@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import React, {useCallback} from 'react';
+import {css} from '@emotion/react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {fetchGuides} from 'sentry/actionCreators/guides';
+import {ModalRenderProps} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal';
+import Button from 'sentry/components/button';
+import ModalTask from 'sentry/components/onboardingWizard/modalTask';
+import {SidebarPanelKey} from 'sentry/components/sidebar/types';
+import {IconClose} from 'sentry/icons/iconClose';
+import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
+import SidebarPanelStore from 'sentry/stores/sidebarPanelStore';
+import {Organization} from 'sentry/types';
+import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi';
+import {useNavigate} from 'sentry/utils/useNavigate';
+// tour is a string that tells which tour the user is completing in the walkthrough
+type Props = ModalRenderProps & {orgSlug: Organization['slug'] | null; tour: string};
+export default function DemoEndingModal({tour, closeModal, CloseButton, orgSlug}: Props) {
+ const api = useApi();
+ const navigate = useNavigate();
+ let cardTitle = '',
+ body = '',
+ guides = [''],
+ path = '';
+ switch (tour) {
+ case 'issues':
+ cardTitle = t('Issues Tour');
+ body = t(
+ 'Thank you for completing the Issues tour. Learn about other Sentry features by starting another tour.'
+ );
+ guides = ['issues_v3', 'issue_stream_v3'];
+ path = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/`;
+ break;
+ case 'performance':
+ cardTitle = t('Performance Tour');
+ body = t(
+ 'Thank you for completing the Performance tour. Learn about other Sentry features by starting another tour.'
+ );
+ guides = ['performance', 'transaction_summary', 'transaction_details_v2'];
+ path = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/performance/`;
+ break;
+ case 'releases':
+ cardTitle = t('Releases Tour');
+ body = t(
+ 'Thank you for completing the Releases tour. Learn about other Sentry features by starting another tour.'
+ );
+ guides = ['releases_v2', 'react-native-release', 'release-details_v2'];
+ path = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/releases/`;
+ break;
+ case 'tabs':
+ cardTitle = t('Check out the different tabs');
+ body = t(
+ 'Thank you for checking out the different tabs. Learn about other Sentry features by starting another tour.'
+ );
+ guides = ['sidebar_v2'];
+ path = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/projects/`;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ const sandboxData = window.SandboxData;
+ const url = sandboxData?.cta?.url || 'https://sentry.io/signup/';
+ const navigation = useCallback(() => {
+ navigate(path);
+ }, [path, navigate]);
+ async function handleRestart() {
+ await Promise.all(
+ guides.map(guide =>
+ api.requestPromise('/assistant/', {
+ method: 'PUT',
+ data: {guide, status: 'restart'},
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ closeModal?.();
+ fetchGuides();
+ navigation();
+ }
+ const handleMoreTours = () => {
+ closeModal?.();
+ SidebarPanelStore.togglePanel(SidebarPanelKey.OnboardingWizard);
+ };
+ return (
+ <EndModal>
+ <CloseButton
+ size="zero"
+ onClick={() => {
+ if (closeModal) {
+ closeModal();
+ }
+ }}
+ icon={<IconClose size="xs" />}
+ />
+ <ModalHeader>
+ <h2> {t('Tour Complete')} </h2>
+ </ModalHeader>
+ <ModalTask title={cardTitle} />
+ <ModalHeader>{body}</ModalHeader>
+ <ButtonContainer>
+ <SignUpButton external href={url}>
+ {sandboxData?.cta?.title || t('Sign up for Sentry')}
+ </SignUpButton>
+ <ButtonBar>
+ <Button onClick={handleMoreTours}>{t('More Tours')} </Button>
+ <Button onClick={handleRestart}>{t('Restart Tour')}</Button>
+ </ButtonBar>
+ </ButtonContainer>
+ </EndModal>
+ );
+export const modalCss = css`
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 500px;
+ [role='document'] {
+ position: relative;
+ padding: 50px 60px;
+ }
+const EndModal = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: 20px;
+ align-items: center;
+const ModalHeader = styled('div')`
+ p {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ h2 {
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+const SignUpButton = styled(Button)`
+ background-color: ${p => p.theme.purple300};
+ border: none;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.white};
+ width: 100%;
+const ButtonBar = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ gap: 5px;
+ justify-content: center;
+const ButtonContainer = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: 10px;