ isShowingSetup: Boolean(screen.queryByTestId('network-setup-steps')),
+ isShowingUnsupported: Boolean(screen.queryByTestId('network-op-unsupported')),
+ };
+describe('NetworkDetailsContent', () => {
+ mockNeedsUpdate(false);
+ describe('Details Tab', () => {
+ const visibleTab = 'details' as TabKey;
+ describe('Unsupported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'img'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'img'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `general` & `unsupported` sections when the span is not FETCH or XHR and isSetup=$isSetup. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems.img}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['General'],
+ isShowingSetup: false,
+ isShowingUnsupported: true,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ describe('Supported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `general` & `setup` sections when isSetup=false, no matter the item. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['General'],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `general` & `setup` sections when the item has no data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['General'],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `general` & two `headers` sections, and always the setup section, when things are setup and the item has some data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['General', 'Request Headers', 'Response Headers'],
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Request Tab', () => {
+ const visibleTab = 'request' as TabKey;
+ describe('Unsupported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'img'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'img'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `query params` & `unsupported` sections when the span is not FETCH or XHR and isSetup=$isSetup. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems.img}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['Query String Parameters'],
+ isShowingSetup: false,
+ isShowingUnsupported: true,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ describe('Supported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `query params` & `setup` sections when isSetup is false, no matter the item. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['Query String Parameters'],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `query params` & `setup` sections when the item has no data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['Query String Parameters'],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([{isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'}])(
+ 'should render the `query params` & `request payload` sections when things are setup and the item has some data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['Query String Parameters', 'Request PayloadSize: 0 B'],
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ isShowingSetup: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Response Tab', () => {
+ const visibleTab = 'response' as TabKey;
+ describe('Unsupported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'img'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'img'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `unsupported` section when the span is not FETCH or XHR and isSetup=$isSetup. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems.img}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: [],
+ isShowingSetup: false,
+ isShowingUnsupported: true,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ describe('Supported Operation', () => {
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ {isSetup: false, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `setup` section when isSetup is false, no matter the item. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: [],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchNoDataObj'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchUrlSkipped'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchBodySkipped'},
+ {isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithHeaders'},
+ ])(
+ 'should render the `setup` section when the item has no data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: [],
+ isShowingSetup: true,
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ it.each([{isSetup: true, itemName: 'fetchWithRespBody'}])(
+ 'should render the `response body` section when things are setup and the item has some data. [$itemName]',
+ ({isSetup, itemName}) => {
+ render(
+ <NetworkDetailsContent
+ {...basicSectionProps()}
+ isSetup={isSetup}
+ item={mockItems[itemName]}
+ visibleTab={visibleTab}
+ />
+ );
+ expect(queryScreenState()).toStrictEqual({
+ dataSectionHeaders: ['Response BodySize: 0 B'],
+ isShowingUnsupported: false,
+ isShowingSetup: false,
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ });